I loaded up my Fallout 3 game that is modded. I wanted to finish what I had to play before finally trying out New Vegas. Here is the Active Mod Files:
The problem: Everytime my character takes damage out in the wasteland open world the game ctds so hard that it blue screens. This means full stop of the comupter and a reboot. This does not seem to happen in interiors or mod added areas. For instance I finished Cube experimental just before Skyrim was released and no problems with that. I haven't had a load order change in months.00 fallout3.esm [CRC: C092218B]01 anchorage.esm [CRC: A4BA9D10]02 thepitt.esm [CRC: B38B3E44]03 StreetLights.esm [CRC: 32D24B36]04 brokensteel.esm [CRC: 30011B79]05 pointlookout.esm [CRC: D92704D8]06 zeta.esm [CRC: 1D017E23]07 Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm [Version 1.2.0] [CRC: A104CF58]08 inventory access.esm [CRC: 269183D8]09 IMCN.esm [CRC: C01F0403]0A Destruction.esm [CRC: D3ADBE3C]0B pointlookout-followersgettogo.esm [Version 2.] [CRC: 402CFBAD]0C impervious power armour.esm [CRC: D0CD4120]0D craft.esm [CRC: AE67CA57]0E calibr.esm [Version 1.4] [CRC: 67CE3320]0F xcalibr.esm [CRC: 4F0E1CED]10 xcalibruniverse.esm [CRC: 6D152367]11 project beauty.esm [CRC: 67951301]12 refurbishes [all].esm [CRC: EA41BC40]13 cubeexperimental (en).esm [CRC: CFEB2A0D]14 fo3 wanderers edition - main file.esm [CRC: 51EBC47F]15 mart's mutant mod.esm [CRC: 895521AD]16 companion core.esm [CRC: 0F258351]17 companion share & recruit.esm [CRC: 21B5359F]18 robco certified v2.esm [CRC: 81E5A5A2]19 wasteland whisperer v2.esm [CRC: E6E3B721]1A enhanced weather - rain and snow.esm [CRC: E6437A8D]1B Xepha's Dynamic Weather.esm [CRC: 8516219B]1C DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm [CRC: 987E0B8E]1D zumbs' overhauled real time security.esm [CRC: 43517F5E]1E ss master file.esm [CRC: E9B352F3]1F Ambient Temperature.esm [CRC: 94C86AF1]20 Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Operation Anchorage.esp [Version 1.2.0] [CRC: CA877E59]21 Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - The Pitt.esp [Version 1.2.0] [CRC: 9D96A8DD]22 Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp [Version 1.2.0] [CRC: A39D0AE0]23 Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Point Lookout.esp [Version 1.2.0] [CRC: A9245EB9]24 Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Mothership Zeta.esp [Version 1.2.0] [CRC: 30C44BE5]25 firelightfix.esp [CRC: 4C3906D1]26 darnifieduif3.esp [CRC: 33D1F89A]27 Ambient Temperature HUD.esp [CRC: 25D64E19]** Project Beauty- Broken Steel.esp [CRC: 652432DA]** Project Beauty- Point Lookout.esp [CRC: 431457E1]28 dynamiccrosshair.esp [CRC: AF474D90]29 dof-purelow.esp [CRC: 8A3AC0A1]2A tincancrafting.esp [Version 2.0] [CRC: A37E7C24]2B craft - energyammo.esp [CRC: 039D482A]2C calibrxmerchant.esp [CRC: FC210D3A]2D lmdexpandedhotkeysfo3.esp [Version 0.6] [CRC: DF14EA06]2E princess better prompts v1pt1.esp [CRC: 8C1B9EC5]++ Zombie Sounds V2.esp [CRC: 772897B9]++ GeneratorSound.esp [CRC: F7DEFF71]2F galaxynewsradio100[m].esp [CRC: 8369667C]30 ghostradio.esp [CRC: 44475550]31 invasionradio.esp [CRC: 452B7BDF]32 kbatradio.esp [CRC: BC810595]33 moshman's wasteland