Manks has kindly given me permission to start this thread here in order to bring attention to these new replacers for Luchaire and Kalia's TGND2 (The Girl Next Door Version 2).
Firstly some background from my own experience. Up until now I was using EVE HGEC Varients female body replacer which is a perfectly fine mod on it's own but all of the armour add-ons for the mods I used essentially made me pick the more larger bust sizes which meant that every female npc had unnaturally large briasts with supermodel waists. However I stuck with it because none of the other alternatives were as well supported mod wise. I quite liked the look of Luchaire and Kalia's The Girl Next Door but no-one had released armour replacers for the major overhauls that I use.... until now!
So may I present to you Manks' TGND2 Patches and Armour Replacers for Mods....

All mod descriptions are copied from Manks' pages on Tes Nexus
1) http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41811
======== TOP MATTER ========
TGND-2.1B Vanilla Armor Patch v1.0.4
Original by Luchaire and Kalia, patch by Manks
========= SUMMARY ==========
Fixes a few issues in the vanilla armor for The Girl Next Door Oblivion female body mod as well as a few modifications. Also increases compatibility with unofficial patches. Requires TGND Female Body and Clothing Replacer (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=30914).
======= REQUIREMENTS =======
The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer, version 2.1 beta:
Eyecandy or HGEC compatible body textures; suggested:
http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=20022 or
Khajiit body textures; optional, suggested:
======= INSTALLATION =======
For all methods of installation, the patch must be installed (in a practical sense) *after* TGND-2.1 beta, or else this archive's files will be overwritten.
1. Drop the release archive into your BASH Installers Folder.
2. In Wrye Bash, installers tab, make sure that the patch is listed after TGND original.
3. Right click on the archive and select "Install".
4. (Optional) Run BOSS, or adjust the load order manually. Load after any Unofficial Patches.
5. (Optional) Rebuild your bashed patch.
I don't use OBMM, so while the mod has OMOD conversion data available, I can't say exactly how it will work. Presumably, install like any other OMOD-ready mod.
Very much not recommended.
1. Back up the folders:
2. Drop the contents of the archive directly into your oblivion/data folder.
3. Sort and activate the esps.
For the most part, this mod simply changes the vertex weights on a variety of meshes. Problem areas have typically included skirts in the front and the back, loincloths, and dresses around the feet. At Vilja's prodding, I've occasionally lowered/shrunk a mesh's butt when it seemed to have been that much larger than the underlying body.
After running around for a while in-game, I noticed that my Black and Burgundy Outfit was doing some rather absurd stretching/distorting around the legs when I ran. It turns out that the vanilla mesh has the same problem, it's just exaggerated by the smaller body and tighter clothes. Other meshes inherited similar issues, bringing us to this point.
Side notes:
All meshes have been optimized with PyFFI-py3k 2.2.0
The esps should be clean
If you see any vanilla meshes that need more love, let me know and I'll see what I can do
========= CHANGES ==========
====== REDISTRIBUTION ======
Everything in this mod can be redistributed without asking for permission, but it is required that you give credit to the original arists.
If you wish to redistribute something that uses a body-part mesh, cite the folks listed under "Body parts" in the credits. Otherwise, to redistribute any armors, cite those listed under "Armors" in the credits.
========= CREDITS ==========
Body parts:
They derive from TGND by Luchaire and Kalia, assisted by Chingari, Sickleyield, Kristoffer, and Alt3rn1ty. Tracing the work way back, it originated with Exnem and Raiar and their Exnem and HGEC bodies.
The arms were inspired by Team Fantasy Figures by AcidRain, Corwyn, Daede, Kalikut, Oubliette, Robert, and SickleYield.
Robert's female feet were adapted by Luchaire. Credits: Robert, Drazius, Baron B, AmberAder, Edhildil, RomanAder, and Coronerra.
Primarily from TGND armor replacer, whose existence is due to Luchaire and Kalia but can be traced to EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=24078). Project credits are Axil, Corepcmmp, Grhys, Gudwyn, MadCat221, Morphan, Lol9, Sm0ken1nfin8, Zinni, and xFrancis147.
Finally, Bethesda for making the darn thing.
Humble additions to the above by Manks.
TGND-2.1B Vanilla Armor Patch v1.0.4
Original by Luchaire and Kalia, patch by Manks
========= SUMMARY ==========
Fixes a few issues in the vanilla armor for The Girl Next Door Oblivion female body mod as well as a few modifications. Also increases compatibility with unofficial patches. Requires TGND Female Body and Clothing Replacer (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=30914).
======= REQUIREMENTS =======
The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer, version 2.1 beta:
Eyecandy or HGEC compatible body textures; suggested:
http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=20022 or
Khajiit body textures; optional, suggested:
======= INSTALLATION =======
For all methods of installation, the patch must be installed (in a practical sense) *after* TGND-2.1 beta, or else this archive's files will be overwritten.
1. Drop the release archive into your BASH Installers Folder.
2. In Wrye Bash, installers tab, make sure that the patch is listed after TGND original.
3. Right click on the archive and select "Install".
4. (Optional) Run BOSS, or adjust the load order manually. Load after any Unofficial Patches.
5. (Optional) Rebuild your bashed patch.
I don't use OBMM, so while the mod has OMOD conversion data available, I can't say exactly how it will work. Presumably, install like any other OMOD-ready mod.
Very much not recommended.
1. Back up the folders:
2. Drop the contents of the archive directly into your oblivion/data folder.
3. Sort and activate the esps.
For the most part, this mod simply changes the vertex weights on a variety of meshes. Problem areas have typically included skirts in the front and the back, loincloths, and dresses around the feet. At Vilja's prodding, I've occasionally lowered/shrunk a mesh's butt when it seemed to have been that much larger than the underlying body.
After running around for a while in-game, I noticed that my Black and Burgundy Outfit was doing some rather absurd stretching/distorting around the legs when I ran. It turns out that the vanilla mesh has the same problem, it's just exaggerated by the smaller body and tighter clothes. Other meshes inherited similar issues, bringing us to this point.
Side notes:
All meshes have been optimized with PyFFI-py3k 2.2.0
The esps should be clean
If you see any vanilla meshes that need more love, let me know and I'll see what I can do
========= CHANGES ==========
Version 1.0.4
Version 1.0.4
- Slimmed and straightened the waist/hips area of the arena outfit. Also deleted some extraneous flesh to make it perform better
- Gave a similar treatment to the leather cuirass as the arena. Also, restored much of it from vanilla as the right hand side was mirrored over the left, removing the end of the belt and the texture map in some regions.
- Smoothed the weights on the dementia finery so that it moves more smoothly around the back of the feet while running. Also replaced human feet with resized boots from vanilla outfit
- Removed an extra double-sided property from the monk robe and gave it arm cuffs
- Removed a bit of skin from the small of the back from the daedric bracers
- Eliminated gaps between huntswoman top and body. Adjusted pauldrons to be less upright, but move less with arms. Also deleted some invisible skin vertices.
- Fixed a disparity in the weights for the black & burgundy outfit that caused a gap to appear on the left hip
- Converted the vanilla iron greaves
- Converted the vanilla male chainmail cuirass and made it an option along with original TGND iron greaves
- Converted quilted shoes. I believe the huntsman moccassins were included in the original by mistake
- Touched up the robes, symmetrizing and tweaking the skirt weights, removing some odd calf action, restoring the UV map on the legs for the full outfits.
- Removed some extraneous 2-sidedness from the white wizard robe
- Deleted two little pips from the Imperial Watch greaves, bringing them to parity with the vanilla version
- Reweighted the pauldrons on the orcish cuirass so that they move less like the arms, more like other pauldrons. They should be somewhere between the old TGND extreme of hugging the upper arms and vanilla, where they stick straight out.
- Several pieces had their "skin" material renamed, causing the flesh parts to appear incorrect in game. Hopefully all fixed now. Thanks to nakakita for pointing that out.
- Mistakenly had light champion armor loin cloth the wrong texture. Fixed now
- For some reason the blackwood boots were offset compared to their steel counterparts. Now they have the same geometry
- Steel/blackwood cuirass more aggresively sculpted to body, bringing it into proportion with other armors
- Reshaped the town guard cuirass skirt to fall straighter
- There was a bit of skin poking through near the shoulder blades in the red and blue upper class outfits. Gone now.
- Restored the Cheydinhal town guard texture map to vanilla instead of reusing Anvil
- Refit the Emperor's robes and shoes from vanilla. Not generally obtainable as a female, but some mods use them
- Fixed some odd textures distortions on Daedric cuirass skirt left over from vanilla. Not really visible, but it comes up in mods using the cuirass as a base.
- Separated the mesh parts on most chest pieces and relabeled them so that, for the most part, only the arms are now visible in first person (like vanilla)
- More Nifskope tweaks/optimizations
- Redid mithril cuirass' skirt from vanilla to avoid issue with shadows
- Redid legion cuirass from EVE as it was mistakenly retextured from Imperial Watch. Also retextured gauntlets from Vanilla as they suffered from the same problem.
- Tweaked textures maps on Imperial Watch, Palace, and Legion Dragon cuirasses to match male versions, mostly around the neck
- Redid Legion Dragon gauntlets from vanilla to sync texture
- Slight optimization to elven cuirass. Reduced vertex count and removed stencil from chest. Very minor smoothing done to skirt weights, perhaps more in future.
- Female version of Tiber Septim's Armor enabled.
- Various tweaks in Nifskope that may or may not do anything, but brings pairity with Vanilla or EVE nifs.
- incorporated changes by Unofficial Oblivion Patch 3.41 and Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch 1.5.0
- HGEC hands/feet now correctly added on game start
- Enabled white monk robe, legion cuirass, and elven gauntlets
- blades - adjusted front and back flaps on cuirass to avoid clipping and hang more naturally
- chainmail - skirt now clips less, straps on greaves still an issue
- daedric - front and back flaps on cuirass; a few odd weights on hips eliminated
- (SI) darkseducer / goldensaint - minor tweaks on skirt weights in back
- dwarven - skirt no longer clips, front flaps move with thighs
- ebony - tassles move with thighs; boots molded around foot
- glass - skirt completely reweighted, stencil property removed
- iron - fixed a small weight issue causing an apparent strap to form between the legs
- legion - skirt moves with thighs; boots shrunk a bit
- mithril - skirt weights smoothed, clipping reduced, butt shrunk a touch
- orcish - skirt now has thigh weights; reduced posterior size
- steel - skirt, for the most part; moved down posterior, fixed a few UV map issues
- upper class full dresses - should wrap better around legs while running
- green upper class shirt - weighted belt
- robes - reduced buttreduced clipping while running, smoothed creases a bit
- Mythic Dawn and Dark Brotherhood robes now have feet and legs to match TGND body
- blacksmith's apron - no longer clips while running
- sack cloth pants - fixed draw strings
- (SI) scruffy shoes - built female versions
- rugged pants, black wide pants, and short britches - symmetrized crotch and removed dent
- arena - adjusted skirt weights for clipping, moved down posterior, pleats at thighs open a little while running; crotch dent diminished
- town guard - smoothed front to look more natural, back flaps sway a bit
- apron of adroitness - moves with thighs, clips less
====== REDISTRIBUTION ======
Everything in this mod can be redistributed without asking for permission, but it is required that you give credit to the original arists.
If you wish to redistribute something that uses a body-part mesh, cite the folks listed under "Body parts" in the credits. Otherwise, to redistribute any armors, cite those listed under "Armors" in the credits.
========= CREDITS ==========
Body parts:
They derive from TGND by Luchaire and Kalia, assisted by Chingari, Sickleyield, Kristoffer, and Alt3rn1ty. Tracing the work way back, it originated with Exnem and Raiar and their Exnem and HGEC bodies.
The arms were inspired by Team Fantasy Figures by AcidRain, Corwyn, Daede, Kalikut, Oubliette, Robert, and SickleYield.
Robert's female feet were adapted by Luchaire. Credits: Robert, Drazius, Baron B, AmberAder, Edhildil, RomanAder, and Coronerra.
Primarily from TGND armor replacer, whose existence is due to Luchaire and Kalia but can be traced to EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=24078). Project credits are Axil, Corepcmmp, Grhys, Gudwyn, MadCat221, Morphan, Lol9, Sm0ken1nfin8, Zinni, and xFrancis147.
Finally, Bethesda for making the darn thing.
Humble additions to the above by Manks.
