Yeah, I never know what's coming next. For me, it's one strange character after another, biting off a chunk of game and running with it. There are so many different roads you can take, and so many different ways of looking at it...
So lately I'm bouncing from the extremes of the angry murderer/cutthroat Etta, to the innocent feral wood elf (Wild Elf), to the naive but incredibly dangerous Kara Whey (a student/battlemage who uses no weapons, always obeys authority, has very low Health, but has the ability to create custom Destruction spells on the fly.)
In the past few years, I've traveled with:
Fortja, who was the Nord Knight Crusader of the Nine, Champion of Cyrodiil, Archmage, Arena Champion, and Master of the Fighter's Guild.
Paxelle, who, without ever killing anything, became the Hero of Kvatch, closed nearly a dozen Oblivion Gates, and won her way into the Arcane University.
Martine, who was cursed by Sheogorath to never be able to use anything which was not freely given to her, and who ultimately raised the curse by becoming Sheogorath.
Desdaemone, who used no magic, weapon, or armor except that which she Conjured.
Linaea, a water nymph, who lives in Lake Rumare.
Melodia, the traveling Altmer Alchemist. (Sinderion doesn't know how lucky he is.)
And my strangest character (and one who shall return again...) Echo, the hapless dead-is-never-dead-enough heroine, who is cursed to be resurrected over and over, with a completely random set of skills and attributes, a vague memory of that which came before, and a story that has yet to be completed or understood. (Echo is the only person in Cyrodiil to have noticed that there are no children, for example. Nobody believes her when she tells them. They think she's crazy.)
...And dozens of other characters I can't think of at the moment. I'm grateful to them all.