I've done some poking around today and I read somewhere that being a thief can actually be something of a job in Daggerfall because of the sheer number of homes. This piqued my interest: I have yet to play Skyrim, but thieving in Oblivion left me pretty unsatisfied because of the repetitive randomly generated content, and thieving in Morrowind just never really grabbed me. So I'm tempted to try out Daggerfall, but I figured I'd come here to ask a couple preliminary questions so that I don't take the time to install the game, DOSBox, and all that only to find myself disappointed later on.
1. I've read that much of Daggerfall is randomly generated. Does this mean that rolling a thief (and when I say "thief" I really mean it; I mean a character who spends most of the time sneaking around and stealing [censored] as opposed to sneaking around and killing [censored]) will be as unsatisfying in the long run as it was (at least for me) in Oblivion?
2. I've also read that rolling a straight thief makes Daggerfall one of the hardest games you'll ever play. Is this true? Should I attempt it anyway?