ambiance.esp [CRC: BAF62C23]34 mutantradio.esp [CRC: DD949FE3]35 people_radio.esp [CRC: 6B18C7B4]36 radioblues.esp [CRC: D695E7C5]37 radiotenpenny.esp [CRC: 77296437]38 lookoutradio.esp [CRC: 600327F2]39 vtap25.esp [CRC: AEC8A91F]3A war_radio.esp [Version 1.1] [CRC: FDBE0365]3B radio stutter fix.esp [CRC: F8732D89]3C radiohotkey.esp [CRC: C3A378DE]3D radiohotkey_radiobluesaddon.esp [CRC: AE5BE516]3E tcos.esp [CRC: 63DEBF8B]3F conelrad 640-1240.esp [CRC: 9A926824]40 existence2.0.esp [CRC: 0E5309DA]41 upp - pack 1.esp [CRC: 0F4F878B]42 upp - pack 2.esp [CRC: 920AB0D4]++ UPP - Original Perks.esp [CRC: 665D6D04]43 upp - experience perks.esp [CRC: 76830A7B]44 upp - quest perks.esp [CRC: 09F70196]45 prewar book titles and perks.esp [CRC: 6020EFFE]46 combat style perks.esp [CRC: 49D28ABF]47 HeirApparent.esp [Version 1.73] [CRC: E375F871]48 NightmareRealm.esp [CRC: 95AD4902]49 NotSoFast.esp [Version 1.07] [CRC: 629A6F32]4A regulators.esp [CRC: FA16A012]4B tubrrcompound.esp [CRC: 35A365FB]4C Stealth Kills Enabled.esp [CRC: 65722688]4D echo_batterycharger.esp [CRC: C534551C]4E householdwaterpurifier.esp [CRC: B6F9192C]4F blackwolf backpack.esp [CRC: 05827543]50 gunnysack.esp [Version 1.3] [CRC: 7906283B]51 1animated nightvision goggles.esp [CRC: C7FF2761]52 fnvfov.esp [CRC: 5E87D832]53 xepha's radial blurred zoom.esp [CRC: D4EDAB35]54 down under.esp [Version 1.0] [CRC: 6214EA7D]55 expanded megaton house v3.esp [CRC: 78B60325]56 maintenanceshed.esp [Version 1.3] [CRC: E9DA4A4A]57 moremapmarkers.esp [CRC: D48EC701]58 maxlevelworkaround-hp-bs.esp [CRC: EF4EB8B0]59 wastelandmastery.esp [CRC: BFC09EB0]5A skillcheck.esp [CRC: 2814A4B9]5B treasure maps_underground.esp [CRC: C27B5EA4]5C treasure maps_secrets of the wasteland.esp [CRC: 84AC6CE0]5D treasure maps_bobblehead edition.esp [CRC: 328C1793]5E treasure maps_a fist full of caps.esp [CRC: B6E40E5B]++ Destruction - Main.esp [CRC: 0D088C6C]5F Destruction - Main - Statics.esp [CRC: 31B916B7]++ Destruction - DLC.esp [CRC: B4260963]60 Destruction - DLC - Statics.esp [CRC: 04CF4703]61 bzArmour.esp [CRC: C9884346]62 mtc wasteland travellers.esp [Version 2.0] [CRC: AA2F797B]63 canterbury estates 0.8 beta.esp [CRC: C55BB6AB]64 megalight.esp [CRC: CDA4180F]65 movinonup3.0.esp [CRC: B8F04105]66 rivet city realignment.esp [CRC: 0CC7F043]++ WastelandRecovery5.esp [CRC: 53C77ED8]67 fo3 wanderers edition - main file.esp [CRC: 01982EC9]68 fo3 wanderers edition - dlc anchorage.esp [CRC: 2AE1CEDB]69 fo3 wanderers edition - dlc the pitt.esp [CRC: BFF37246]6A fo3 wanderers edition - dlc broken steel.esp [CRC: 9226281C]6B fo3 wanderers edition - dlc point lookout.esp [CRC: B63AAA64]6C fo3 wanderers edition - dlc mothership zeta.esp [CRC: 03CF8025]6D fo3 wanderers edition - alternate travel.esp [CRC: 3A546D6F]++ FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers.esp [CRC: 78FD0460]6E fo3 wanderers edition - optional vats realtime.esp [CRC: B51ABE18]++ FO3 Wanderers Edition - Project Beauty.esp [CRC: D3E4DF34]++ FO3 Wanderers Edition - Project Beauty (Followers Enhanced).esp [CRC: ADDA0623]6F fo3 quest patch - fwe + bs.esp [CRC: 44953200]70 weaponmodkits.esp [CRC: 3E2861DB]71 weaponmodkits - fwe master release.esp [CRC: 