I'm trying to create a character to roleplay myself, but I seem to be in a 'repeating' phase, where I play the character for about 10 hours, with the idea of roleplaying in my mind, and then suddenly I get bored with them and they've risen to the top of one of the guilds, which I never intended. Please gimme tips ^.^
Another thing you can try is make a character who
doesn't get involved in any quests at all. Or maybe doesn't get involved in any larger quests, especially not right away. Some of my strongest roleplays were with characters who did absolutely zero quests. One such game was http://i936.photobucket.com/albums/ad208/xenaclone/Photo-0002.jpg. She was supposed to be a slave of some sort who was so illiterate, she couldn't even read the labels on potion & poison bottles. Her only skill was lockpicking, and she actually
liked spending time in jail occasionally, since she always had a bounty, and jail time meant finally getting some relaxation..
Despite the fact that she attracted the attention of the TG, Wanda didn't like the idea of her activities being "structured" into "do this" and "do that", so she initially joined, but never completed the first quest. Why should she? If she's completely content being independent. Her entire game took place in the Imperial City area. Despite this, it forced me to learn this city in such great detail, including those sewers! Wanda spent a lot of time in those sewers. If she had just done the TG quests, my roleplay with Wanda would nave been nowhere near as unique. But she just wasn't the one to do TG. Another character of mine (a male) is on that.
There was also http://i936.photobucket.com/albums/ad208/xenaclone/Photo-0051.jpg. Again, she never started, or attempted, any questlines whatsoever. But my time with her (she eventually died) was more precious than my time with either Igodah Go^Pe or The Grey Wizard. My daughter is terrified of The Wizard of Oz. I tried watching it with her once. Nope! Never again! She's very senstive to scary movies like this. It eventually gave me the idea to create a character based on the Wicked Witch of the West: a typical storybook sort of witch, who lives in the woods and has a storybook house.
Luci eventually wound up in Weatherleah, and lived in the Great Forest area pretty much exclusively (except when she was terrorizing the occupants of Chorrol or Skingrad). She hated sunlight. During her Tutorial phase, I was SHOCKED when Luci encountered her first rat. She killed it, yes, but then she
ate it.

Matter of fact, she spent
3 game days living in this Tutorial dungeon, eating and cooking rats, eating wisp stalks, making foul potions, etc. Again, despite the fact that she never attempted any quests, her roleplay was one of the stronger ones.
bottom line: OP, it comes down to imagination. In my case, lowered lights also come into play, phone off the hook, and child at someone else's house. No interruptions. I can't game TES if it's sunny outside, or if there are too many electric lights in my room as I game. Put yourself in the "mood", whatever that is. Sometimes I'll have a glass of wine, or whatever, to get myself into roleplay mode.
