So I want to try a Van Graff family member. I might try my The Tops/Nipton Convention roleplay character, Robin Van Graff (Energy Weapons, Speech, Science - 4, 7, 5, 5, 7, 4, 8). For some reason, I really like the Van Graffs, they are so cool.

But if I did, what allegiance/ending would be most suitable? The Van Graffs tend to eliminate anyone who gets in their way, so that would tend to suggest Independent/Yes Man, but I've already done that. NCR is obviously out. I've also considered supporting the Legion, as Gloria respects the Legion's methods, though thinks little of their primitive weaponry. Also, I would obviously want to complete Birds of a Feather, which will make any Legion alliance impossible. So, perhaps Mr House?
Thoughts and suggestions most welcome.