63174927]72 weaponmodkits - operationanchorage.esp [CRC: 13A76792]73 weaponmodkits - thepitt.esp [CRC: 2F7C9661]74 weaponmodkits - brokensteel.esp [CRC: 377467AC]75 weaponmodkits - pointlookout.esp [CRC: 7C6C6D97]76 weaponmodkits - zeta.esp [CRC: 6C23E64A]77 alexscorpion's and weijiesen's smoking fun.esp [CRC: 72597411]++ InverseCombatKnife.esp [CRC: 2745403C]78 missinguniqueweapons-enhanced.esp [CRC: 90ED3E45]79 playing with firepower.esp [CRC: 5832B21E]7A solarscorcher.esp [CRC: 94703340]7B tactical weapons by grs frederyck.esp [CRC: 9B45CA82]7C zl-acr.esp [CRC: BD99F54E]7D zl-svd-calibr.esp [CRC: 1141EE84]7E dogmeat leather armor - craft.esp [CRC: CC17839D]7F dragonskin tactical outfit.esp [CRC: B7DFDDF9]80 dragonskinbonuspack.esp [CRC: EE2BC011]++ Echo_UseBothGloves.esp [CRC: 33199FBF]81 powered power armor.esp [CRC: EE4B6291]82 ppa - operation anchorage.esp [CRC: A90A480A]83 ppa - broken steel.esp [CRC: AC6C2F96]84 ppa - the pitt.esp [CRC: F0F11983]85 ppa - mothership zeta.esp [CRC: BC734E8B]86 ppa - fwe.esp [CRC: 0D43A04E]++ PPA - IMCN.esp [CRC: C8B5F4C3]87 stealthboy recon armor - craft.esp [CRC: 14EA535E]88 autogates.esp [CRC: FBB84C75]89 calibr ammo schematics - craft.esp [CRC: 46BEFA4E]8A craft improvised weaponry.esp [CRC: 0DFB0526]8B craft improvised weaponry - unmodeled.esp [CRC: F9333FBE]8C dogmeatessentialmodv1.2.esp [CRC: AD092056]8D move-dogmeat.esp [CRC: E51FB460]++ DogmeatStealth.esp [CRC: 058AFE80]++ ZORTS - Custom HP - FWE.esp [CRC: B377913B]8E zorts - disable fwe activate.esp [CRC: A4E15A4F]8F companion core dlc addon.esp [CRC: 37145CC8]90 wasteland whisperer v2 broken steel addon.esp [CRC: F685F41E]91 robco certified v2 mechanist's edition.esp [CRC: 585DB726]92 robco certified v2 zeta addon.esp [CRC: 07E827A3]93 mr smith's scrapyard.esp [CRC: 676E1B10]++ tubURP.esp [CRC: 5B9CBA39]++ ThePitt-NoFireFollowers.esp [CRC: C832CB36]94 weaponmodkits-unique.esp [CRC: 1D70C18F]++ YX33A WMK MUW E WMK U Patch.esp [CRC: DA992FFD]95 immersivehealth.esp [CRC: 207C0523]96 falloutfood.esp [CRC: F3F3DF5A]++ FalloutFoods - FWE Master Release.esp [CRC: 2B423F89]** Gunfire Sound Range Increased.esp [CRC: D9A93882]97 eve.esp [CRC: D69BA0E5]98 eve operation anchorage.esp [CRC: 89DC1FA8]99 eve - fwe master release.esp [CRC: CE1A6004]++ EVE - FWE Master Release (Follower Enhanced).esp [CRC: 91383617]++ EVE Anchorage - FWE DLC Anchorage.esp [CRC: 558AA146]++ EVE - FWE with WeaponModKits.esp [CRC: AF0F026F]9A mart's mutant mod.esp [CRC: FB3CE701]9B mart's mutant mod - dlc anchorage.esp [CRC: 5D392FF2]9C mart's mutant mod - dlc the pitt.esp [CRC: 53DC9D8F]9D mart's mutant mod - dlc broken steel.esp [CRC: 89BF5711]++ Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp [CRC: A4E67116]9E mart's mutant mod - dlc zeta.esp [CRC: 627BE465]9F mart's mutant mod - fwe master release.esp [CRC: 7A8FAA71]A0 Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release + DLCs.esp [CRC: 7E10DA47]++ Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release + Project Beauty.esp [CRC: 9B509FB5]A1 mysteriouswoman_corsetntrousers.esp [CRC: 4DD69704]A2 Imp's More Complex Needs.esp [CRC: 1814842E]A3 IMCN - 5 DLC Merged.esp [CRC: B4F0F9EF]A4 IMCN - FWE Compatibility