» Fri May 04, 2012 1:36 am
Pathgrids are pretty simple really. Any placed NPC will initially walk to the nearest pathpoint. (Unless they dont move atall) Also, NPC's wont follow pathgrids from one cell to another. NPC's bump into each other all the time in vanilla morrowind, its just the way it is.
I wouldnt bother trying to get any individual NPC to follow 1 certain path as it just wont work.
EDIT: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/22925394/Morrowind/TES%20Construction%20Set%202012-01-22%2015-18-21-37.jpg
The pathgrid in balmora is a good example of how a complex you should be maing your pathgrids. One thing to bare in mind is to avoidplacing a point halfway up stairs. The reason for this is because NPC's are likely to stand there, and not let you past. Just one thing to keep in mind.
Like i said, dont bother trying to make two paths parallel, on the bridge for example, just keep it to a singular path. They will hit each other anyway.