How successful would the Snow Demons be if they invade tamri

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:53 pm

When the Kamal snow demons invaded Tamriel back in the second era, they sacked Windhelm and invaded morrowind but they're armies was stopped when Vivec flooded morrowind while Almalexia and the Underking defeated Ada'Soom Dir-Kamal, the demon overlord. In other words it was a failed invasion but how successful would they be if they were to invade tamriel now with just as many troops and another demon lord as powerful as ada'soom dir-kamal?
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Laura-Lee Gerwing
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:10 pm

Depends on whether or not they could be useful or harmful to the Thalmor's plans, I guess.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:58 pm

If they invaded, they probably could wreck some nasty [censored].
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Alexandra walker
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:19 pm

Depends on where they're invading I guess. If they ever run into Dovakhiin, I can imagine a large fraction of their army getting wiped out right there since the Thu'um, going by lore standards and not gameplay standards, could easily level cities. And if the Thalmor run into them, I can see some crazy [censored] going down.

Also, shape-shifting cannibalizing Wild-Hunt Bosmer. Let's just say that's not grass your walking on...
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Tania Bunic
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:37 am

Depends on where they're invading I guess. If they ever run into Dovakhiin, I can imagine a large fraction of their army getting wiped out right there since the Thu'um, going by lore standards and not gameplay standards, could easily level cities. And if the Thalmor run into them, I can see some crazy [censored] going down.

Also, shape-shifting cannibalizing Wild-Hunt Bosmer. Let's just say that's not grass your walking on...

Could the Dovakhiin even stand a chance against Ada'Soom? it took a prime Almalexia and the Underking to defeat him. And the snow demons might have something unique from their side too that could rival the Thu'um.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:31 pm

Unless the Snow Demons know how to catch Thu'um like Vivec and Nerevar, I don't think there's a counter to the Thu'um. It all comes down to how powerful the Thu'um is, and whether or not Dovahkiin ends up mantling Talos and becoming the baddest mother [censored] on Nirn.

*edited for grammar*
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:24 pm

Could the Dovakhiin even stand a chance against Ada'Soom? it took a prime Almalexia and the Underking to defeat him. And the snow demons might have something unique from their side too that could rival the Thu'um.
The snakemen have something similar, which was mentioned.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:18 am

Depends how long the people of Tamriel could hold out. The invasion by the Kamal always bothered me a bit. They supposedly freeze over for like half the year and thaw out later. How could they stage an invasion if that is true? I mean it could easily be BS but it's just that is most of what we really know of the Kamal. Wars and campaigns do not end in 6 months when you need to cross an ocean. Thoughts on this?

Assuming the Kamal do not need to freeze over every 6 months? They would wreck just about every nation they come across. As it stands there is nothing as powerful as the tribunal in its prime at the disposal of any of the nations currently. The Dovahkiin maybe the exception but Kiai users/Thu'umics were like a dime a dozen back in Akavir, or at least thats my impression, so i'm pretty sure the Kamal would be quite familiar with the powers of the Thu'um and dragon shouts. Maybe the Aldmeri Dominion could have something up their sleeve? However the Kamal invading could hammer together the nations of Tamriel and then the Kamal would be screwed. Enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that.
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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:25 am

What if the Kamal are mirror-brothers of Mer, though? Like the snakemen are the mirror-brothers of men. The Thalmor may welcome them as brothers-in-the-mythic and join forces to crush Talos out of existence and wipe men from Nirn forever.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:03 am

I've a nice little villa atop Foyada Mamaea. Nice n crispy. Bring heatproofs.