2) http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41812
======== TOP MATTER ========
TGND2 Knights Replacer v1.0.1
Assembled and tweaked by Manks
========= SUMMARY ==========
Adapts the Armor of the Crusader from the official DLC Knights of the Nine for The Girl Next Door body by Luchaire and Kalia, adding female versions of the gauntlets, helm, cuirass, and boots. Also adds an adapted version of the Knights of Nine armor.
======= REQUIREMENTS =======
The official DLC Knights of the Nine. Other than that, nothing, although I imagine it will look a little out of place if you don't also use The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=30914).
======= INSTALLATION =======
1. Drop the release archive into your BASH Installers Folder.
2. In Wrye Bash, installers tab, right click on the archive and select "Install".
3. (Optional) Run BOSS, or adjust the load order manually. Load after Knights.esp and any Unofficial Patches.
4. (Optional) Rebuild your bashed patch.
I don't use OBMM, so while the mod has OMOD conversion data available, I can't say exactly how it will work. Presumably, install like any other OMOD-ready mod.
1. Drop the contents of the archive directly into your oblivion/data folder.
2. Sort and activate the esps.
Gives the Armor of the Crusader the typical TGND treatment, including a slightly larger butt, bit of a tummy, thinner wrists, flatter chest, and smaller feet. I also reduced the size of the pauldrons a little so that they don't dominate quite so much. The Knights of the Nine chest piece is in there, although that is a straight texture swap from the city guard models.
Incorporates changes from the Unofficial Official Mods Patch v1.6.0.
Side notes:
All meshes have been optimized with PyFFI-py3k 2.2.0
The esp should be clean
Comments are always welcome
========= CHANGES ==========
Version 1.0.1 - 04/01/2012
Redid Knights of the Nine cuirass to have a straighter skirt
Separated the mesh parts on most chest pieces and relabeled them so that, for the most part, only the arms are now visible in first person (like vanilla)
Various Nifskope tweaks/optimizations
Version 1.0.0 - 03/14/2012
initial release
====== REDISTRIBUTION ======
Everything in this mod can be redistributed without asking for permission, but it is required that you give credit to the original arists.
To redistribute any armors, cite those listed under "Armors" in the credits.
======= TOOLS USED =========
Blender 2.49b
Nifskope 1.1.0-RC5
PyFFI 2.2.0
TES4Edit 3.0.15
========= CREDITS ==========
Body parts:
(Unlike other TGND refits, no body parts were used here. Listed because they obviously inspired the armor).
They derive from TGND by Luchaire and Kalia, assisted by Chingari, Sickleyield, Kristoffer, and Alt3rn1ty. Tracing the work way back, it originated with Exnem and Raiar and their Exnem and HGEC bodies.
The arms were inspired by Team Fantasy Figures by AcidRain, Corwyn, Daede, Kalikut, Oubliette, Robert, and SickleYield.
Robert's female feet were adapted by Luchaire. Credits: Robert, Drazius, Baron B, AmberAder, Edhildil, RomanAder, and Coronerra.
The gloves and greaves are refit from the official DLC. As always, credit to Bethesda.
The helmet comes unmodified from EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=24078). In addition, the cuirass and boots were adapted from that source as well. Project credits are Axil, Corepcmmp, Grhys, Gudwyn, MadCat221, Morphan, Lol9, Sm0ken1nfin8, Zinni, and xFrancis147.
TGND2 Knights Replacer v1.0.1
Assembled and tweaked by Manks
========= SUMMARY ==========
Adapts the Armor of the Crusader from the official DLC Knights of the Nine for The Girl Next Door body by Luchaire and Kalia, adding female versions of the gauntlets, helm, cuirass, and boots. Also adds an adapted version of the Knights of Nine armor.
======= REQUIREMENTS =======
The official DLC Knights of the Nine. Other than that, nothing, although I imagine it will look a little out of place if you don't also use The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=30914).
======= INSTALLATION =======
1. Drop the release archive into your BASH Installers Folder.
2. In Wrye Bash, installers tab, right click on the archive and select "Install".
3. (Optional) Run BOSS, or adjust the load order manually. Load after Knights.esp and any Unofficial Patches.
4. (Optional) Rebuild your bashed patch.
I don't use OBMM, so while the mod has OMOD conversion data available, I can't say exactly how it will work. Presumably, install like any other OMOD-ready mod.
1. Drop the contents of the archive directly into your oblivion/data folder.
2. Sort and activate the esps.
Gives the Armor of the Crusader the typical TGND treatment, including a slightly larger butt, bit of a tummy, thinner wrists, flatter chest, and smaller feet. I also reduced the size of the pauldrons a little so that they don't dominate quite so much. The Knights of the Nine chest piece is in there, although that is a straight texture swap from the city guard models.
Incorporates changes from the Unofficial Official Mods Patch v1.6.0.
Side notes:
All meshes have been optimized with PyFFI-py3k 2.2.0
The esp should be clean
Comments are always welcome
========= CHANGES ==========
Version 1.0.1 - 04/01/2012
Redid Knights of the Nine cuirass to have a straighter skirt
Separated the mesh parts on most chest pieces and relabeled them so that, for the most part, only the arms are now visible in first person (like vanilla)
Various Nifskope tweaks/optimizations
Version 1.0.0 - 03/14/2012
initial release
====== REDISTRIBUTION ======
Everything in this mod can be redistributed without asking for permission, but it is required that you give credit to the original arists.
To redistribute any armors, cite those listed under "Armors" in the credits.
======= TOOLS USED =========
Blender 2.49b
Nifskope 1.1.0-RC5
PyFFI 2.2.0
TES4Edit 3.0.15
========= CREDITS ==========
Body parts:
(Unlike other TGND refits, no body parts were used here. Listed because they obviously inspired the armor).
They derive from TGND by Luchaire and Kalia, assisted by Chingari, Sickleyield, Kristoffer, and Alt3rn1ty. Tracing the work way back, it originated with Exnem and Raiar and their Exnem and HGEC bodies.
The arms were inspired by Team Fantasy Figures by AcidRain, Corwyn, Daede, Kalikut, Oubliette, Robert, and SickleYield.
Robert's female feet were adapted by Luchaire. Credits: Robert, Drazius, Baron B, AmberAder, Edhildil, RomanAder, and Coronerra.
The gloves and greaves are refit from the official DLC. As always, credit to Bethesda.
The helmet comes unmodified from EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=24078). In addition, the cuirass and boots were adapted from that source as well. Project credits are Axil, Corepcmmp, Grhys, Gudwyn, MadCat221, Morphan, Lol9, Sm0ken1nfin8, Zinni, and xFrancis147.
3) http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41881
======== TOP MATTER ========
TGND2 Kvatch Rebuilt Replacer v1.0.2
Assembled and tweaked by Manks
========= SUMMARY ==========
Adapts the arena armors, rogue outfit, and guard cuirasses from Kvatch Rebuilt for The Girl Next Door body.
======= REQUIREMENTS =======
The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer by Luchaire and Kalia, version 2.1b or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=30914). Realistically, any Exnem/HGEC compatibable body and textures will do, although things'll look strange without TGND.
Kvatch Rebuilt v2.1.1 or greater by the Kvatch Rebuilt team (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=15412). Very likely compatible with previous versions, but I don't know the mod's history so well.
======= INSTALLATION =======
Regardless of the method of installation, this archive needs to be installed *after* Kvatch Rebuilt, as this one replaces some of Kvatch Rebuilt's files.
1. Drop the release archive into your BASH Installers Folder.
2. In Wrye Bash, Installers tab, make sure that the installer is positioned after the main Kvatch Rebuilt mod.
3. Right click on the archive and select "Install".
I don't use OBMM, so while the mod has OMOD conversion data available, I can't say exactly how it will work. Presumably, install like any other OMOD-ready mod, albeit after Kvatch Rebuilt.
1. Drop the contents of the archive directly into your oblivion/data folder.
Gives the armor in Kvatch Rebuilt the typical TGND treatment, including a slightly larger butt, bit of a tummy, thinner wrists, flatter chest, and smaller feet. The Kvatch Rebuilt rogue armor was assembled and resized from various sources, and vertex weights were adjusted until clipping was eliminated.
No changes to records are necessary as everything is done by swapping in different meshes, so there is no ESP.
Side notes:
All meshes have been optimized with PyFFI-py3k 2.2.0
Comments are always welcome
====== UNINSTALLATION ======
For BAIN and OMOD formats, use their respective managers to uninstall the changes.
For manual install, load up your Kvatch Rebuilt installer and find the folders:
meshes/KR Underground
Copy those from the installer directly into your oblivion/data directory.
========= CHANGES ==========
Version 1.0.2 - 04/16/2012
Slimmed and straightened the waist/hips area of the arena outfit. Also deleted some extraneous flesh to make it perform better
Coded the rogue armor's hands as "skin" so that they'll change color to match the body
Version 1.0.1 - 04/01/2012
Redid town guard cuirasses to have straighter skirts
Separated the mesh parts on most chest pieces and relabeled them so that, for the most part, only the arms are now visible in first person (like vanilla)
Various Nifskope tweaks/optimizations
Version 1.0.0 - 03/24/2012
initial release
====== REDISTRIBUTION ======
Everything in this mod can be redistributed without asking for permission, but it is required that you give credit to the original arists.
If you wish to redistribute something that uses a body-part mesh, cite the folks listed under "Body parts" in the credits. Otherwise, to redistribute any armors, cite those listed under "Armors" in the credits.
In addition, if you want to be polite about it, it would be nice to ask the Kvatch Rebuilt folk before doing anything as this links to their textures.
======= TOOLS USED =========
Blender 2.49b
Nifskope 1.1.0-RC5
PyFFI 2.2.0
TES4Edit 3.0.15
========= CREDITS ==========
Body parts:
They derive from TGND by Luchaire and Kalia, assisted by Chingari, Sickleyield, Kristoffer, and Alt3rn1ty. Tracing the work way back, it originated with Exnem and Raiar and their Exnem and HGEC bodies.
The arms were inspired by Team Fantasy Figures by AcidRain, Corwyn, Daede, Kalikut, Oubliette, Robert, and SickleYield.
Robert's female feet were adapted by Luchaire. Credits: Robert, Drazius, Baron B, AmberAder, Edhildil, RomanAder, and Coronerra.
All but one mesh was tweaked from TGND armor replacer, whose existence is due to Luchaire and Kalia but can be traced to EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=24078). Project credits are Axil, Corepcmmp, Grhys, Gudwyn, MadCat221, Morphan, Lol9, Sm0ken1nfin8, Zinni, and xFrancis147.
The final mesh was directly adapted from Vanilla sources, and forms the pants in the rogue outfit. Of course, credit goes to Bethesda for creating the game and the original versions of all of this.
Beyond that, everything in here is in some sense a retexture of a Vanilla object, so that anything looks purty and new is due to the fine folk who gave us Kvatch Rebuilt: the Kvatch Rebuilt Team. They have a rather lengthy list of credits, but their names appear in the Kvatch Rebuilt readme that comes with the mod.
TGND2 Kvatch Rebuilt Replacer v1.0.2
Assembled and tweaked by Manks
========= SUMMARY ==========
Adapts the arena armors, rogue outfit, and guard cuirasses from Kvatch Rebuilt for The Girl Next Door body.
======= REQUIREMENTS =======
The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer by Luchaire and Kalia, version 2.1b or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=30914). Realistically, any Exnem/HGEC compatibable body and textures will do, although things'll look strange without TGND.
Kvatch Rebuilt v2.1.1 or greater by the Kvatch Rebuilt team (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=15412). Very likely compatible with previous versions, but I don't know the mod's history so well.
======= INSTALLATION =======
Regardless of the method of installation, this archive needs to be installed *after* Kvatch Rebuilt, as this one replaces some of Kvatch Rebuilt's files.
1. Drop the release archive into your BASH Installers Folder.
2. In Wrye Bash, Installers tab, make sure that the installer is positioned after the main Kvatch Rebuilt mod.
3. Right click on the archive and select "Install".
I don't use OBMM, so while the mod has OMOD conversion data available, I can't say exactly how it will work. Presumably, install like any other OMOD-ready mod, albeit after Kvatch Rebuilt.
1. Drop the contents of the archive directly into your oblivion/data folder.
Gives the armor in Kvatch Rebuilt the typical TGND treatment, including a slightly larger butt, bit of a tummy, thinner wrists, flatter chest, and smaller feet. The Kvatch Rebuilt rogue armor was assembled and resized from various sources, and vertex weights were adjusted until clipping was eliminated.
No changes to records are necessary as everything is done by swapping in different meshes, so there is no ESP.
Side notes:
All meshes have been optimized with PyFFI-py3k 2.2.0
Comments are always welcome
====== UNINSTALLATION ======
For BAIN and OMOD formats, use their respective managers to uninstall the changes.
