There are no further patches coming out as the developers at Obsidian have moved on to other projects. It's in Obsidian's Twitter feed. The game is as "fixed" as it's going to be. That freeze glitch you're experiencing seems to just appear at anytime in the game, but if you play long enough it will almost certainly appear. It doesn't go away, it's not something that you did or can fix. Others will most likely reply shortly with a bunch of homemade cures that worked for them, but I garantee not a one will work for you. Because unlike the "cures" the glitch is real. If you have the game installed on your HDD you don't need to clear the cache because the cache isn't needed because you have the game installed. The number of saves is another cure you will hear about which also doesn't work. The game is broken, plain and simple. You can start over, but all the glitches you are having now will eventually reappear, all of them. I've restarted several times with the eventual same result. Not what you want to hear, I know, but's it's the truth.
Some lurking here will tell you it's your Xbox (or whatever system,) most likely it's not, if this is the only game consistently freezing on you then it's the game. Some will reply to you to say their game works just fine "100% awesome." These people have no true idea what 100% awesome is, if they really believe that. The game is broken, you bought a broken game, they sold you a broken game. They are still selling a broken game and have no futher plans to fix it. They tried to fix it, but they just can't, they lack the work ethic and capability to pull it off (Obsidian of course because even though it's here on Bethesda forums and Bethesda's name is on the game actual, it's not really their game [yeah I don't get that either.])
If glitches frustrate you to the point where you eventually start throwing things, slamming stuff down on the table, ect. and you really don't like doing those things, then stop playing the game. Right now, I really mean it, because the glitching only gets worse the longer you play it, and you might blame the controller or your system and do something silly.
Sorry bud, that's all there is to it.