people are still to this day demanding games to be fixed. you sir are living in history. and third party mods are constantly updated to officially work with games. Try Gibberlings3 and Pocketplane Group for Baldur's Gate series. Theyre constantly working together to make all their mods work together. Dont tell people on here that you think you know everything. You dont sir. Like I said. Now you see why I used Tegan instead of Tengen. The point of all this is that this is the turn of gaming century. Companies are getting into these third party ideas because they know better coding than the company themselves do. These people believe it or not even work with the company when their game is released to make such mods for games. They have to have their content to allow it which believe it or not. They get the permission to unofficially release patches and mods. Now alot of these modders actually will be willing to fix and patch console game even for free for these companies. Its what they do for a living and they make their money off by advertising their work all over. Theres many ways to make this a pure possibility for console gamers all over tengen. That you need to look into alot more and realize what the more understanding people know what this is about. Stay out of matters that dont consern you and dont get into conversations you have no idea about. You dont belong in this discussion obviously
doesnt matter if its a new guy or someone from 2003. everyone has equal rights. yes its a discussion forum. but pretty much everyone who comes up with great ideas for the company which runs this forum Bethesda. they always are looking for feedback to help bolster their reputation and sales. But the problem with forums like this is alot of moderators and accounters are usually just here for the privlage their rank gives them rather than really listen to anyone. new or not. It doesnt matter. people ask for threads to get stickied so people cant flame like most do when they cant think up great ideas like this. it just saves the hassle. people do this for many reasons. alot of people are on forums looking for the easy fight so they get their way. and alot like to throw it all down on the new ones. so what if one has 5000 posts or just 11. doesnt mean anything. just shows that person with 5000 psosts wants the attention or he just flamed up so much to many posts. I know what forums are like to understand them. its very obvious. this discussion is to Bethesda which this site says officially. im sure their staff mods this. mot some silly fan based boy who likes the company so much. But alot just come here when they disagree. they aint relaly disagreeing to the topic. they just disagree because they coulnt think up something better or something really worth disagreeing about. this is just my two cents to foruming and why most of its members care more about how many posts they make and their popularity more than what really goes on here and caring about peoples ideas and how some moderators and admins can be just as worse as they are. no offense to anyone. this is just what forums are becoming like these days. no one cares about anyones good ideas anymore and will flame just about at anything put on a forum for amusemant.