Need help with vampirism

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:37 pm

Okay, I know this been mention so many times but I need help. I own the PS3 US GOTY edition(greatest hits) of the game. I heard that if you use the save data with the original disc you can give the bloodgrass to her, but the SI stuff might mess up.

Well, I already completed everyrhing on the SI & move my SI items in a box in the Imperial City, & saved in front of the door to the witch with 2 bloodgrass as well. I've already gave her the Argonian blood,nightshade,& garlic, just only the bloodgrass & the vampire dust is just left.

Heres the part I need help. I don't have the O. disc, just the GOTY disc and just going to ask heres a link of my file (you may get a error at first but if you refresh the page then it be able to download) can someone go in the house give her the 2 bloodgrass and save after that for me? Just do that for me and nothing else.

Forgot to mention if someone does this for me can you put the file at mediafire or mega upload?
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JR Cash
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:42 pm

I was in the same situation as you, re the vamperism/bloodgrass, and finally decided to just go back to an older save file and load it. I lost several hours of gameplay but it was the easiest way. Just find a save before you've slept (ie no vamparism under magic/active) and either pray at a chapel alter or take mandrake or a disease potion then go sleep and make sure you wake up normal...and then keep/rotate a number of "hard" saves, about 8 or so, spaced out over serveral hrs of game-play...just in case.

Sorry if this didn't answer your original q, but just sayin' what I did which really wasn't that bad now that I look back on it..
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Chris Johnston
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:35 am

About older save files I accidently saved over it when I turned into a vampire. So I did had a old save file but I messed that up.
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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:42 pm

that svcks, I only have the ps3 goty edition as well or I'd give it a shot for you...I spent way too much time on the internet trying to get the 'get rid of vamp' quest to work...german lang, youtube vids and everything it's a really long/hard quest to boot... good luck but I'd heed the rotation of several saves once you get going again as there seems to be a fair amount of glitches and bugs in Oblivion...
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Andrew Perry
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:35 pm

I don't know if anybody else saw this glitch but I did. Ok, I still need help with the file that I have but yesterday I made a experiment file with vampirism with all the items with me & trying to find a workaround(still no luck), the glitches is this when I gave her the 5 grand soul gems in my inventory I still had 4 of them, same with nightshade as well, and garlic when I gave her all 6 I still had 4 of it. Did anybody mention this before in the past?

If theres a giving glitch happening with those items, do you guys think theres a giving # glitch(beside the glitch everybody already knows) with the bloodgrass? I gonna try to collect 20 of them to see what happens. Or that the game mistaken bloodgrass for something else to give to her? Did anybody try these ideas before?
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Dawn Porter
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:22 am

I don't need any help now from you heartless [censored]s guys who could've help me, I have to end up buying the original disc today, and it worked. Now, I can finish the rest of the quest now.

Can someone lock this thread for me?
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Harry Leon
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:22 pm

I wish you wouldn't feel that way- its inviting bitterness into a life we already have with too much of that. I think people get queasy thinking of going into someone's game. If you have an extra disk give it to someone who has never played Oblivion. They'll be blessed and you'll feel like a winner instead of sore and out 13 bucks or whatever.

You can't demand kindness from strangers. When it happens,it's like a drink of water in the desert, but you can't expect it. I had no way to do what you asked. Other people have lives and things they have to do- their time is precious to them, like yours is to you. It wouldn't have been a catastrophy to go back to an earlier save like one kind person told you-that is what I would have done.

I know in my first characters it was sacrosanct. I once lost a game with over 400 hours and I was crushed- my son erased it. Another one I'd used the same save and it eventually deteriorated. But really, in the sceme of things, your game is a very small issue.
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