For manual install, load up your Kvatch Rebuilt installer and find the folders:
meshes/KR Underground
Copy those from the installer directly into your oblivion/data directory.
========= CHANGES ==========
Version 1.0.2 - 04/16/2012
Slimmed and straightened the waist/hips area of the arena outfit. Also deleted some extraneous flesh to make it perform better
Coded the rogue armor's hands as "skin" so that they'll change color to match the body
Version 1.0.1 - 04/01/2012
Redid town guard cuirasses to have straighter skirts
Separated the mesh parts on most chest pieces and relabeled them so that, for the most part, only the arms are now visible in first person (like vanilla)
Various Nifskope tweaks/optimizations
Version 1.0.0 - 03/24/2012
initial release
====== REDISTRIBUTION ======
Everything in this mod can be redistributed without asking for permission, but it is required that you give credit to the original arists.
If you wish to redistribute something that uses a body-part mesh, cite the folks listed under "Body parts" in the credits. Otherwise, to redistribute any armors, cite those listed under "Armors" in the credits.
In addition, if you want to be polite about it, it would be nice to ask the Kvatch Rebuilt folk before doing anything as this links to their textures.
======= TOOLS USED =========
Blender 2.49b
Nifskope 1.1.0-RC5
PyFFI 2.2.0
TES4Edit 3.0.15
========= CREDITS ==========
Body parts:
They derive from TGND by Luchaire and Kalia, assisted by Chingari, Sickleyield, Kristoffer, and Alt3rn1ty. Tracing the work way back, it originated with Exnem and Raiar and their Exnem and HGEC bodies.
The arms were inspired by Team Fantasy Figures by AcidRain, Corwyn, Daede, Kalikut, Oubliette, Robert, and SickleYield.
Robert's female feet were adapted by Luchaire. Credits: Robert, Drazius, Baron B, AmberAder, Edhildil, RomanAder, and Coronerra.
All but one mesh was tweaked from TGND armor replacer, whose existence is due to Luchaire and Kalia but can be traced to EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=24078). Project credits are Axil, Corepcmmp, Grhys, Gudwyn, MadCat221, Morphan, Lol9, Sm0ken1nfin8, Zinni, and xFrancis147.
The final mesh was directly adapted from Vanilla sources, and forms the pants in the rogue outfit. Of course, credit goes to Bethesda for creating the game and the original versions of all of this.
Beyond that, everything in here is in some sense a retexture of a Vanilla object, so that anything looks purty and new is due to the fine folk who gave us Kvatch Rebuilt: the Kvatch Rebuilt Team. They have a rather lengthy list of credits, but their names appear in the Kvatch Rebuilt readme that comes with the mod.
4) http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41930
======== TOP MATTER ========
TGND2 Frans Replacer v1.0.1
Assembled and tweaked by Manks
========= SUMMARY ==========
Converts all female armors in Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod and Optional New Items to fit to The Girl Next Door v2 body. Also adds female versions where none previously existed. Compatible w/TGND 2.1B and Frans 5.1b1 and 5.1b2.
======= REQUIREMENTS =======
The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer by Luchaire and Kalia, version 2.1b or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=30914).
Francesco's Leveled Creatures and Items v5b1 or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=40190)
(Recommended) TGND2 Vanilla Armor Patch, version 1.0.2 or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41811).
======= INSTALLATION =======
As Frans v5 uses a BSA, installation doesn't matter so long as you can handle Archive Invalidation. Both Wyre Bash and OBMM do this for you.
1. Drop the release archive into your BASH Installers Folder.
2. In Wyre Bash, go to the installers tab.
3. Click on the package name from the list. Under the sub-packages area, make sure "0 Core" is checked.
4. Check one of the sub-packages corresponding to the options for Frans that you wish to use.
5. Right click the package name from the main installer list and select install.
6. (Optional) Run BOSS, or adjust the load order manually. Load after Frans esps.
7. (Optional) Rebuild your bashed patch.
I don't use OBMM, so while the mod has OMOD conversion data available, I can't say exactly how it will work. Presumably, install like any other OMOD-ready mod. Install after OOO 1.33 or 1.34, and after TGND.
1. Extract the contents of the arcive somewhere safe.
2. From there, drag and drop the contents of the "0 Core" folder directly into your oblivion/data directory.
3. Pick one of the ESPs in the other numbered folders, corresponding to the different optional installations of Frans. Drag and drop that into your oblivion/data directory as well.
4. Sort and activate the esps, as in BAIN directions above. The conversion needs to be after Frans in your load order.
Converts all female Frans armors/clothing to the TGND body type. The typical TGND treatment includes a slightly larger butt, bit of a tummy, thinner wrists, flatter chest, and smaller feet.
As a graphics conversion, the esps should be safe to merge into your Bashed patch.
A word of warning: Frans is a relatively large mod and I am but one person. It is probable that a mistake was made somewhere. Please report any bugs.
Finally, some of the armor sets were done rather hastily, as they were pick-and-mixes from vanilla sources. Some clipping might have been introduced as a result. Let me know and I'll take a look into resizing/reweighting.
Side notes:
All meshes have been optimized with PyFFI-py3k 2.2.0
The esps should be clean
Comments are always welcome
========= CHANGES ==========
Version 1.0.1 - 04/16/2012
Updated chainmail dress mesh to vanilla armor patch 1.0.3
Did similar with the large chain cuirass, matching the vanilla leather one
And again with the light steel cuirass matching the vanilla huntswoman shirt
Updated Warcry robes from that replacer, v1.0.1. Generally less clipping, cleaner seams, and smaller files.
Connected the town guard pauldrons to the chest piece on the reinforced chainmail cuirass
Added a more practical/less revealing reinforced chainmail cuirass option
Fixed OMOD Script
Added a less revealing/more practical variant for the reinforced chainmail cuirass
Several pieces had their "skin" material renamed, causing the flesh parts to appear incorrect in game.
Went through all the meshes with Nifskope and compared their properties to the originals. Hopefully synchronized them all.
Version 1.0.0 - 04/01/2012
initial release
====== REDISTRIBUTION ======
A few things before I get into the details:
1) I don't much want any credit for any of this, I'm really only interested in bringing a body type I think is great to some mods that I also think are great.
2) I also don't want to make it any harder than it needs to be for this stuff to be shared, so whatever contributions are "mine", do with whatever you please.
3) However, the vast majority of files included are available under restrictions and it is certainly necessary to point out that they can be traced back to the hard work of a variety of excellent artists.
That out of the way, the following sets of armor require no modification and/or redistribution of the original artistic assets. To redistribute these, cite the names for TGND body and armor parts listed in the credits.
braided, chaindress, colovian, dragonelite, gmithril, griffin armor, heaven's fury, javrmb, largechain, lightsteel, noble plate, oddbasket, ravenwear, rusty armor, warcry
The following involve reuse of original meshes or texture maps, but are available provided the original artists are credited. Dragon scale also requires the artist to be notified of use.
lamellar, thorgrim, dragon scale armor
The following mesh folders use non-vanilla geometry, UV maps, or both, and no information on redistribution is accessible. I have attempted to contact the authors with varying degrees of succcess, and if notified that they do not want their work re-released, I'll pull it immediately. If you wish to redistribute, note that you may have to pull them as well.
draconicarmor, dark paladin, reinforced chain
======= TOOLS USED =========
Blender 2.49b
Nifskope 1.1.0-RC5
PyFFI 2.2.0
TES4Edit 3.0.15
========= CREDITS ==========
------- Frans Armors -------
Dragon Knight Armor - Drakonnen
ArchMage Battle Armor - Axeface
Noble Armor - Ulath
Templar Armor - L@zarus
Scalemale Armor - PJ
Heaven's Fury Armor - Jerros
Gold Mithril Armor - Sin
Braided Armor - Cgramnaes
Bronze Chainmail Armor - Ino Zenosis
Draconic Armor - Bad Andy
Cured Leather Armor - Neela
Armored Robes - L@zarus
Decored Fur Armor - Frankpants
Lamellar Armor - Frankpants
Composite Armor - PJ
Chaindress - smitty
Ceremonial Steel Armor - GuarTrainer
Dark Paladin Armor - Cultbrain
Reinforced Chain Cuirass - Francesco
Griffin Armor - Phitt
Void Mirror Armor - Oddbasket
Dragon Scale Armor - Aragorn24
Red Leather Armor - Ino Zenosis
Special thanks to L@zarus for actually getting back to me. And his permission, of course.
--- TGND Body and Meshes ---
Most of the armors are retextures/mesh swaps from Vanilla, so this effort relies heavily on The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer and my own TGND2 Vanilla Armor Patch. Where no equivalent mesh existed, the armor was refit directly.
Body parts:
They derive from TGND by Luchaire and Kalia, assisted by Chingari, Sickleyield, Kristoffer, and Alt3rn1ty. Tracing the work way back, it originated with Exnem and Raiar and their Exnem and HGEC bodies.
The arms were inspired by Team Fantasy Figures by AcidRain, Corwyn, Daede, Kalikut, Oubliette, Robert, and SickleYield.
Robert's female feet were adapted by Luchaire. Credits: Robert, Drazius, Baron B, AmberAder, Edhildil, RomanAder, and Coronerra.
Vanilla meshes:
Primarily from TGND armor replacer, whose existence is due to Luchaire and Kalia but can be traced to EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=24078). Project credits are Axil, Corepcmmp, Grhys, Gudwyn, MadCat221, Morphan, Lol9, Sm0ken1nfin8, Zinni, and xFrancis147.
And finally, Bethesda, for making all this possible.
======== TOP MATTER ========
TGND2 Frans Replacer v1.0.1
Assembled and tweaked by Manks
========= SUMMARY ==========
Converts all female armors in Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod and Optional New Items to fit to The Girl Next Door v2 body. Also adds female versions where none previously existed. Compatible w/TGND 2.1B and Frans 5.1b1 and 5.1b2.
======= REQUIREMENTS =======
The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer by Luchaire and Kalia, version 2.1b or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=30914).
Francesco's Leveled Creatures and Items v5b1 or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=40190)
(Recommended) TGND2 Vanilla Armor Patch, version 1.0.2 or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41811).
======= INSTALLATION =======
As Frans v5 uses a BSA, installation doesn't matter so long as you can handle Archive Invalidation. Both Wyre Bash and OBMM do this for you.
1. Drop the release archive into your BASH Installers Folder.
2. In Wyre Bash, go to the installers tab.
3. Click on the package name from the list. Under the sub-packages area, make sure "0 Core" is checked.
4. Check one of the sub-packages corresponding to the options for Frans that you wish to use.
5. Right click the package name from the main installer list and select install.
6. (Optional) Run BOSS, or adjust the load order manually. Load after Frans esps.
7. (Optional) Rebuild your bashed patch.
I don't use OBMM, so while the mod has OMOD conversion data available, I can't say exactly how it will work. Presumably, install like any other OMOD-ready mod. Install after OOO 1.33 or 1.34, and after TGND.
1. Extract the contents of the arcive somewhere safe.
2. From there, drag and drop the contents of the "0 Core" folder directly into your oblivion/data directory.
3. Pick one of the ESPs in the other numbered folders, corresponding to the different optional installations of Frans. Drag and drop that into your oblivion/data directory as well.
4. Sort and activate the esps, as in BAIN directions above. The conversion needs to be after Frans in your load order.
Converts all female Frans armors/clothing to the TGND body type. The typical TGND treatment includes a slightly larger butt, bit of a tummy, thinner wrists, flatter chest, and smaller feet.
As a graphics conversion, the esps should be safe to merge into your Bashed patch.
A word of warning: Frans is a relatively large mod and I am but one person. It is probable that a mistake was made somewhere. Please report any bugs.
Finally, some of the armor sets were done rather hastily, as they were pick-and-mixes from vanilla sources. Some clipping might have been introduced as a result. Let me know and I'll take a look into resizing/reweighting.
Side notes:
All meshes have been optimized with PyFFI-py3k 2.2.0
The esps should be clean
Comments are always welcome
========= CHANGES ==========
Version 1.0.1 - 04/16/2012
Updated chainmail dress mesh to vanilla armor patch 1.0.3
Did similar with the large chain cuirass, matching the vanilla leather one
And again with the light steel cuirass matching the vanilla huntswoman shirt
Updated Warcry robes from that replacer, v1.0.1. Generally less clipping, cleaner seams, and smaller files.