and Ingestibles.esp [CRC: DC08D710]A5 IMCN - MMM Meats, Bloods, and Eyeballs.esp [CRC: 2230B885]A6 IMCN - Ambient Temperature.esp [CRC: 0265C091]A7 flashlight-los.esp [CRC: 0939B0D0]A8 gifts4kids.esp [CRC: 85F56204]A9 ntfs.esp [CRC: F9649F9C]++ ACRForFWE.esp [CRC: 45B47CD0]++ SVDForFWE.esp [CRC: 72260754]++ DTOForFWE.esp [CRC: A0BF018D]++ T3T_MiscItemIcons.esp [CRC: 72D2F552]AA zumbs' smaller condition effect on item value.esp [CRC: 7A496B6D]AB phalanx-obedient-dogmeat.esp [CRC: 7A945DB2]++ lessviewdistance.esp [CRC: 110BE4D8]++ PiPBoy Light Range x4.esp [CRC: A9A9E700]++ PiPBoy Yellow Light.esp [CRC: B7558D3B]AC enhanced weather - rainbows.esp [CRC: 97AEE865]AD enhanced weather - weather sounds in interiors.esp [CRC: F61A557E]AE realistic interior lighting.esp [CRC: 574FAE11]AF realistic interior lighting - bs.esp [CRC: 2DA27DE8]B0 realistic interior lighting - oa.esp [CRC: A3688693]B1 Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Main.esp [CRC: E9DAFF1A]B2 Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Anchorage.esp [CRC: BBBB14BA]B3 Xepha's Dynamic Weather - The Pitt.esp [CRC: 3C43D2C0]B4 Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Broken Steel.esp [CRC: 29982E88]B5 Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Point Lookout.esp [CRC: 50E9B910]B6 Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Rain.esp [CRC: 99BD8CF4]B7 Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Sandstorm.esp [CRC: 6ACA52E5]B8 Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Dynamic Sneak Bonus.esp [CRC: 2E88F8A9]B9 Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Green Tint Remover.esp [CRC: B5AF1AB2]BA Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Sandstorms Damage Armor.esp [CRC: 371074C5]BB robco certified v2 omnipatch.esp [CRC: BBE23ACF]++ RobCo Certified v2 Impervious FWE.esp [CRC: 2BE7D0B7]BC xcalibruniverse.esp [CRC: CB582949]BD xcalibr - alternative path.esp [CRC: 1F49E47D]BE xcalibruniverse - wmk.esp [CRC: 2A96150B]BF xcalibruniverse_fwe_fps.esp [CRC: 7ED316C1]++ xCALIBRammo_FWE.esp [CRC: FB830E76]++ frederyck+FWE+xCALIBR.esp [CRC: 956E1D33]C0 tubunarfwe.esp [CRC: DDA6A764]C1 tubunarcombatfwe.esp [CRC: 6ECCB712]C2 Bashed Patch, 0.esp [CRC: 54C077BF]
Seems pretty severe ... This same hard drive is where I have all my games that are not steam related: Morrowind, Oblivion x4, Fallout3, and a few others. Since it only happens when the character takes damage - it has to be something in the mods ... right? Nothing else in the game even makes it flinch - no ctds - endless transitions, many mods max textures, etc.
Well I'm opening this thread - in case anyone might have knowledge or had similar experiences they could share to help me narrow it down. I know I will probably end up stripping the entire load order down till it stops - it is just that since this kind of crash is so harsh (and probably bad for my hardware) I'm wanting to find out with as little trial and error as possible.
If I knew how to better navigate the Windows Event viewer I may be able to find out what the error code was on the blue screen. It goes to fast to get the number but it does say page fault error or something to that effect.