Race: Nord
Name: Thorom
Birthsign: The Mage
Class: Crusader
Specialization: Combat
Attributes: Strength and Endurance
1. Blunt
2. Heavy Armor
3. Restoration
4. Blade(filler skill)
5. Sneak(filler skill)
6. Marksman(filler skill)
7. Alteration(filler skill)
So he is a Crusader and of my major skills I will only use Blunt, Heavy Armor and Restoration to not get a too high level. His morality is somewhere between Lawful Good and Neutral Good and he will not be doing the DB or TG.
Of his minor skills he will have Armorer(because I cannot realisticly ignore it on a melee character), some skill in Destruction and Hand to Hand.
So, what do you think?