A great many thanks to the FAQ re: issue 4.21 (My mouse/keyboard becomes nonfunctional after 5-10 minutes), though my issues remain.
- I have deactivated all mods.
- I have re-associated .mp3 and .wmv files with Windows Media Player.
- I have downloaded and installed the suggested codec (8.0.0)
- I have downloaded and installed the suggested codec (8.0.1)
- I have restarted my computer after attempting each of these fixes.
- I have attempted loading different saves and going to different locations.
When I manage to exit the merchant inventory screen the situation seems to clear up for a few more seconds, but comes back again.
I am running the Steam GOTY edition with all the DLC activated. I have no mods activated.
My computer is an Inspiron laptop running Vista, my inputs are the laptop keyboard and a stylus (though the stylus does not malfunction outside of the game and can be treated as if it were a USB mouse).
Many thanks for reading.