I need to have a reason now? How many people here put the Legion down as the worst faction without giving a reason for it?
I guess they're not as bad as cannibals, but they get nothing done, current government of the NCR somehow destroyed what Tandi worked hard to build (how the frag grenades do you manage that?) They've become corrupt and pathetic, the government is taking more than what they can handle and if the Legion doesn't destroy them, they'll destroy themselves.
Thank you for responding to me, you didn't have to but you chose to. Also please forgive me for manipulating you into giving me your reasoning. If you do not think I did, then it's only a self defense mechanism to cloud the truth, and here is how I did it; it's quite simple:
-I used a smiley face to show happiness, that I can in no way be such a threat to your post.
-I began to use words that mean a simple Why but in a much larger assortment of text.
-Lastly I gave you recognition that I neither agreed nor disagreed with your post but gave you recognition by showing your opinion and giving it the spotlight. "NCR being worse then cannibals" which you agree, and me commenting on it,that might seem to you that I understand how bad the NCR are but maybe with my own opinion, and asking you why you hate them as much as I do.
This post will be here for a while so take your time reading it, I ask that you don't deviate from my question that I have asked from above and that is this; do you forgive me?