I'm a lot like this. I play all sorts of different types and get plenty of enjoyment out of them. Here's a sample:
Elberond: a Recon Sniper from Valenwood who uses (not surprisingly) stealth archery as his primary form of combat. It is extremely rare that he engages in melee, as his poisoned arrows fell most foes in one shot. Those few who survive an initial strike rarely get close enough to do anything to him. The very, very few who do are usually so weak by the time they reach him, one strike from an iron dagger is enough to kill them.
Raxle "Rax" Harmevus: a Shadowgaud (a special agent of the Empire) who softens up enemies with ranged attacks, then tears them apart in melee. He greatly enjoys the thrill of a sword fight (which he calls "the Dance of Blades").
Vrael: a Sylvan Ranger from Valenwood (and a friend of Elberond) who's nickname is "The Wind". As a Sylvan Ranger, he is well versed in ranged and melee combat, and has a small talent for Alchemy. It's said the he's so stealthy, his own shadow can't find him half the time.
Solina Atrius: a War Mage who uses spells, staves, and enchanted maces in combat and whose "armor" consists of robes with elemental shield enchantments. In magical combat, she has yet to meet an equal. Being an OOO character, she took on Fayth Noor (Necro boss - very powerful) and five Spectral Warriors (very difficult foes resistant to most magic) as well as Lord Vlindril (KotN) all at once. She vanquished them all without once using a healing spell or potion. Needless to say, she is a magical BA.
Arya: an Adventurer who greatly enjoys exploring anything she comes across, especially the "Halls of the Ancestors" (Ayleid Ruins). She is also a very skilled vampire hunter who has slain 317 vampires so far.
Veric: a Knight Crusader who is very skilled with the Sword and Board combo. He also has a talent for restoration, but mostly uses it on others.
Sir Cumphrense: a Knight Skirmisher who really gets around. He has a strong sense of honor, but is a bit of an idiot (think Robin from
Robin Hood: Men in Tights). He is very skilled with blades, blunts, and magic. Very handy for a Noble Idiot.
Rayvin Dreth: an Assassin of rare skill known only as the Black Death, Rayvin has managed to elude everyone who has sought her (including the Dark Brotherhood). She gets a thrill from each stealthy kill and has a particular hatred for "Nobles" and Imperial Legionnaires. To date, she's killed three Nobles and 112 Legionnaires. Yet, she can walk into a town without her black armor and nobody pays her any special attention.

What "class" I enjoy depends entirely on my mood when I want to play. Fortunately, I have plenty of characters to choose from.