Connected the town guard pauldrons to the chest piece on the reinforced chainmail cuirass
Added a more practical/less revealing reinforced chainmail cuirass option
Fixed OMOD Script
Added a less revealing/more practical variant for the reinforced chainmail cuirass
Several pieces had their "skin" material renamed, causing the flesh parts to appear incorrect in game.
Went through all the meshes with Nifskope and compared their properties to the originals. Hopefully synchronized them all.
Version 1.0.0 - 04/01/2012
initial release
====== REDISTRIBUTION ======
A few things before I get into the details:
1) I don't much want any credit for any of this, I'm really only interested in bringing a body type I think is great to some mods that I also think are great.
2) I also don't want to make it any harder than it needs to be for this stuff to be shared, so whatever contributions are "mine", do with whatever you please.
3) However, the vast majority of files included are available under restrictions and it is certainly necessary to point out that they can be traced back to the hard work of a variety of excellent artists.
That out of the way, the following sets of armor require no modification and/or redistribution of the original artistic assets. To redistribute these, cite the names for TGND body and armor parts listed in the credits.
braided, chaindress, colovian, dragonelite, gmithril, griffin armor, heaven's fury, javrmb, largechain, lightsteel, noble plate, oddbasket, ravenwear, rusty armor, warcry
The following involve reuse of original meshes or texture maps, but are available provided the original artists are credited. Dragon scale also requires the artist to be notified of use.
lamellar, thorgrim, dragon scale armor
The following mesh folders use non-vanilla geometry, UV maps, or both, and no information on redistribution is accessible. I have attempted to contact the authors with varying degrees of succcess, and if notified that they do not want their work re-released, I'll pull it immediately. If you wish to redistribute, note that you may have to pull them as well.
draconicarmor, dark paladin, reinforced chain
======= TOOLS USED =========
Blender 2.49b
Nifskope 1.1.0-RC5
PyFFI 2.2.0
TES4Edit 3.0.15
========= CREDITS ==========
------- Frans Armors -------
Dragon Knight Armor - Drakonnen
ArchMage Battle Armor - Axeface
Noble Armor - Ulath
Templar Armor - L@zarus
Scalemale Armor - PJ
Heaven's Fury Armor - Jerros
Gold Mithril Armor - Sin
Braided Armor - Cgramnaes
Bronze Chainmail Armor - Ino Zenosis
Draconic Armor - Bad Andy
Cured Leather Armor - Neela
Armored Robes - L@zarus
Decored Fur Armor - Frankpants
Lamellar Armor - Frankpants
Composite Armor - PJ
Chaindress - smitty
Ceremonial Steel Armor - GuarTrainer
Dark Paladin Armor - Cultbrain
Reinforced Chain Cuirass - Francesco
Griffin Armor - Phitt
Void Mirror Armor - Oddbasket
Dragon Scale Armor - Aragorn24
Red Leather Armor - Ino Zenosis
Special thanks to L@zarus for actually getting back to me. And his permission, of course.
--- TGND Body and Meshes ---
Most of the armors are retextures/mesh swaps from Vanilla, so this effort relies heavily on The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer and my own TGND2 Vanilla Armor Patch. Where no equivalent mesh existed, the armor was refit directly.
Body parts:
They derive from TGND by Luchaire and Kalia, assisted by Chingari, Sickleyield, Kristoffer, and Alt3rn1ty. Tracing the work way back, it originated with Exnem and Raiar and their Exnem and HGEC bodies.
The arms were inspired by Team Fantasy Figures by AcidRain, Corwyn, Daede, Kalikut, Oubliette, Robert, and SickleYield.
Robert's female feet were adapted by Luchaire. Credits: Robert, Drazius, Baron B, AmberAder, Edhildil, RomanAder, and Coronerra.
Vanilla meshes:
Primarily from TGND armor replacer, whose existence is due to Luchaire and Kalia but can be traced to EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=24078). Project credits are Axil, Corepcmmp, Grhys, Gudwyn, MadCat221, Morphan, Lol9, Sm0ken1nfin8, Zinni, and xFrancis147.
And finally, Bethesda, for making all this possible.
5) http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41928 (Includes Compatablity with version 1.35 beta!)
======== TOP MATTER ========
TGND2 OOO Replacer v1.0.2
Assembled and tweaked by Manks
========= SUMMARY ==========
Converts all female armors in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul to fit to The Girl Next Door v2 body. Also adds female versions where none previously existed. Compatible w/TGND 2.1B and OOO 1.33, 1.34b5, and 1.35b.
======= REQUIREMENTS =======
The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer by Luchaire and Kalia, version 2.1b or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=30914).
Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul by the OOO Team version 1.33, 1.34b5 (http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=3953), or 1.35b (http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/1103-beta-obscuros-oblivion-overhaul/).
(Recommended) TGND2 Vanilla Armor Patch, version 1.0.2 or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41811).
======= INSTALLATION =======
For OOO versions 1.33 and 1.34, install this conversion *after* you have installed one or the other of those, as this will overwrite some of the OOO files. For that matter, those versions of OOO will overwrite some of TGND files, so ideally install OOO first, then TGND and conversion.
1. Drop the release archive into your BASH Installers Folder.
2. In Wyre Bash, go to the installers tab. If you are using OOO 1.33 or 1.34, make sure that this conversion is listed after OOO. Position relative to TGND shouldn't matter, although TGND should also be below OOO 1.33 and 1.34. Position also irrelevant relative to OOO 1.35.
3. Click on the package name from the list. Under the sub-packages area, make sure "0 Core" is checked.
4. Check one of the sub-packages corresponding to the version of OOO that you wish to use.
5. Right click the package name from the main installer list and select install.
6. (Optional) Run BOSS, or adjust the load order manually. Load after TGND and OOO esps.
7. (Optional) Rebuild your bashed patch.
I don't use OBMM, so while the mod has OMOD conversion data available, I can't say exactly how it will work. Presumably, install like any other OMOD-ready mod. Install after OOO 1.33 or 1.34, and after TGND.
1. Extract the contents of the archive somewhere safe.
2. From there, drag and drop the contents of the "0 Core" folder directly into your oblivion/data directory.
3. Pick one of the ESPs in the other numbered folders, corresponding to the different verisons of OOO. Drag and drop that into your oblivion/data directory as well.
4. Sort and activate the esps, as in BAIN directions above. The conversion needs to be after TGND and OOO in your load order.
5. If using OOO 1.35, handle archive invalidation. Instructions are at: (http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php/Oblivion_Mods_FAQ#Archive_Invalidation). Not necessary for OOO 1.33 and 1.34.
Converts every single one of the female OOO armors/clothing to the TGND body type. The typical TGND treatment includes a slightly larger butt, bit of a tummy, thinner wrists, flatter chest, and smaller feet.
The ESPs are actually compatibility patches as well as conversions, as they prevent TGND and OOO from overwriting each others' changes in addition to adding new female versions of armor. The first part is really only for those who don't use a Bashed patch, while for those of you who do, feel free to merge the ESP.
A word of warning: OOO is huge with thousands of records and hundreds of files. It is highly likely that I made a mistake somewhere. Please don't hesitate to report any bugs.
In addition, I tried to only convert items included with OOO that are actually used. I might have missed some, or included a few that can't actually be obtained in game. Let me know if that is the case.
Finally, some of the armor sets were done rather hastily, as they were pick-and-mixes from vanilla sources. Some clipping might have been introduced as a result. Let me know and I'll take a look into resizing/reweighting.
Side notes:
All meshes have been optimized with PyFFI-py3k 2.2.0
The esps should be clean
Comments are always welcome
========= CHANGES ==========
Version 1.0.2 - 04/16/2012
Fixed wrist material property for amazon full body outfits
Fixed mesh paths for caped imperial palace cuirasses
Version 1.0.1 - 04/16/2012
Removed skin poking through on braided dress.
Removed extraneous 2-sidedness from robes deriving from white wizard
Originally failed to notice that the dmithril set uses blackwood pauldrons. Swapped them in
Redid the unfinished orcish cuirass as it had bits of pauldron stuck to the back
Updated the robes to match vanilla armor patch v1.0.3
Removed a bit of flesh from the amazon full-body outfits
Updated uses of the huntswoman top to be smaller and have fewer gaps
Removed the accidently included specular property from the green unisix pants
Spent some more time on the shadowmail cuirass, restoring the belt and UV map and smoothing out the waist and hips. Also synced the pauldron textures
Added a set of less revealing/more practical, optional, armors
Several pieces had their "skin" material renamed, causing the flesh parts to appear incorrect in game.
Went through all the meshes with Nifskope and compared their properties to the originals. Hopefully synchronized them all.
Version 1.0.0 - 04/01/2012
initial release
====== REDISTRIBUTION ======
A few things before I get into the details:
1) I don't much want any credit for any of this, I'm really only interested in bringing a body type I think is great to some mods that I also think are great.
2) I also don't want to make it any harder than it needs to be for this stuff to be shared, so whatever contributions are "mine", do with whatever you please.
3) However, the vast majority of files included are available under restrictions and it is certainly necessary to point out that they can be traced back to the hard work of a variety of excellent artists.
That out of the way, the following sets of armor require no modification and/or redistribution of the original artistic assets. To redistribute these, cite the names for TGND body and armor parts listed in the credits.
javbmb/javbs/javrmb, snowfur, braided/hbraided/dread armor (sans hbraided cuirass), chainbikini, ey_cca/ey_qma, darkglass, darkrose, dbimperialguard/legionelhoim, va, gray fox armory/gray fox leather, griffin, growlf, daedriclava, ivory, noble plate, bglass/rglass/elveneldar/elvenedlar2/elveneldar3/bmithril/dmithril/gmithril/rleather, autumrobe/bloodrobe/blueandwhite/damagedrobe/dwarvenpreist (sic)/elvenrobe/robemageoftheforest/royalbluerobe/underkingrobe/wood elven robe, kdrobes/vella, whiterose, worn*, hf1
shadowmail involves reuse of original meshes, but is made avaiable under attribution by the original artist, NorrabMaster. hf2 is available under attribution and provided that you shoot the artists an email (Jerros and LHammonds). To redistribute these, do that, and then also cite TGND body and armor credits as some of those bits ended up in there as well.
The following mesh folders use non-vanilla geometry, UV maps, or both, and no information on redistribution is accessible. I have attempted to contact the authors with varying degrees of succcess, and if notified that they do not want their work re-released, I'll pull it immediately. If you wish to redistribute, note that you may have to pull them as well.
hbraided (cuirass), draconicarmor (gauntlets and cuirass), thesilverdragonorder (gauntlets), icguardcc
======= TOOLS USED =========
Blender 2.49b
Nifskope 1.1.0-RC5
PyFFI 2.2.0
TES4Edit 3.0.15
========= CREDITS ==========
------- OOO Armors ---------
Archmage Armor and Blades Ceremonial Armor - Axeface
Battledress 1.1 and Dread Armor - Chiz
capes and Cloaks 1.2 - Someone1074
Special legion versions - Elhoim and Praetorio
Chain Bikini - Aleanne
Contessa Chomed/Queen Metalace - Eyren
Dark Glass - Praetorio
Dark Rose - Kafeid
Draconic Armor - BadAndy
Etherial: Imperial Legion Armor - DagothBalls
Etherial: Imperial Legion Armor Rexture - Elhoim
Femme-Daedric armor - Vagabond Angel
Gray Fox Armory - Daeger
Griffin Armor - Phitt
Growlf's Female Armor - Growlf
New Daedric Retexture - Praetorio
Ivory Armor - Sleeper25
Noble Plate - Ulath
Shadowmail Armor - NorrabMaster
Silver Dragon Armor - The Atronach
Sin's Light Armor Pack 3.0 - Sin
Tegeal's Extra Robes - Tegeal
Vermillion and Silverthorn robes - Kafeid
Vella's Armor - vine-au
White Rose - Kafeid
Worn Armors - Dieterweb
Heaven's Fury Armor - Jerros and LHammonds
Special thanks to Elhoim and The Atronach for actually getting back to me, and their permission of course.
--- TGND Body and Meshes ---
Most of OOO armors are retextures/mesh swaps from Vanilla, so this effort relies heavily on The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer and my own TGND2 Vanilla Armor Patch. Where no equivalent mesh existed, the armor was refit directly.
Body parts:
They derive from TGND by Luchaire and Kalia, assisted by Chingari, Sickleyield, Kristoffer, and Alt3rn1ty. Tracing the work way back, it originated with Exnem and Raiar and their Exnem and HGEC bodies.
The arms were inspired by Team Fantasy Figures by AcidRain, Corwyn, Daede, Kalikut, Oubliette, Robert, and SickleYield.
