» Thu May 03, 2012 8:45 pm
I always do shivering isles usually when I get to level 20 and complete it all in 1 go as there is so much to do and it is a fun place to go to just to get away from the main area and have a nice change of scenery, I always try to keep Angel quite a neuteral character so what I generally do is do this quest first then I come back and then do the knights of the round quest to get my character to a neutrel status, this is only the 3rd time I have played this game though so I am still quite a newbie, but usually I do the some side quests and get my character up to level 20 do shivering isles do Knights of the nine and then do the main story, but this time I am going to continue the game until I literally run out of things to do, so it could be a long long time.
Anyway just my take