character level

Post » Sun Nov 15, 2009 7:03 am

I'm maxed out at level 45 on the 360.
I had an Oghma Infinium sitting in my inventory since around level 20, and I never realised I had it. Using that, I got from 43-45..

Time to start working on my minor skills!
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Naomi Ward
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Post » Sat Nov 14, 2009 9:37 pm

I restarted, my second character (who I stopped playing about a year ago) from Oblivion. Rather than picking up where I left off, I decided to go back to the sewer exit and do it all over again from scratch. I am having tons of fun seeing Cyrodiil through her eyes once more. Currently she is 2nd level.

I have done very, very little of the game's content on purpose. My plan was to get to level 30 before I really start into the game's content. My hope is that I'd get a little, or hopefully sometimes a lot, more out of the game this way. According to Acadian's list I would certainly find better gear and go up against tougher creatures. Both pluses in my book. Is there any other reason to do what I'm doing, and is there any reason to ditch what I'm doing and level up more naturally? I'm just looking to get as much out of the game with one character as possible.

If you are on the PC, there are mods like that automatically upgrade your quest items as you level up. So there is no need to wait until a higher level to do a quest. It is something that really should have been built into the game.
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Jessica Phoenix
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Post » Sun Nov 15, 2009 8:13 am

I restarted, my second character (who I stopped playing about a year ago) from Oblivion. Rather than picking up where I left off, I decided to go back to the sewer exit and do it all over again from scratch. I am having tons of fun seeing Cyrodiil through her eyes once more. Currently she is 2nd level.

If you are on the PC, there are mods like that automatically upgrade your quest items as you level up. So there is no need to wait until a higher level to do a quest. It is something that really should have been built into the game.

I'm on the PS3. Many of the mods sound excellent. I wish they could figure out a way to let us use them.
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Rebecca Clare Smith
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Post » Sun Nov 15, 2009 12:47 am

My current is 21. I had one at about 45 but my harddrive crashed and while I was able to keep the save, I had installed too many mods which made it impossible to play without them.
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Natasha Callaghan
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Post » Sat Nov 14, 2009 7:42 pm

I'm trying to get my character to stop lighting on fire every 30 seconds :brokencomputer: , though my highest ever was only a level 29-33 (Forgot) Argonian that I couldn't decide what I wanted to be so had all level 15 stats on all skills...
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Post » Sun Nov 15, 2009 4:53 am

Just started up the game after a looong time; Currently Level 1 still, exploring Vilverin.
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Post » Sat Nov 14, 2009 10:41 pm

Calonderiel, 12
Martin, 25
Jennantar, 12
Broken-Water, (best one, and retired) 50.

Broken-Water is more yellow, but not old. 100 in every attribute, master in all skills, really, ALL. The reason to stopping playing as him, is that each minute, around 50 strawberries spawn 20 ft above me. Completely random. GRONK CHOMP is also retired, random stuff for him too. Since he's an argonian, he got no problems with it. But i still don like to be stuck in the river bordering to valenwood...
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