Robert's female feet were adapted by Luchaire. Credits: Robert, Drazius, Baron B, AmberAder, Edhildil, RomanAder, and Coronerra.
Vanilla meshes:
Primarily from TGND armor replacer, whose existence is due to Luchaire and Kalia but can be traced to EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=24078). Project credits are Axil, Corepcmmp, Grhys, Gudwyn, MadCat221, Morphan, Lol9, Sm0ken1nfin8, Zinni, and xFrancis147.
Extra addition:
There were some naughty bits visible on some of Growlf's armors which I think are somehow textured out on a vanilla body. Instead, I've opted to add a thong, taken from Lingerie and Underwear for TGND by Luchaire (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=33113), itself based on R18PN 02 - Lingerie Set for HGEC by NPR (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=23589).
And finally, Bethesda, for making all this possible.
TGND2 OOO Replacer v1.0.2
Assembled and tweaked by Manks
========= SUMMARY ==========
Converts all female armors in Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul to fit to The Girl Next Door v2 body. Also adds female versions where none previously existed. Compatible w/TGND 2.1B and OOO 1.33, 1.34b5, and 1.35b.
======= REQUIREMENTS =======
The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer by Luchaire and Kalia, version 2.1b or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=30914).
Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul by the OOO Team version 1.33, 1.34b5 (http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=3953), or 1.35b (http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/1103-beta-obscuros-oblivion-overhaul/).
(Recommended) TGND2 Vanilla Armor Patch, version 1.0.2 or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41811).
======= INSTALLATION =======
For OOO versions 1.33 and 1.34, install this conversion *after* you have installed one or the other of those, as this will overwrite some of the OOO files. For that matter, those versions of OOO will overwrite some of TGND files, so ideally install OOO first, then TGND and conversion.
1. Drop the release archive into your BASH Installers Folder.
2. In Wyre Bash, go to the installers tab. If you are using OOO 1.33 or 1.34, make sure that this conversion is listed after OOO. Position relative to TGND shouldn't matter, although TGND should also be below OOO 1.33 and 1.34. Position also irrelevant relative to OOO 1.35.
3. Click on the package name from the list. Under the sub-packages area, make sure "0 Core" is checked.
4. Check one of the sub-packages corresponding to the version of OOO that you wish to use.
5. Right click the package name from the main installer list and select install.
6. (Optional) Run BOSS, or adjust the load order manually. Load after TGND and OOO esps.
7. (Optional) Rebuild your bashed patch.
I don't use OBMM, so while the mod has OMOD conversion data available, I can't say exactly how it will work. Presumably, install like any other OMOD-ready mod. Install after OOO 1.33 or 1.34, and after TGND.
1. Extract the contents of the archive somewhere safe.
2. From there, drag and drop the contents of the "0 Core" folder directly into your oblivion/data directory.
3. Pick one of the ESPs in the other numbered folders, corresponding to the different verisons of OOO. Drag and drop that into your oblivion/data directory as well.
4. Sort and activate the esps, as in BAIN directions above. The conversion needs to be after TGND and OOO in your load order.
5. If using OOO 1.35, handle archive invalidation. Instructions are at: (http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php/Oblivion_Mods_FAQ#Archive_Invalidation). Not necessary for OOO 1.33 and 1.34.
Converts every single one of the female OOO armors/clothing to the TGND body type. The typical TGND treatment includes a slightly larger butt, bit of a tummy, thinner wrists, flatter chest, and smaller feet.
The ESPs are actually compatibility patches as well as conversions, as they prevent TGND and OOO from overwriting each others' changes in addition to adding new female versions of armor. The first part is really only for those who don't use a Bashed patch, while for those of you who do, feel free to merge the ESP.
A word of warning: OOO is huge with thousands of records and hundreds of files. It is highly likely that I made a mistake somewhere. Please don't hesitate to report any bugs.
In addition, I tried to only convert items included with OOO that are actually used. I might have missed some, or included a few that can't actually be obtained in game. Let me know if that is the case.
Finally, some of the armor sets were done rather hastily, as they were pick-and-mixes from vanilla sources. Some clipping might have been introduced as a result. Let me know and I'll take a look into resizing/reweighting.
Side notes:
All meshes have been optimized with PyFFI-py3k 2.2.0
The esps should be clean
Comments are always welcome
========= CHANGES ==========
Version 1.0.2 - 04/16/2012
Fixed wrist material property for amazon full body outfits
Fixed mesh paths for caped imperial palace cuirasses
Version 1.0.1 - 04/16/2012
Removed skin poking through on braided dress.
Removed extraneous 2-sidedness from robes deriving from white wizard
Originally failed to notice that the dmithril set uses blackwood pauldrons. Swapped them in
Redid the unfinished orcish cuirass as it had bits of pauldron stuck to the back
Updated the robes to match vanilla armor patch v1.0.3
Removed a bit of flesh from the amazon full-body outfits
Updated uses of the huntswoman top to be smaller and have fewer gaps
Removed the accidently included specular property from the green unisix pants
Spent some more time on the shadowmail cuirass, restoring the belt and UV map and smoothing out the waist and hips. Also synced the pauldron textures
Added a set of less revealing/more practical, optional, armors
Several pieces had their "skin" material renamed, causing the flesh parts to appear incorrect in game.
Went through all the meshes with Nifskope and compared their properties to the originals. Hopefully synchronized them all.
Version 1.0.0 - 04/01/2012
initial release
====== REDISTRIBUTION ======
A few things before I get into the details:
1) I don't much want any credit for any of this, I'm really only interested in bringing a body type I think is great to some mods that I also think are great.
2) I also don't want to make it any harder than it needs to be for this stuff to be shared, so whatever contributions are "mine", do with whatever you please.
3) However, the vast majority of files included are available under restrictions and it is certainly necessary to point out that they can be traced back to the hard work of a variety of excellent artists.
That out of the way, the following sets of armor require no modification and/or redistribution of the original artistic assets. To redistribute these, cite the names for TGND body and armor parts listed in the credits.
javbmb/javbs/javrmb, snowfur, braided/hbraided/dread armor (sans hbraided cuirass), chainbikini, ey_cca/ey_qma, darkglass, darkrose, dbimperialguard/legionelhoim, va, gray fox armory/gray fox leather, griffin, growlf, daedriclava, ivory, noble plate, bglass/rglass/elveneldar/elvenedlar2/elveneldar3/bmithril/dmithril/gmithril/rleather, autumrobe/bloodrobe/blueandwhite/damagedrobe/dwarvenpreist (sic)/elvenrobe/robemageoftheforest/royalbluerobe/underkingrobe/wood elven robe, kdrobes/vella, whiterose, worn*, hf1
shadowmail involves reuse of original meshes, but is made avaiable under attribution by the original artist, NorrabMaster. hf2 is available under attribution and provided that you shoot the artists an email (Jerros and LHammonds). To redistribute these, do that, and then also cite TGND body and armor credits as some of those bits ended up in there as well.
The following mesh folders use non-vanilla geometry, UV maps, or both, and no information on redistribution is accessible. I have attempted to contact the authors with varying degrees of succcess, and if notified that they do not want their work re-released, I'll pull it immediately. If you wish to redistribute, note that you may have to pull them as well.
hbraided (cuirass), draconicarmor (gauntlets and cuirass), thesilverdragonorder (gauntlets), icguardcc
======= TOOLS USED =========
Blender 2.49b
Nifskope 1.1.0-RC5
PyFFI 2.2.0
TES4Edit 3.0.15
========= CREDITS ==========
------- OOO Armors ---------
Archmage Armor and Blades Ceremonial Armor - Axeface
Battledress 1.1 and Dread Armor - Chiz
capes and Cloaks 1.2 - Someone1074
Special legion versions - Elhoim and Praetorio
Chain Bikini - Aleanne
Contessa Chomed/Queen Metalace - Eyren
Dark Glass - Praetorio
Dark Rose - Kafeid
Draconic Armor - BadAndy
Etherial: Imperial Legion Armor - DagothBalls
Etherial: Imperial Legion Armor Rexture - Elhoim
Femme-Daedric armor - Vagabond Angel
Gray Fox Armory - Daeger
Griffin Armor - Phitt
Growlf's Female Armor - Growlf
New Daedric Retexture - Praetorio
Ivory Armor - Sleeper25
Noble Plate - Ulath
Shadowmail Armor - NorrabMaster
Silver Dragon Armor - The Atronach
Sin's Light Armor Pack 3.0 - Sin
Tegeal's Extra Robes - Tegeal
Vermillion and Silverthorn robes - Kafeid
Vella's Armor - vine-au
White Rose - Kafeid
Worn Armors - Dieterweb
Heaven's Fury Armor - Jerros and LHammonds
Special thanks to Elhoim and The Atronach for actually getting back to me, and their permission of course.
--- TGND Body and Meshes ---
Most of OOO armors are retextures/mesh swaps from Vanilla, so this effort relies heavily on The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer and my own TGND2 Vanilla Armor Patch. Where no equivalent mesh existed, the armor was refit directly.
Body parts:
They derive from TGND by Luchaire and Kalia, assisted by Chingari, Sickleyield, Kristoffer, and Alt3rn1ty. Tracing the work way back, it originated with Exnem and Raiar and their Exnem and HGEC bodies.
The arms were inspired by Team Fantasy Figures by AcidRain, Corwyn, Daede, Kalikut, Oubliette, Robert, and SickleYield.
Robert's female feet were adapted by Luchaire. Credits: Robert, Drazius, Baron B, AmberAder, Edhildil, RomanAder, and Coronerra.
Vanilla meshes:
Primarily from TGND armor replacer, whose existence is due to Luchaire and Kalia but can be traced to EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=24078). Project credits are Axil, Corepcmmp, Grhys, Gudwyn, MadCat221, Morphan, Lol9, Sm0ken1nfin8, Zinni, and xFrancis147.
Extra addition:
There were some naughty bits visible on some of Growlf's armors which I think are somehow textured out on a vanilla body. Instead, I've opted to add a thong, taken from Lingerie and Underwear for TGND by Luchaire (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=33113), itself based on R18PN 02 - Lingerie Set for HGEC by NPR (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=23589).
And finally, Bethesda, for making all this possible.
6) http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41946
======== TOP MATTER ========
TGND2 MMM Replacer v1.0.1
Assembled and tweaked by Manks
========= SUMMARY ==========
Converts all female armors in Mart's Monster Mod to fit to The Girl Next Door v2 body. Also adds female versions where none previously existed. Compatible w/TGND 2.1B and MMM 3.7b3 regular, Frans, and OOO.
======= REQUIREMENTS =======
The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer by Luchaire and Kalia, version 2.1b or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=30914).
Mart's Monster Mod 3.7b3 or greater (resources: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=4226 esps: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17784)
(Recommended) TGND2 Vanilla Armor Patch, version 1.0.2 or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41811).
======= INSTALLATION =======
As MMM uses a BSA, installation doesn't matter so long as you can handle Archive Invalidation. Both Wyre Bash and OBMM do this for you.
1. Drop the release archive into your BASH Installers Folder.
2. In Wyre Bash, go to the installers tab.
3. Click on the package name from the list. Under the sub-packages area, make sure "0 Core" is checked.
4. Pick one of the folders that start with "1". MMM Standalone or MMM for Frans corresponds to whether or not you use "Mart's Monster Mod.esp" or "Mart's Monster Mod for Fran.esp". It is also the one you would use for FCOM. MMM for OOO goes with "Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esp".
5. If you are using the mod "Mart's Monster Mod - Hunting & Crafting.esp", click on "2 Hunting & Crafting".
6. Right click the package name from the main installer list and select install.
7. (Optional) Run BOSS, or adjust the load order manually. Load after the main MMM esp and, if you're using it, optionally after MMM Hunting & Crafting.
8. (Optional) Rebuild your bashed patch.
I don't use OBMM, so while the mod has OMOD conversion data available, I can't say exactly how it will work. Presumably, install like any other OMOD-ready mod. Install after OOO 1.33 or 1.34, and after TGND.
1. Extract the archive somewhere safe.
2. Drag the contents of "0 Core" into your oblivion/data directory.
3. Pick the appropriate esp from the folders starting with "1". Drop that into your oblivion/data directory.
4. Optionally do similarly for the hunting and crafting esp.
5. Sort and activate the esps, as in BAIN directions above. The conversion needs to be after MMM in your load order.
6. If necessary, handle archive invalidation. Instructions are at: (http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php/Oblivion_Mods_FAQ#Archive_Invalidation).
