Breton, mage sign, +100 magicka and +50% resist magic
Breton, apprentice sign, +150 magicka and -50% resist magic.
Breton, atronach sign, +200 magicka, 50% resist magic and 50% spell absorb. Not the best option with spell absorb, as you absorb 50% less.
Altmer, mage sign, +150 magicka, -25% resist magic
Altmer, apprentice sign, +200 magicka, -125% resist magic
Altmer, atronach sign, +250 magicka, -25% magic and 50% spell absorption. A good option with spell absorb, as you absorb 1.25x as much.
Not sure which one to choose for my pure mage, altmer atronach has such a huge boost but can't regenerate magic. How do people get on with the atronach birthsign? Breton magesign seems the 'safest' option, but they don't get the boost to destruction like altmer.