We'll be safe from the Snow Demons there.
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Lawrence Armijo
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:26 pm

They are called "demons" but maybe that are just frightening yet mortal creatures. And all the "they spend half a year in the ice" is just a metaphor, that their empire is just to the far north of Akavir, behind huge mountains (himalaya?) where road and passes are all closed...
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Alan Whiston
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:57 pm

...perhaps they remain frozen because they are anuic in nature, abhor linear time, and meditate in some sort of dawn stasis to lengthen their lives and minimize their fall into subgradience?
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:02 am

Oh nevermind I read "snow elves" for some reason.
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Miss K
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:33 am

What if the Kamal are mirror-brothers of Mer, though? Like the snakemen are the mirror-brothers of men. The Thalmor may welcome them as brothers-in-the-mythic and join forces to crush Talos out of existence and wipe men from Nirn forever.
Actually, I'm pretty sure it's the tigermen who are the mirror-brothers of Mer, if Mysterious Akavir is still accurate enough.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:30 pm

Could the Dovakhiin even stand a chance against Ada'Soom? it took a prime Almalexia and the Underking to defeat him. And the snow demons might have something unique from their side too that could rival the Thu'um.

Alone? Not sure.

The Underking was essentially the Dragonborn of the time, as an avatar of Shor. Thu'um would have been his primary weapon. The fact that he fought alongside Almalexia as equals certainly says something about the Dovahkiin's power.

Maybe if the Nerevarine followed the Kamal back from Akavir, he/she and Dovahkiin could join forces and take down the Kamal...
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:35 am

Maybe if the Nerevarine followed the Kamal back from Akavir, he/she and Dovahkiin could join forces and take down the Kamal...

I'm gonna go on some crazy theory-crafting right now, but maybe this is why we haven't seen Nerevarine in such a long time:(s)he's been spending all this time fighting back a massive Kamal invasion force alongside Vivec.
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Jennifer May
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:34 pm

All the Kamal want is just to live in a place where they aren't trapped in glaciers every so often. Everyone else refuses to share.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:06 pm

Alone? Not sure.

The Underking was essentially the Dragonborn of the time, as an avatar of Shor. Thu'um would have been his primary weapon. The fact that he fought alongside Almalexia as equals certainly says something about the Dovahkiin's power.

Maybe if the Nerevarine followed the Kamal back from Akavir, he/she and Dovahkiin could join forces and take down the Kamal...

That would be epic if the nerevarine teams up with the dragonborn to form the godly hero alliance. Maybe a npc would forget about how the nerevarine looked like and he/she would ask you about how he/she looked and when the nerevarine does show up, he/she would appear as the choices you selected.
As for our dragonborn, i don't think we're as strong as almalexia or the underking right now but we most likely would be after a expansion or two.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:17 pm

Any credence to the theory that the Karstaag is a Kamal?
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:49 pm

Any credence to the theory that the Karstaag is a Kamal?

they said hes just a regular frost giant, i doubt hes something from akavir. how did he get to solstheim? swim? walk over frozen sea?
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:06 pm

they said hes just a regular frost giant, i doubt hes something from akavir. how did he get to solstheim? swim? walk over frozen sea?

Imported from Atmora, since MK's work "The 500 Companions or Thereabouts of Ysgramor the Returned" mentioned Karstaag-men, presumably those of the same species.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:47 am

Ah, thank you for clearing that up for me.
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Vera Maslar
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:39 pm

The Dir-Kamal are frozen, as Ysgramor's lot were (and the participants of Olaf's burning and the coronation of Emperors' eager witnesses) in the absence of their sun. When the Fire returns, and the next demiurge begins, they are thawed. The masses revel; and the people unite all over again. Ada'Soom (God Man) Dir-Kamal is the Dreamer. He is not a man, nation, fire, or mountain, but he moves through time as they do. Sarthaal, Hrol'dan, Sancre Tor, Orsinium, Tanenaka, Rimmen, Aurbis, Origin, and End.
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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:27 am

Ada'Soom (God Man)

Su'um is Draconic for breath. Ada'Soom=God Breath. Morihaus was the Breath of Kyne. Esthonquey or however you spell it has a human population obsessed with bulls, suggesting that Morihaus met them. So Morihaus went east, stopping at the island, and became the god-king of Kamal.
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