In trying to find out more about it, I found a post that said you could only have one character at a time and if you start a new one the old one is lost. So if 2 people in the home want to play, you have to buy another steam game for them.
Can you even have 2 Morrowinds on one computer?
On my CD game I started a Breton, then moved all his saves (e.g. B155 b4Sarys) into a folder, and restarted with a Dark Elf, and have a saves folder for her too. I was assuming that I could go back and load the last couple of saves from the Breton folder into the Morrowind saves folder (after removing the DE saves) and continue playing him at some point, basically switching back and forth. (I also keep a notebook listing each save and full name of what I saved since only 8 characters will show in the save name).
That should work, right?
And can you have more than one character on Steam?
Thank You, any help is appreciated