Converts all female Mart's Monster Mod armors/clothing to the TGND body type. The typical TGND treatment includes a slightly larger butt, bit of a tummy, thinner wrists, flatter chest, and smaller feet.
Since I don't use MMM yet, I can't say if I got them all. I converted everything in the meshes/armor folder, and everything that has an armor or clothing record in the esps, but there may be some humanoid creatures which could use converting. I did convert the golden saints.
As a graphics conversion, the esp should be safe to merge into your Bashed patch.
Finally, some of the armor sets were done rather hastily, as they were pick-and-mixes from vanilla sources. Some clipping might have been introduced as a result. Let me know and I'll take a look into resizing/reweighting.
Side notes:
All meshes have been optimized with PyFFI-py3k 2.2.0
The esps should be clean
Comments are always welcome
========= CHANGES ==========
Version 1.0.1 - 04/18/2012
Updated black panther cuirass with leather from vanilla armor patch 1.0.3, smoothing out the hips
For reasons that elude me, the "dyed fur" set in the original was made of leather with textures coming from the wrong article of clothing. Changed to fur, and uses the correct textures.
Updated arena outfits with latest from vanilla armor patch 1.0.3, slimming and straightening the waist/hips and deleting some extraneous flesh
Updated orcish pauldrons on relevant reaver cuirass to move about half way between other TGND armors and vanilla, reducing some deformations
Removed a bunch of invisible skin vertices from all reaver cuirasses and deleted some vestigial flaps
Corrected texture path on rusted legion gauntlets
Fixed ankles on quilted wizard robe
Swapped in female texture for black thief cuirass 2
Replaced werewolf crafted shirt with latest from vanilla patch 1.0.3, with smaller gaps and fewer invisible vertices
Integrated the Hunting & Crafting esp into the main esp as a choice at install
Added a set of less revealing/more practical, optional, armors
Several pieces had their "skin" material renamed, causing the flesh parts to appear incorrect in game.
Went through all the meshes with Nifskope and compared their properties to the originals. Hopefully synchronized them all.
Version 1.0.0 - 04/04/2012
initial release
====== REDISTRIBUTION ======
I managed to get this off using only bits of vanilla meshes and TGND basic body with no original content being repackaged. Consequently, redistribution is possible so long as you credit the original artists.
If you wish to redistribute something that uses a body-part mesh, cite the folks listed under "Body parts" in the credits. Otherwise, to redistribute any armors, cite those listed under "Armors" in the credits. Cite the MMM artists too, as there'd be nothing to redistribute without them.
======= TOOLS USED =========
Blender 2.49b
Nifskope 1.1.0-RC5
PyFFI 2.2.0
TES4Edit 3.0.15
========= CREDITS ==========
-------- MMM Armors --------
From what I can glean from the MMM readme:
Undead legion and elven - L@zarus
Ionis and yakueb - Imperial Legion and Regional Patrolling guard armors
Koldorn and Windsurfer - Rusty armor sets for undead
Demoncleaner - zombie armors
Demoncleaner - Wolf hide armor in crafting
I may have left an artist out. My apologies for that.
--- TGND Body and Meshes ---
All armors are retextures/mesh swaps from Vanilla, so this effort relies heavily on The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer and my own TGND2 Vanilla Armor Patch.
Body parts:
They derive from TGND by Luchaire and Kalia, assisted by Chingari, Sickleyield, Kristoffer, and Alt3rn1ty. Tracing the work way back, it originated with Exnem and Raiar and their Exnem and HGEC bodies.
The arms were inspired by Team Fantasy Figures by AcidRain, Corwyn, Daede, Kalikut, Oubliette, Robert, and SickleYield.
Robert's female feet were adapted by Luchaire. Credits: Robert, Drazius, Baron B, AmberAder, Edhildil, RomanAder, and Coronerra.
Vanilla meshes:
Primarily from TGND armor replacer, whose existence is due to Luchaire and Kalia but can be traced to EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=24078). Project credits are Axil, Corepcmmp, Grhys, Gudwyn, MadCat221, Morphan, Lol9, Sm0ken1nfin8, Zinni, and xFrancis147.
And finally, Bethesda, for making all this possible.
======== TOP MATTER ========
TGND2 MMM Replacer v1.0.1
Assembled and tweaked by Manks
========= SUMMARY ==========
Converts all female armors in Mart's Monster Mod to fit to The Girl Next Door v2 body. Also adds female versions where none previously existed. Compatible w/TGND 2.1B and MMM 3.7b3 regular, Frans, and OOO.
======= REQUIREMENTS =======
The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer by Luchaire and Kalia, version 2.1b or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=30914).
Mart's Monster Mod 3.7b3 or greater (resources: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=4226 esps: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=17784)
(Recommended) TGND2 Vanilla Armor Patch, version 1.0.2 or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41811).
======= INSTALLATION =======
As MMM uses a BSA, installation doesn't matter so long as you can handle Archive Invalidation. Both Wyre Bash and OBMM do this for you.
1. Drop the release archive into your BASH Installers Folder.
2. In Wyre Bash, go to the installers tab.
3. Click on the package name from the list. Under the sub-packages area, make sure "0 Core" is checked.
4. Pick one of the folders that start with "1". MMM Standalone or MMM for Frans corresponds to whether or not you use "Mart's Monster Mod.esp" or "Mart's Monster Mod for Fran.esp". It is also the one you would use for FCOM. MMM for OOO goes with "Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esp".
5. If you are using the mod "Mart's Monster Mod - Hunting & Crafting.esp", click on "2 Hunting & Crafting".
6. Right click the package name from the main installer list and select install.
7. (Optional) Run BOSS, or adjust the load order manually. Load after the main MMM esp and, if you're using it, optionally after MMM Hunting & Crafting.
8. (Optional) Rebuild your bashed patch.
I don't use OBMM, so while the mod has OMOD conversion data available, I can't say exactly how it will work. Presumably, install like any other OMOD-ready mod. Install after OOO 1.33 or 1.34, and after TGND.
1. Extract the archive somewhere safe.
2. Drag the contents of "0 Core" into your oblivion/data directory.
3. Pick the appropriate esp from the folders starting with "1". Drop that into your oblivion/data directory.
4. Optionally do similarly for the hunting and crafting esp.
5. Sort and activate the esps, as in BAIN directions above. The conversion needs to be after MMM in your load order.
6. If necessary, handle archive invalidation. Instructions are at: (http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php/Oblivion_Mods_FAQ#Archive_Invalidation).
Converts all female Mart's Monster Mod armors/clothing to the TGND body type. The typical TGND treatment includes a slightly larger butt, bit of a tummy, thinner wrists, flatter chest, and smaller feet.
Since I don't use MMM yet, I can't say if I got them all. I converted everything in the meshes/armor folder, and everything that has an armor or clothing record in the esps, but there may be some humanoid creatures which could use converting. I did convert the golden saints.
As a graphics conversion, the esp should be safe to merge into your Bashed patch.
Finally, some of the armor sets were done rather hastily, as they were pick-and-mixes from vanilla sources. Some clipping might have been introduced as a result. Let me know and I'll take a look into resizing/reweighting.
Side notes:
All meshes have been optimized with PyFFI-py3k 2.2.0
The esps should be clean
Comments are always welcome
========= CHANGES ==========
Version 1.0.1 - 04/18/2012
Updated black panther cuirass with leather from vanilla armor patch 1.0.3, smoothing out the hips
For reasons that elude me, the "dyed fur" set in the original was made of leather with textures coming from the wrong article of clothing. Changed to fur, and uses the correct textures.
Updated arena outfits with latest from vanilla armor patch 1.0.3, slimming and straightening the waist/hips and deleting some extraneous flesh
Updated orcish pauldrons on relevant reaver cuirass to move about half way between other TGND armors and vanilla, reducing some deformations
Removed a bunch of invisible skin vertices from all reaver cuirasses and deleted some vestigial flaps
Corrected texture path on rusted legion gauntlets
Fixed ankles on quilted wizard robe
Swapped in female texture for black thief cuirass 2
Replaced werewolf crafted shirt with latest from vanilla patch 1.0.3, with smaller gaps and fewer invisible vertices
Integrated the Hunting & Crafting esp into the main esp as a choice at install
Added a set of less revealing/more practical, optional, armors
Several pieces had their "skin" material renamed, causing the flesh parts to appear incorrect in game.
Went through all the meshes with Nifskope and compared their properties to the originals. Hopefully synchronized them all.
Version 1.0.0 - 04/04/2012
initial release
====== REDISTRIBUTION ======
I managed to get this off using only bits of vanilla meshes and TGND basic body with no original content being repackaged. Consequently, redistribution is possible so long as you credit the original artists.
If you wish to redistribute something that uses a body-part mesh, cite the folks listed under "Body parts" in the credits. Otherwise, to redistribute any armors, cite those listed under "Armors" in the credits. Cite the MMM artists too, as there'd be nothing to redistribute without them.
======= TOOLS USED =========
Blender 2.49b
Nifskope 1.1.0-RC5
PyFFI 2.2.0
TES4Edit 3.0.15
========= CREDITS ==========
-------- MMM Armors --------
From what I can glean from the MMM readme:
Undead legion and elven - L@zarus
Ionis and yakueb - Imperial Legion and Regional Patrolling guard armors
Koldorn and Windsurfer - Rusty armor sets for undead
Demoncleaner - zombie armors
Demoncleaner - Wolf hide armor in crafting
I may have left an artist out. My apologies for that.
--- TGND Body and Meshes ---
All armors are retextures/mesh swaps from Vanilla, so this effort relies heavily on The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer and my own TGND2 Vanilla Armor Patch.
Body parts:
They derive from TGND by Luchaire and Kalia, assisted by Chingari, Sickleyield, Kristoffer, and Alt3rn1ty. Tracing the work way back, it originated with Exnem and Raiar and their Exnem and HGEC bodies.
The arms were inspired by Team Fantasy Figures by AcidRain, Corwyn, Daede, Kalikut, Oubliette, Robert, and SickleYield.
Robert's female feet were adapted by Luchaire. Credits: Robert, Drazius, Baron B, AmberAder, Edhildil, RomanAder, and Coronerra.
Vanilla meshes:
Primarily from TGND armor replacer, whose existence is due to Luchaire and Kalia but can be traced to EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=24078). Project credits are Axil, Corepcmmp, Grhys, Gudwyn, MadCat221, Morphan, Lol9, Sm0ken1nfin8, Zinni, and xFrancis147.
And finally, Bethesda, for making all this possible.
7) http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41937
====Update 04/06/2012:
There are a few issues with skin being replaced by not-skin for a few armors/clothes. I've uploaded a patch to address that, just have its contents overwrite the contents of the main archive before install (i.e. uninstall, modify the archive, reinstall). Alternatively, just drop the innards into your oblivion/data folder. I'll put them into a release after I've fixed a few other bugs.
==== TOP MATTER ========
TGND2 WarCry Replacer v1.0.1
Assembled and tweaked by Manks
========= SUMMARY ==========
Converts all female armors in Oblivion WarCry to fit to The Girl Next Door v2 body. Also adds female versions where none previously existed. Compatible w/TGND 2.1B and OWC 1.085, 1.085b, and 1.09.
======= REQUIREMENTS =======
The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer by Luchaire and Kalia, version 2.1b or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=30914).
Oblivion WarCry v1.085 (http://www.worldofelderscrolls.de/?go=dlfile&fileid=12) 1.085b (patch from 1.08 or 1.085 http://rapidshare.com/files/57753891/OWC_Patch_1.08b_1.085b.7z.html), or 1.09 (patch from 1.085b http://www.4shared.com/get/h7YidszA/OblivionWarCry109.html). Optionally, grab the optimized resources BSA as well (http://www.gamefront.com/files/17597960/Oblivion_Warcry_EV_Opti_7z/).
(Recommended) TGND2 Vanilla Armor Patch, version 1.0.2 or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41811).
======= INSTALLATION =======
Installation order will depend on whether or not you use the BSA for the resources or loose files. If the BSA, you'll need to handle Archive Invalidation - something both Wyre Bash and OBMM do for you. See http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php/Oblivion_Mods_FAQ#Archive_Invalidation for reference.
If you use loose files, install the replacer *after* OWC.
1. Drop the release archive into your BASH Installers Folder.
2. In Wyre Bash, go to the installers tab.
3. Right click the package name from the main installer list and select install.
4. (Optional) Run BOSS, or adjust the load order manually. Load after OWC esp.
5. (Optional) Rebuild your bashed patch.
I don't use OBMM, so while the mod has OMOD conversion data available, I can't say exactly how it will work. Presumably, install like any other OMOD-ready mod. Install after OOO 1.33 or 1.34, and after TGND.
