Topic title covers it, but more specifically: say I was OCD enough to not waste a single skill point, and ended up at level 53, with all attributes at 100 and 5 major skill points to spare. Furthermore, let's say that I did this entirely legit: no training, no free skill boosts, nothing but good old-fashioned grinding. Now assume I've taken advantage of the Personality-damaging effect of the Scales of Pitiless Justice along with some of the free skill boosts to advance further. If I was to gain any more levels beyond that, is felldew addiction and its attribute damaging withdrawal effects really the only possible way to advance further? Will inflicting normal Damage Attribute statuses on myself not work? I know an extra level or two at such a point is meaningless in any strategic sense, but I'm wondering exactly what the maximum possible level one can legitimately obtain is, if one was to game the system as much as possible without actually cheating.