There would be dragons...
Chrysamere, Umbra and the Ice Blade of the Monarch would've been twice as large...
every spell would have ridiculous madalas while casting...
Ama nin would've looked like Belldandy...
To women, warhammers are weightless plus a speed factor of 5.00, but cannot deal lethal damage...
Or the warhammers would be part of a popular gag involving woman with thing to hit perv or person they disagree with. I see the handslap variation more, but some anime use the hammer gags. I think Sonic X beat that gag like a dead horse. Doubt there'd be dragons, though. At least not big ones. Maybe small ones or the cliff racers would be dragons. Or if the director is insane enough, noisy mechs. Though, my hatred of mechs would mean I'd be all for someone making a cliff racer a mech.
I could see the slavery stuff being taken out unless the anime went for the typical guys on journey thing. Maybe a slave or two would join in sometimes.