1. Drop the archive's contents into your oblivion/data directory.
2. Sort and activate the esps, as in BAIN directions above. The conversion needs to be after OWC in your load order.
Converts all female Oblivion WarCry armors/clothing to the TGND body type. The typical TGND treatment includes a slightly larger butt, bit of a tummy, thinner wrists, flatter chest, and smaller feet.
This replacer is a bit unusual in that many of the female versions included in OWC were considerably more generic than their male counterparts. I took some artistic license and made the female versions more similar to the original male models than the original female ones.
As a graphics conversion, the esp should be safe to merge into your Bashed patch.
It might be of interest to other modders that included are a few TGND meshes with male UV maps, which makes them useful for replacers where no female textures are included. These include versions of the ebony boots, ebony cuirass' arms, and elven cuirass.
A word of warning: OWC is a relatively large mod and I am but one person. It is probable that a mistake was made somewhere. Please report any bugs.
Finally, some of the armor sets were done rather hastily, as they were pick-and-mixes from vanilla sources. Some clipping might have been introduced as a result. Let me know and I'll take a look into resizing/reweighting.
Side notes:
All meshes have been optimized with PyFFI-py3k 2.2.0
The esps should be clean
Comments are always welcome
========= CHANGES ==========
Version 1.0.1 - 04/17/2012
Eliminated some seams on the dwarven robe and deleted a few invisible vertices
Eliminated seams on elven guard robe and tightened the belt so that it's one-sidedness won't be visible
Filled in the missing skin on the Unischwarzertod robe
Filled seams on steel and god dawn robes
Added a missing alpha property on the undead eleven boots
Cut off the tips of the tongues of the god-dawn, st. alessia, and kriegspfad boots to make them match the original
Several pieces had their "skin" material renamed, causing the flesh parts to appear incorrect in game.
Went through all the meshes with Nifskope and compared their properties to the originals. Hopefully synchronized them all.
Version 1.0.0 - 04/01/2012
initial release
====== REDISTRIBUTION ======
I managed to get this off using only bits of vanilla meshes and TGND basic body with no original content being repackaged. Consequently, redistribution is possible so long as you credit the original artists.
If you wish to redistribute something that uses a body-part mesh, cite the folks listed under "Body parts" in the credits. Otherwise, to redistribute any armors, cite those listed under "Armors" in the credits. Cite the OWC artists too, as there'd be nothing to redistribute without them.
======= TOOLS USED =========
Blender 2.49b
Nifskope 1.1.0-RC5
PyFFI 2.2.0
TES4Edit 3.0.15
========= CREDITS ==========
-------- OWC Armors --------
From what I can glean from the OWC 1.08 readme:
Female Armor Pack - ryunnsun
All remaining armors - Lazarus
--- TGND Body and Meshes ---
All armors are retextures/mesh swaps from Vanilla, so this effort relies heavily on The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer and my own TGND2 Vanilla Armor Patch.
Body parts:
They derive from TGND by Luchaire and Kalia, assisted by Chingari, Sickleyield, Kristoffer, and Alt3rn1ty. Tracing the work way back, it originated with Exnem and Raiar and their Exnem and HGEC bodies.
The arms were inspired by Team Fantasy Figures by AcidRain, Corwyn, Daede, Kalikut, Oubliette, Robert, and SickleYield.
Robert's female feet were adapted by Luchaire. Credits: Robert, Drazius, Baron B, AmberAder, Edhildil, RomanAder, and Coronerra.
Vanilla meshes:
Primarily from TGND armor replacer, whose existence is due to Luchaire and Kalia but can be traced to EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=24078). Project credits are Axil, Corepcmmp, Grhys, Gudwyn, MadCat221, Morphan, Lol9, Sm0ken1nfin8, Zinni, and xFrancis147.
And finally, Bethesda, for making all this possible.
====Update 04/06/2012:
There are a few issues with skin being replaced by not-skin for a few armors/clothes. I've uploaded a patch to address that, just have its contents overwrite the contents of the main archive before install (i.e. uninstall, modify the archive, reinstall). Alternatively, just drop the innards into your oblivion/data folder. I'll put them into a release after I've fixed a few other bugs.
==== TOP MATTER ========
TGND2 WarCry Replacer v1.0.1
Assembled and tweaked by Manks
========= SUMMARY ==========
Converts all female armors in Oblivion WarCry to fit to The Girl Next Door v2 body. Also adds female versions where none previously existed. Compatible w/TGND 2.1B and OWC 1.085, 1.085b, and 1.09.
======= REQUIREMENTS =======
The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer by Luchaire and Kalia, version 2.1b or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=30914).
Oblivion WarCry v1.085 (http://www.worldofelderscrolls.de/?go=dlfile&fileid=12) 1.085b (patch from 1.08 or 1.085 http://rapidshare.com/files/57753891/OWC_Patch_1.08b_1.085b.7z.html), or 1.09 (patch from 1.085b http://www.4shared.com/get/h7YidszA/OblivionWarCry109.html). Optionally, grab the optimized resources BSA as well (http://www.gamefront.com/files/17597960/Oblivion_Warcry_EV_Opti_7z/).
(Recommended) TGND2 Vanilla Armor Patch, version 1.0.2 or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41811).
======= INSTALLATION =======
Installation order will depend on whether or not you use the BSA for the resources or loose files. If the BSA, you'll need to handle Archive Invalidation - something both Wyre Bash and OBMM do for you. See http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php/Oblivion_Mods_FAQ#Archive_Invalidation for reference.
If you use loose files, install the replacer *after* OWC.
1. Drop the release archive into your BASH Installers Folder.
2. In Wyre Bash, go to the installers tab.
3. Right click the package name from the main installer list and select install.
4. (Optional) Run BOSS, or adjust the load order manually. Load after OWC esp.
5. (Optional) Rebuild your bashed patch.
I don't use OBMM, so while the mod has OMOD conversion data available, I can't say exactly how it will work. Presumably, install like any other OMOD-ready mod. Install after OOO 1.33 or 1.34, and after TGND.
1. Drop the archive's contents into your oblivion/data directory.
2. Sort and activate the esps, as in BAIN directions above. The conversion needs to be after OWC in your load order.
Converts all female Oblivion WarCry armors/clothing to the TGND body type. The typical TGND treatment includes a slightly larger butt, bit of a tummy, thinner wrists, flatter chest, and smaller feet.
This replacer is a bit unusual in that many of the female versions included in OWC were considerably more generic than their male counterparts. I took some artistic license and made the female versions more similar to the original male models than the original female ones.
As a graphics conversion, the esp should be safe to merge into your Bashed patch.
It might be of interest to other modders that included are a few TGND meshes with male UV maps, which makes them useful for replacers where no female textures are included. These include versions of the ebony boots, ebony cuirass' arms, and elven cuirass.
A word of warning: OWC is a relatively large mod and I am but one person. It is probable that a mistake was made somewhere. Please report any bugs.
Finally, some of the armor sets were done rather hastily, as they were pick-and-mixes from vanilla sources. Some clipping might have been introduced as a result. Let me know and I'll take a look into resizing/reweighting.
Side notes:
All meshes have been optimized with PyFFI-py3k 2.2.0
The esps should be clean
Comments are always welcome
========= CHANGES ==========
Version 1.0.1 - 04/17/2012
Eliminated some seams on the dwarven robe and deleted a few invisible vertices
Eliminated seams on elven guard robe and tightened the belt so that it's one-sidedness won't be visible
Filled in the missing skin on the Unischwarzertod robe
Filled seams on steel and god dawn robes
Added a missing alpha property on the undead eleven boots
Cut off the tips of the tongues of the god-dawn, st. alessia, and kriegspfad boots to make them match the original
Several pieces had their "skin" material renamed, causing the flesh parts to appear incorrect in game.
Went through all the meshes with Nifskope and compared their properties to the originals. Hopefully synchronized them all.
Version 1.0.0 - 04/01/2012
initial release
====== REDISTRIBUTION ======
I managed to get this off using only bits of vanilla meshes and TGND basic body with no original content being repackaged. Consequently, redistribution is possible so long as you credit the original artists.
If you wish to redistribute something that uses a body-part mesh, cite the folks listed under "Body parts" in the credits. Otherwise, to redistribute any armors, cite those listed under "Armors" in the credits. Cite the OWC artists too, as there'd be nothing to redistribute without them.
======= TOOLS USED =========
Blender 2.49b
Nifskope 1.1.0-RC5
PyFFI 2.2.0
TES4Edit 3.0.15
========= CREDITS ==========
-------- OWC Armors --------
From what I can glean from the OWC 1.08 readme:
Female Armor Pack - ryunnsun
All remaining armors - Lazarus
--- TGND Body and Meshes ---
All armors are retextures/mesh swaps from Vanilla, so this effort relies heavily on The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer and my own TGND2 Vanilla Armor Patch.
Body parts:
They derive from TGND by Luchaire and Kalia, assisted by Chingari, Sickleyield, Kristoffer, and Alt3rn1ty. Tracing the work way back, it originated with Exnem and Raiar and their Exnem and HGEC bodies.
The arms were inspired by Team Fantasy Figures by AcidRain, Corwyn, Daede, Kalikut, Oubliette, Robert, and SickleYield.
Robert's female feet were adapted by Luchaire. Credits: Robert, Drazius, Baron B, AmberAder, Edhildil, RomanAder, and Coronerra.
Vanilla meshes:
Primarily from TGND armor replacer, whose existence is due to Luchaire and Kalia but can be traced to EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=24078). Project credits are Axil, Corepcmmp, Grhys, Gudwyn, MadCat221, Morphan, Lol9, Sm0ken1nfin8, Zinni, and xFrancis147.
And finally, Bethesda, for making all this possible.
8) http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41957
======== TOP MATTER ========
TGND2 FCOM Replacer v1.0.0
Assembled and tweaked by Manks
========= SUMMARY ==========
Converts all female armors added by FCOM Convergence to fit to The Girl Next Door v2 body. Also adds female versions where none previously existed. Compatible w/TGND 2.1B and FCOM 9.9Mb3. Incorporates UFCOM and FCOM Warcry 1.09 Patch.
======= REQUIREMENTS =======
The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer by Luchaire and Kalia, version 2.1b or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=30914).
FCOM 9.9b (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=12249). Given FCOM's complexity, I have to assume that you already know how to install it. If not, go here: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1324714-relz-fcom-convergence/ and good luck.
(Recommended) TGND2 Vanilla Armor Patch, version 1.0.2 or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41811).
(Recommended) TGND2 Frans Replacer (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41930), WarCry Replacer (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41937), OOO Replacer (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41928), and MMM Replacer (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41946).
======= INSTALLATION =======
Installation order will depend on whether or not you use the FCOM BSA or install loose files. If you use the BSA, order doesn't matter but do handle archive invalidation. Both Wyre Bash and OBMM do this for you. If you use loose files, install the replacer *after* FCOM.
1. Drop the release archive into your BASH Installers Folder.
2. In Wyre Bash, go to the installers tab. If necessary, make sure that the replacer is located *after* the FCOM installer.
3. Click on the package name from the list. Under the sub-packages area, make sure "0 Core" is checked.
4. Pick one of the folders that start with "1". OOO and MMM are required for FCOM, but Frans and OWC are optional (I believe).
5. Right click the package name from the main installer list and select install.
6. Run BOSS, or adjust the load order manually. Load after everything F, C, O, M, or FCOM related.
7. Rebuild your bashed patch.
I don't use OBMM, so while the mod has OMOD conversion data available, I can't say exactly how it will work. Presumably, install like any other OMOD-ready mod. Install after OOO 1.33 or 1.34, and after TGND.
1. Extract the archive somewhere safe.
2. Drag the contents of "0 Core" into your oblivion/data directory.
3. Pick the appropriate esp from the folders starting with "1". Drop that into your oblivion/data directory.
4. Sort and activate the esps, as in the BAIN directions above.
6. If necessary, handle archive invalidation. Instructions are at: (http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php/Oblivion_Mods_FAQ#Archive_Invalidation).
Converts all female FCOM armors/clothing to the TGND body type. The typical TGND treatment includes a slightly larger butt, bit of a tummy, thinner wrists, flatter chest, and smaller feet. Also adds female versions to armors where none existed.
Unfortunately, I've never run FCOM so I don't know if I got everything. There are only three self-evident sets of armor, but some files in the realswords folder that seem like potential candidates but I couldn't tell if they are obtainable in game. If you know if realswords/goblin/vanir is used by FCOM, please let me know. For somewhat obvious reasons, I also didn't convert "fatgreendressf.nif" or "fatsmith.nif".
