REMmed out line,obviously.
;This script is for the home teleport ring, don't know who wrote this.
Begin ajcYakalanit_ScrollScript
short OnPCEquip
if ( OnPCEquip == 1 )
Playsound "conjuration hit"
Player->PositionCell, -576, 3056, -221, 0 "Aharunartus"
;Player->PositionCell; -42, 387, -320, 0 "Yakanolit"
set OnPCEquip to 0
End ajcYakalanit_ScrollScript
However for roleplaying purposes I would like to use a one-shot version for the Minor Boss to
report to the Major Boss in Yakanolit. Applying the script to a Scroll seems not to work, I
assume because you cannot OnPcEqip a scroll.
Will some kind person tell how to make (or provide!) a one-shot version?
My scripting is at the level of finding something that works, then modifying it.
Thanks in advance.