Prologue - Tolfdir's Letter
My dear friends and accomplices,
I hope this letter reaches all of you, although I fear it might not, especially considering the consistency with which some of you change locations.
I wish I could tell you that all is well; that my duties as Archmage of the College of Winterhold are going well, and that everything has quieted down.
That I am merely sending this letter because I miss all of you, and wish to speak with you again, be it about the metamystical properties of Alteration magic or the historical importance of the old Mage's Guild, or whatever it was we used to speak of, years ago. That I could invite you to join us at Winterhold, and we could unlock the arcane secrets of the Mundus together.
But I am afraid that that is not why I am contacting you.
I am sure that by now you've heard of the recent events that have occurred here in Skyrim; the discovery of that bizarre magical artifact we called the "Eye of Magnus" (primarily because of the immensely strong aura of magic it gave off). And of course you've heard of the young, brave apprentice who stopped the Thalmor from taking it's power for their own, at the cost of his life.
For the next few days, things were quiet in Winterhold. Not much seemed to be going on; the apprentices all seemed sad at the loss of their friend, and nobody seemed to be doing anything of interest; we were all too busy thinking about what had happened. The Psijics had carted off the Eye, probably back to Artaeum for study; they seemed surprised and unnerved at the apprentice's death, even more then we were. Overall, a feeling of melancholy and loss hung over the College.
However, about a week ago, something odd occurred; the Jarl of Whiterun reported that some kind of magical disturbance had occurred within his territory, and a number of ghostly apparitions had attacked a group of local farmers; I immediately began to worry that the apparitions that had attacked the farmers were the same ones that had attacked Winterhold when the Thalmor began tampering with the Eye.
I took a team out to investigate, and my fears were immediately proven right; a huge orb of energy was hovering slightly over the ground, surrounded by the hostile magical anomalies that had attacked us.
It didn't take long to dispatch the anomalies, and we managed to use the Staff of Magnus to close the orb that was creating (or perhaps attracting) them.
However, as the days past, we heard reports of other such ruptures created by the Eye across Tamriel; a contact of mine in the Synod claims that they have contained one in Cyrodiil; rumors are flying that the Thalmor found one in Valenwood. The Dark Elves of Solstheim are working to try and close one in their capital. We have dispatched an agent to Solstheim with the Staff, but I plan to be more cautious with the ruptures in Cyrodiil and Valenwood; the Synod and Thalmor are simply too greedy for their own good, and I fear that they may try to seize the staff if we sent aid.
However, this is not the sole, or even the most worrying, reason why I am writing to you, my dear friends.
The night before last, while I lay in my bed trying to make sense of recent events, I noticed that a cylindrical container had appeared in my room. It was about a foot high, and made of what looked like Dwarven metal. It had a small switch on it's side. Out of curiosity, with my caution inhibited by a lack of sleep, I flipped the switch.
Immediately, resonating, seemingly, from all directions at once, a voice with what sounds vaguely like a Vvardenfell accent began to speak.
I've included a transcript of the words it spoke, it is as good a replica as I could make, some of the words used were unfamiliar to me and I have written those is a standard phonetical style as agreed upon by the Elder Council of the Third era that most of you should recognise. I would however, draw your attention to the line 'If you do not comply, we while have to take matters into our own hands, something which may not benefit you or your civilization.'
Stunned, I flipped the switch again. The same message repeated. I spent most of the next day thoroughly investigating, trying to make sure it wasn't simply a well-intentioned prank (albeit one made in poor taste). I have only begun to write this letter now that I'm sure that was has happened is completely real. I ask that all of you come to Winterhold at once, as I believe that our little College cannot handle a situation of this gravity on our own.
Transcript of the audio recording:
"Good evening, Archmage Tolfdir. I am a representative of the Aurbical Mining Guild Ceta-Q, stationed in the Raga Colonies of Western Masser.
Our organization has lost a... Machine, along the lines of... The Dwemer machines that exist in your time? We used it, among many like it, to protect against harmful energies while mining in areas beyond Nirn.
We have spent sixteen cycles searching through Sideways Time, trying to uncover the location of our machine, known as "KINMUNE."
We detected KINMUNE going fully active after spending an unknown period in a low power state. We detected that it had undergone severe damage, especially to it's mental faculty; in simple terms, it had, at some point in it's interactions with the locals or it's time spent in isolation, gone mad. Of course, nothing put in simple terms is perfectly correct, you must understand.
After further tampering at what we assume was your university, KINMUNE took even more damage, and is now leaking energy en mass, doing severe damage to the world. We have since lost it's location completely due to Septimial-interference to our sensors, and have assumed that it is no longer present in your college.
We believe that it is in both our and your best interest that you recover it and return it to your college's "Hall of the Elements" so we may transport it back to our time period. If you do not comply, we while have to take matters into our own hands, something which may not benefit you or your civilization.
Thank you, and the Synth-Anu be with you."