I'm not enough of a forum-hopper to post in two fan sites. I'm already part of http://tesalliance.org/. But I have heard that Chorrol is nice, too.
Heh. Maybe I'll check out TES Alliance, too, then. Chorrol's Skyrim activity is positive, but a little too slow at times.
In fact, in case anyone is interested, this is New Niamh - Skyrim incarnation:

When I get burned out on my present activities in Oblivion, I just resurrect one of my 3 or 4 year old characters that I left stranded for the same reason you are leaving - and I have a lot of them. For example, I recently resolved the problem of my 2008 2nd character’s inability to buy the Skingrad house and am now having a ball doing whatever she wants to do for the day....
I hope I get this sort of inspiration with Eradi~Kate, my evil vampiress. She doesn't want to continue the DB questline after Lucien gave her his big official order. Therefore that questline is currently on hold. Kate merely drifts around from place to place, causing trouble and such, but i have no idea if she'll ever finish DB.