This was one of the most anticipated games in a looong time. Midnight release the whole 9...stoked. Get it home start to dig in and bam Glitch Out New Vegas begins with the ED-E problem then the Helios quest gets messed up because I went Archemedes and couldn't do the next quest there the the NCR. Then the save file gets corrupted. NICE I love redoing stuff I already did. I'm not going to mention the minor glitches, but this is totally unacceptable. Bethesda as a company should be ashamed for releasing a game of this quality in such poor shape. What would happen if and when they do put out a patch that doesn't make it work worse, and you did not have means to Xbox live? This is so bait almost doesn't seem possible,,, aaah if only I just had to blow on the cartidge to make FONV work like back in the day. Please Bethesda fix this so I ( we ) can enjoy this game and get your ship together before the next Elder Scrolls or just close up shop now after the cash you made on this Vegas brick.