Elder Scrolls MMO - Are you out of your mind?!

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:37 pm

Generating some discussion is a few articles around the interwebs stating that Bethesda may have an Elder Scrolls MMO in the works. This comes from supposed "insider" sources. My answer to this is: Are you guys nuts? Has anyone who believes this actually played an Elder Scrolls game? It's not possible to stay true to a typical Elder Scrolls, or Fallout game, and make it into an MMO. Here's why:

Exploration: Take a giant, open and mysterious world and add 5000 players. Every cave and secret dungeon: pillaged, plundered and farmed. Neato.
Killable NPCs: You can't make NPCs killable outside of the "questing areas", as traditional MMORPGs go, as this would interrupt other player's questing. It would just be dead city after dead city with players just murdering everything.
Story: Forget this. ES and Fallout have had very narrow story's requiring YOU to be at the center of it all. If there's something MMOs can do, it's svck a personal story right out. Games have tried and failed to accomplish this because ultimately players just feel like, well, another player.
Graphics/Performance: How's this going to work? Bethesda has stepped up the graphics with Skyrim by making it one of the most impressive games I have ever seen. An MMO would need to cater to a wider group of players (such as lower end machines), which leads to the next point...
Consoles: Umm, no. I think history shows that console MMO's do not work. It's narrow, you can't type, and cannot interact with PC players.
Scope: Elder Scrolls games are HUGE open worlds. To make this accessible to hundreds, if not thousands of players with an active economy, questing and party system would be an enormous undertaking. Too many developers have tried, and failed such ideas.

I mean I can keep going but what's the point... there's no Elder Scrolls MMO, at least not in the way we are imagining. Doing so would require Bethesda to change the style of Elder Scrolls immensely, dumbing it down to cater to the demands of a sustained and realistic MMO. If you think otherwise you are completely delusional, sorry to say. Frankly, I think Bethesda has better sense.

At the most it will be some browser-based game, but I mean really it just feels like someone is trolling us big time.
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:42 am

An Elder Scrolls MMORPG is just a rumor, and from a strange source at that. Nonetheless we have an http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1358980-official-tes-multiplayerco-op-thread/ for all multiplayer discussion relating to the Elder Scrolls series. Please read over the opening post before jumping in as it contains important ground rules. In the future please search before posting a new thread: quite a number of threads on this topic have been locked in the last few days.

Also, if an Elder Scrolls MMORPG is in the works it is presumably being developed by Zenimax Online Studios, not Bethesda Game Studios.
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