- Pretty skies
- Excellent Troll design.
- Daedra depictions are pretty good.
- Faces for most races (dremora are bland, bretons are too human)
- Khajit voices.
- Warhamer size (i find this ironic, In that morrowind had good size for swords, 1h axes and blunt weapons whilst also having ridiculous 2h axes and warhammers and skyrim did the exact opposite with it's silly swords)
- Carriages as an optional feature for people who dislike fast travel
- Random encounters
- Sprint
- Decent running speed
- No multipliers on level up
- Content in questlines. Some with interesting ways to play
- No constant fog
- began talking using speech (not that it was any good, but it was on the way forward)
- Npc's didn't have a ludicrous amount of dialogue options.
- Fast travel
- Some truly glorious quests (which may have taken advantage of the game's poor ai and dialogue- i of course refer to "whodunnit" )
- Had a great artistic direction. Whilst the graphics held everything back it delivered in architecture and armour design. With a few exceptions- Creature design was also very good.
- Pulled no punches in lore development or main quest storyline. (from Books to dialogue to architecture to the weight of glass weapons and the sophistication in orcish armor). Rarely attempted to make things boring for newer players
- Didn't make the player the chosen one for every guild.
- Had A great variety of tools, Weapons and magic which weren't featured in later tes games (Throwing, polearm, Shortblade, crossbows,levitate, jump, blind etc)
- Gave the player choices to make
- Provided a sense of progression which latter games failed to emulate.
- Allowed male players to wear skirts without them turning into trousers. Also allowed for LAYERS (as an ogre i find the lack of layers in the next few games offensive)
- Allowed players to find Treasures. (items of considerable power for the player's level which may allow them to defeat enemies above their level) and use spells to complex for their skill.
- Dumner voices
- Had different ways to do quests (shoot, levitate , talk, taunt)
- Good variety of groups to join
- Can be scary to some players - hear a vampire? RUN!!!!
Things none of these games have achieved
- Great combat. (for all builds- Monk to juggernaut, archer to sorcerer)
- Great stealth
- Great acrobatics
- Great socialisation
- or any perfection on any skill. (fun alchemy, many uses for security, deep and ballanced enchanting, wonders to summon with conjuration)
- Realistic characters that A: say normal things and B: The player can attach too or at least feel bad for killing them and c: interact with the world well
- A big world that feels Real. (large cities, large farmland/woodland/tundra/mountains, Seasons, flora/fauna , City night-life )
- No shallow stereotyping. ( i refer to accents here. Like how skyrim gives English accents to theives,thalmor,easily desposable legionares and badguys, although doesn't put a single khajiit in the theives guild)
- a ui good on all platforms (or seperate ui for each platform)