As of Feb10, when the UE hits the shelves, I want to be enjoying a vastly improved FNV experience.
So I browsed the Nexus and this Sub-Forum a bit in advance and put below listed mods on my list.
Mod Management
Fallout Mod Manager
Fallout Script Extender
Mod Configuration Menu
Bug Fixes - Gameplay tweaks
Active Wasteland
The Weapon Mod Menu
Visual enhancements
F3NV Reality Mk I
Electro City
Detailed Normals - Texture Pack
New Vegas Re-animated
Content enhancements
FV Interiors
Goodsprings Farmhouse
Goodsprings Filler
NV Bounties I+II
Tales from the Burning Sands
Did I miss something crucial?
What I'm not looking for, are armor and weapon mods, since I'm more than fine with what the Original Game and its DLCs are offering already(Hope, I can disable the crapload of items that come FOOK, too) .
In addition, all that mod equipment is usually way too overpowered.
I've seen some videos of World of Pain and was pretty put off by what they were throwing at you from the start. Do not want.
But any hints for good quest mods or new interiors that are balanced and not in my list yet and don't come with some 800000dps weapons, or +60DT armor or fancy mumbo jumbo "Advanced Recon" equipment, are appreciated.
Another thing, are these mods usually demanding, performancewise?
My new Laptop should run FNV ar pretty decent settings (i7 2670qm + 6770m 2GB), while not bringing me into the realms of carefreeness.