Searching the forums was not successful, - neither title, nor tag search - so rather asking you.
topic 1:
Would a high resolution monitor - possibly a 21,5", 1080p, LED, IPS-paneled - show crisper, more believable Oblivion then my current 1280×1024 display?
I doubt it, as the pixel pitch remains almost constant when pairing various monitor sizes and resolutions.
Therefore, possibly only the wider screen view and perhaps color enhancement (IPS) could be observed.
Anyway, aiming for the lowest pixel pitch, I planned to choose the smallest sized 1080p-capable monitor, as
I had the most photo-realistic experience on a 14"-15" CRT with 1280x1024, at an extremely low refresh rate - so head ache was granted - , and would desperately like to realize it again (now with head unaffected) !
topic 2:
Would an ATI HD 5770 1GB be suitable for displaying 1080p at tolerable FPS drop? How much drop is to be estimated? Non-modded I had about 70 FPS exterior.
topic 3:
Do you prefer widescreen for Oblivion, and which ratio, 16:9 or 16:10 ? Isn't 16:9 too wide and unrealistic looking?
topic 4:
Could a widesceen monitor switch back to normal 5:4 or 4:3 ratio without looking too ugly?
topic 5:
Why 1080p is called Full HD - thus seemingly being a mystic border in resolution specturm?
Needing user impressions as simple googling and youtubing couldnt reveal it....As I say, again, pixel pitch is near the same...
topic 6:
Do LED and IPS technology show any beneficial visual or other effects ( I know power consumption is lowered, but colors are really nicer) ?
So thats the end,
and if you know sg on this matter, would be fine to hear about it.