I made the mistake of playing LR first, in my first play through, not knowing the DLC's are linked through NPC comments. So, now I played HH first, since it's the easiest and you get some nice gear. Then DM (just to get it over with LOL) then OWB (almost done with it now) and then I'm heading into the Divide again. I'm filled with great anticipation to meet Ulysses again! OWB should probably come before DM, but it's really not a big deal, for me at least. For me, DM is great, but also very annoying LOL
I doubt I'd do every DLC for every character, it would take ages to complete the game, and it's nice to freshen things up a little.
My current Van Graff energy weapons character will take on Lonesome Road with some heavy hitting weapons; probably the Sprtl-Wood Gatling laser, and a hard hitting rifle. Honest Hearts can probably be missed this time around, it holds no interest for an energy weapons guy. OWB should be interesting, and has great loot, though I didn't enjoy it as much as the reviews lead me to believe I would.
So the only decision to make is this - do I take on Dead Money for a third time? If I do, it'll be solely for the Holorifle, nothing else. I'm not sure I can do it all again

Lonesome Road is the main event, though. I'm looking forward to that more than resolving the main quest.