Question about mods?

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:51 pm

Ok so I'm only level 1 and got attacked by a DB assassin, obviously, he won, but I got a DB assassin delayed attack mod I saw in a different thread, to use it I just put the file into Morrowind's data files and restart the game and I should be fine? I never used mods on any TES game so I have no idea lol

Oh and while ur here, how the hell do I use magic lol :/
It says it's equipped but Idk how to cast it

Nvm mod didn't work, god those people are annoying, was able to kill one then I went to rest and another 1 came before I could heal -_-
Should I just uninstall Tribunal?

Edit: I found a video for .esp file which the mod was, so dragging the file ad dropping it into Morrowind data files will work or no?

Edit: I got this far, to activate the mod do I just click it so the X goes over the mod like Morrowind and Tribunal are X'd?

Ok I just rested until healed last time I was attacked, after putting an X on the mod in data files I wasn't so I think it worked :)
Plus I killed one Assassin so I got his armor already too.
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Angus Poole
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:55 pm

Click the square next to both Bloodmoon.esm and DB_Attack_Mod3.esm. The reason your mod wasn't working is because you didn't have DB_Attack_Mod3 checked, which would prevent or delay the Dark Brotherhood assassins.

If you're having trouble beating the assassins though, I'd say that you might be having some issues with how your character is built, as I never really had trouble with them unless I happened to get caught by one at really low life. Are you making sure your fatigue bar is full when you engage in a battle, and when you swing your weapon do you hold your mouse down for a second or two to let the attack build power? You should tell us what skills and attributes/birthsign you're using.

Also for magic, in order to use it you need to 'unsheath' it, like you do with a weapon. The default button for this is 'r', which will put your weapon away and put your character's hands up like he's ready to cast. At this point, simply using the attack button will use whatever spell you wish to cast.
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:05 am

Click the square next to both Bloodmoon.esm and DB_Attack_Mod3.esm. The reason your mod wasn't working is because you didn't have DB_Attack_Mod3 checked, which would prevent or delay the Dark Brotherhood assassins.

If you're having trouble beating the assassins though, I'd say that you might be having some issues with how your character is built, as I never really had trouble with them unless I happened to get caught by one at really low life. Are you making sure your fatigue bar is full when you engage in a battle, and when you swing your weapon do you hold your mouse down for a second or two to let the attack build power? You should tell us what skills and attributes/birthsign you're using.

Also for magic, in order to use it you need to 'unsheath' it, like you do with a weapon. The default button for this is 'r', which will put your weapon away and put your character's hands up like he's ready to cast. At this point, simply using the attack button will use whatever spell you wish to cast.

I figured everything out, but no I can kill 1 assassin and still have a little under half health left, when I tried to full heal then I got killed
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