Version: 1.0
Date: 4/17/2012
Author: Hanaisse
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Oblivion 1.2.416
Load screen replacers for Oblivion, full of pictures of Skyrim!
These include cities, villages, scenic landscape, creatures, people, and of course, dragons.
Available are 5 sets, each containing (mostly) the same pictures with different backgrounds to suit your preference.
*** Use only one at a time or bad things will happen ***
Skyrim Set - 140+ pictures on a Skyrim-like foggy background. With text descriptions.
Skyrim No Text Set - same as Skyrim set. No text.
Vanilla Set - 80+ pictures, on a background like original Oblivion load screens. With text descriptions.
Dark Brotherhood Set - same pictures as Skyrim set, on a Dark Brotherhood themed background. Pictures are black and white with red tone. No text.
Border Frame Set - 90+ all new different pictures focusing on beautiful scenic and landscape views. No text.
Each set includes new matching load bars. Darn compatibility files are also available to maintain Darn text.
Pictures are screenshots from several sources, used with full permission. Very special thanks and full credits to the folks at TES Alliance (and here) who helped me make this happen;
* Do I have to mention these contain spoilers? *
Please read the full ReadMe for installation instructions.
Known Issues/Compatibility:
- This is compatible with Darn, as instructed above. Download the compatibility archive.
- This is NOT compatible with other Load Screen replacers.