Problem with tile lineup

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:26 pm

Hey all! Quick (and potentially stupid) question for the experts here. I'm putting together a cave/dungeon and I've noticed that there are some cases where I just can't seem to get the tiles to line up cleanly. In this particular case, the two tiles I'm dealing with are CRmWall02 (on the left) and CRmCornerInExitN02C (on the right):

[edit: I can't post links apparently, but the screenshot is at i (dot) imgur (dot) com (slash) PjVEj.jpg]

No matter how I try to position the tiles, they never link up cleanly. The idea behind what I'm doing is that I want an exit from the room on that lower right corner. Is there another tile that I should be using?

Thank you!
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Misty lt
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:31 am

Are you trying to rotate the pieces? You can't rotate the pieces that come in A, B, C and D options. Those letters represent the different rotations. Have a look at this - the writer explains it in there. You probably don't need to work through it, but it's worth the read - there are a lot of useful tips, including an explanation of the naming convention.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:26 pm

Are you trying to rotate the pieces? You can't rotate the pieces that come in A, B, C and D options. Those letters represent the different rotations. Have a look at this tutorial - the writer explains it in there. You probably don't need to work through it, but it's worth the read - there are a lot of useful tips, including an explanation of the naming convention.

Hi AndalayBay. Thanks for your reply. I am not trying to rotate the tiles. I glanced through the tutorial (but didn't fully work through it), and based on the naming of the tiles I had expected them to work together. Even at a glance, they look like they should, but unless I'm missing something that doesn't seem to be the case.

Originally I had the editor set to snap to grid in increments of 1. When I ran into this problem, I turned snap to grid off and I tried making tiny adjustments to the X and Y coordinates of the CRmCornerInExitN02C tile to line it up properly with CRmWall02, but still couldn't seem to get it right.
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Isabel Ruiz
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:22 pm

Another really useful tip when creating dungeons, especially with those tile pieces, is to set the first piece so that it's origin is a 0, 0, 0. Set the x, y and z coordinates to 0 and all the angles to 0. Then turn on snap to grid and set the amount to 16. All the tile pieces will nicely snap together and line up perfectly.
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Alexander Horton
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:29 pm

Another thing you may want to try is copying and pasting coordinates from one node to the next. In most cases, two of the three will be the same, and you'll be adding a round number of units to the third.
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Siobhan Wallis-McRobert
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:00 pm

OK, a couple things:

First, I just realized that I copied down the tile names incorrectly. The tiles are CRmWall02C and CRmCornerInExitN01C. I apologize for that and any confusion it may have caused.

Second, your recommendations worked perfectly. I started over with a new dungeon, set them all to 0,0,0, set the grid snap to 16, and arranged everything as I wanted it. Everything lines up great. I suspect that I just was off a little bit here and there as I made the original dungeon, which meant that by the time I got to those last two tiles, everything was jacked up enough to throw them off. I'll definitely be using the approach you two recommended. I really appreciate the help! :)
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