As a graphics conversion, the esp should be safe to merge into your Bashed patch. Furthermore, you should be able to use TES4Gecko to merge all of the related replacers. I'd do it myself, but there are a lot of options.
Side notes:
All meshes have been optimized with PyFFI-py3k 2.2.0
The esps should be clean
Comments are always welcome
========= CHANGES ==========
Version 1.0.0 - 04/06/2012
initial release
====== REDISTRIBUTION ======
I managed to get this off using only bits of vanilla meshes and TGND basic body with no original content being repackaged. Consequently, redistribution is possible so long as you credit the original artists.
If you wish to redistribute something that uses a body-part mesh, cite the folks listed under "Body parts" in the credits. Otherwise, to redistribute any armors, cite those listed under "Armors" in the credits. Cite the FCOM artists too, as there'd be nothing to redistribute without them.
======= TOOLS USED =========
Blender 2.49b
Nifskope 1.1.0-RC5
PyFFI 2.2.0
TES4Edit 3.0.15
========= CREDITS ==========
------- FCOM Armors --------
From what I can glean from http://devnull.sweetdanger.net/convergence.html
blackshark64 - Eternal Dragon/Acolyte set
TaylorSD - Stealth Armor/Neophyte set
Cryo_ - Acolyte face mask
Nicoroshi - Dreadweave set/Lector set
--- TGND Body and Meshes ---
All armors are retextures/mesh swaps from Vanilla, so this effort relies heavily on The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer and my own TGND2 Vanilla Armor Patch.
Body parts:
They derive from TGND by Luchaire and Kalia, assisted by Chingari, Sickleyield, Kristoffer, and Alt3rn1ty. Tracing the work way back, it originated with Exnem and Raiar and their Exnem and HGEC bodies.
The arms were inspired by Team Fantasy Figures by AcidRain, Corwyn, Daede, Kalikut, Oubliette, Robert, and SickleYield.
Robert's female feet were adapted by Luchaire. Credits: Robert, Drazius, Baron B, AmberAder, Edhildil, RomanAder, and Coronerra.
Vanilla meshes:
Primarily from TGND armor replacer, whose existence is due to Luchaire and Kalia but can be traced to EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=24078). Project credits are Axil, Corepcmmp, Grhys, Gudwyn, MadCat221, Morphan, Lol9, Sm0ken1nfin8, Zinni, and xFrancis147.
And finally, Bethesda, for making all this possible.
TGND2 FCOM Replacer v1.0.0
Assembled and tweaked by Manks
========= SUMMARY ==========
Converts all female armors added by FCOM Convergence to fit to The Girl Next Door v2 body. Also adds female versions where none previously existed. Compatible w/TGND 2.1B and FCOM 9.9Mb3. Incorporates UFCOM and FCOM Warcry 1.09 Patch.
======= REQUIREMENTS =======
The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer by Luchaire and Kalia, version 2.1b or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=30914).
FCOM 9.9b (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=12249). Given FCOM's complexity, I have to assume that you already know how to install it. If not, go here: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1324714-relz-fcom-convergence/ and good luck.
(Recommended) TGND2 Vanilla Armor Patch, version 1.0.2 or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41811).
(Recommended) TGND2 Frans Replacer (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41930), WarCry Replacer (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41937), OOO Replacer (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41928), and MMM Replacer (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41946).
======= INSTALLATION =======
Installation order will depend on whether or not you use the FCOM BSA or install loose files. If you use the BSA, order doesn't matter but do handle archive invalidation. Both Wyre Bash and OBMM do this for you. If you use loose files, install the replacer *after* FCOM.
1. Drop the release archive into your BASH Installers Folder.
2. In Wyre Bash, go to the installers tab. If necessary, make sure that the replacer is located *after* the FCOM installer.
3. Click on the package name from the list. Under the sub-packages area, make sure "0 Core" is checked.
4. Pick one of the folders that start with "1". OOO and MMM are required for FCOM, but Frans and OWC are optional (I believe).
5. Right click the package name from the main installer list and select install.
6. Run BOSS, or adjust the load order manually. Load after everything F, C, O, M, or FCOM related.
7. Rebuild your bashed patch.
I don't use OBMM, so while the mod has OMOD conversion data available, I can't say exactly how it will work. Presumably, install like any other OMOD-ready mod. Install after OOO 1.33 or 1.34, and after TGND.
1. Extract the archive somewhere safe.
2. Drag the contents of "0 Core" into your oblivion/data directory.
3. Pick the appropriate esp from the folders starting with "1". Drop that into your oblivion/data directory.
4. Sort and activate the esps, as in the BAIN directions above.
6. If necessary, handle archive invalidation. Instructions are at: (http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php/Oblivion_Mods_FAQ#Archive_Invalidation).
Converts all female FCOM armors/clothing to the TGND body type. The typical TGND treatment includes a slightly larger butt, bit of a tummy, thinner wrists, flatter chest, and smaller feet. Also adds female versions to armors where none existed.
Unfortunately, I've never run FCOM so I don't know if I got everything. There are only three self-evident sets of armor, but some files in the realswords folder that seem like potential candidates but I couldn't tell if they are obtainable in game. If you know if realswords/goblin/vanir is used by FCOM, please let me know. For somewhat obvious reasons, I also didn't convert "fatgreendressf.nif" or "fatsmith.nif".
As a graphics conversion, the esp should be safe to merge into your Bashed patch. Furthermore, you should be able to use TES4Gecko to merge all of the related replacers. I'd do it myself, but there are a lot of options.
Side notes:
All meshes have been optimized with PyFFI-py3k 2.2.0
The esps should be clean
Comments are always welcome
========= CHANGES ==========
Version 1.0.0 - 04/06/2012
initial release
====== REDISTRIBUTION ======
I managed to get this off using only bits of vanilla meshes and TGND basic body with no original content being repackaged. Consequently, redistribution is possible so long as you credit the original artists.
If you wish to redistribute something that uses a body-part mesh, cite the folks listed under "Body parts" in the credits. Otherwise, to redistribute any armors, cite those listed under "Armors" in the credits. Cite the FCOM artists too, as there'd be nothing to redistribute without them.
======= TOOLS USED =========
Blender 2.49b
Nifskope 1.1.0-RC5
PyFFI 2.2.0
TES4Edit 3.0.15
========= CREDITS ==========
------- FCOM Armors --------
From what I can glean from http://devnull.sweetdanger.net/convergence.html
blackshark64 - Eternal Dragon/Acolyte set
TaylorSD - Stealth Armor/Neophyte set
Cryo_ - Acolyte face mask
Nicoroshi - Dreadweave set/Lector set
--- TGND Body and Meshes ---
All armors are retextures/mesh swaps from Vanilla, so this effort relies heavily on The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer and my own TGND2 Vanilla Armor Patch.
Body parts:
They derive from TGND by Luchaire and Kalia, assisted by Chingari, Sickleyield, Kristoffer, and Alt3rn1ty. Tracing the work way back, it originated with Exnem and Raiar and their Exnem and HGEC bodies.
The arms were inspired by Team Fantasy Figures by AcidRain, Corwyn, Daede, Kalikut, Oubliette, Robert, and SickleYield.
Robert's female feet were adapted by Luchaire. Credits: Robert, Drazius, Baron B, AmberAder, Edhildil, RomanAder, and Coronerra.
Vanilla meshes:
Primarily from TGND armor replacer, whose existence is due to Luchaire and Kalia but can be traced to EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=24078). Project credits are Axil, Corepcmmp, Grhys, Gudwyn, MadCat221, Morphan, Lol9, Sm0ken1nfin8, Zinni, and xFrancis147.
And finally, Bethesda, for making all this possible.
9) http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41966
======== TOP MATTER ========
TGND2 Armamentarium Replacer v1.0.0
Assembled and tweaked by Manks
========= SUMMARY ==========
Converts all female armors added by Armamentarium Complete to fit to The Girl Next Door v2 body. Also adds female versions where none previously existed. Compatible w/TGND 2.1B and Arma Complete 1.35. Includes options for OOO.
======= REQUIREMENTS =======
The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer by Luchaire and Kalia, version 2.1b or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=30914).
Armamentarium Complete v1.35 (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=18417).
(Recommended) TGND2 Vanilla Armor Patch, version 1.0.3 or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41811).
======= INSTALLATION =======
Install *after* Armamentarium, or else the replacer's files will be overwritten.
1. Drop the release archive into your BASH Installers Folder.
2. In Wyre Bash, go to the installers tab. Make sure that the replacer is located *after* the Armamentarium installer.
3. Click on the package name from the list. Under the sub-packages area, make sure "00 Core" is checked.
4. If you want to install the less-skin/more practical versions of the iron greaves and chainmail cuirass, check the relevant box.
5. Pick one of the folders that start with "10". The different options correspond to whether or not you want to use "ArmamentariumLL4OOO.esp".
6. Right click the package name from the main installer list and select install.
7. Run BOSS, or adjust the load order manually. If installed, load after ArmamentariumLL4OOO.
8. (Optional) Rebuild your bashed patch.
I don't use OBMM, so while the mod has OMOD conversion data available, I can't say exactly how it will work. Presumably, install like any other OMOD-ready mod. Install after OOO 1.33 or 1.34, and after TGND.
1. Extract the archive somewhere safe.
2. Drag the contents of "00 Core" into your oblivion/data directory.
3. If desired, drag the contents of the more-practical armors folder into your oblivion/data directory.
4. Pick the appropriate esp from the folders starting with "10". Drop that into your oblivion/data directory.
5. Sort and activate the esps, as in the BAIN directions above.
Converts all female Armamentarium Complete armors/clothing to the TGND body type. The typical TGND treatment includes a slightly larger butt, bit of a tummy, thinner wrists, flatter chest, and smaller feet. Also adds female versions to armors where none existed.
No Artifacts support, yet.
Includes a "more practical" option for the chainmail cuirass and iron greaves that protects more exposed areas.
Finally, Arma is pretty big. I might have missed something. Let me know if I did.
As a graphics conversion, the esp should be safe to merge into your Bashed patch.
Side notes:
All meshes have been optimized with PyFFI-py3k 2.2.0
The esps should be clean
Comments are always welcome
========= CHANGES ==========
Version 1.0.1 - 04/22/2012
As per vanilla armor patch: slimmed and straightened the waist/hips area of the arena outfit. Also deleted some extraneous flesh to make it perform better
As per vanilla armor patch: gave a similar treatment to the leather cuirass as the arena. Also, restored much of it from vanilla as the right hand side was mirrored over the left, removing the end of the belt and the texture map in some regions
Version 1.0.0 - 04/08/2012
initial release
====== REDISTRIBUTION ======
This uses only bits of vanilla meshes and TGND basic body with no original content being repackaged. Consequently, redistribution is possible so long as you credit the original artists.
If you wish to redistribute something that uses a body-part mesh, cite the folks listed under "Body parts" in the credits. Otherwise, to redistribute any armors, cite those listed under "Armors" in the credits. Cite the Arma artists too, as there'd be nothing to redistribute without them.
======= TOOLS USED =========
Blender 2.49b
Nifskope 1.1.0-RC5
PyFFI 2.2.0
TES4Edit 3.0.15
========= CREDITS ==========
------- Arma Armors --------
Trollf & Corepc & Team Arma
--- TGND Body and Meshes ---
All armors are retextures/mesh swaps from Vanilla, so this effort relies heavily on The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer and my own TGND2 Vanilla Armor Patch.
Body parts:
They derive from TGND by Luchaire and Kalia, assisted by Chingari, Sickleyield, Kristoffer, and Alt3rn1ty. Tracing the work way back, it originated with Exnem and Raiar and their Exnem and HGEC bodies.
The arms were inspired by Team Fantasy Figures by AcidRain, Corwyn, Daede, Kalikut, Oubliette, Robert, and SickleYield.
Robert's female feet were adapted by Luchaire. Credits: Robert, Drazius, Baron B, AmberAder, Edhildil, RomanAder, and Coronerra.
Vanilla meshes:
Primarily from TGND armor replacer, whose existence is due to Luchaire and Kalia but can be traced to EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=24078). Project credits are Axil, Corepcmmp, Grhys, Gudwyn, MadCat221, Morphan, Lol9, Sm0ken1nfin8, Zinni, and xFrancis147.
And finally, Bethesda, for making all this possible.
======== TOP MATTER ========
TGND2 Armamentarium Replacer v1.0.0
Assembled and tweaked by Manks
========= SUMMARY ==========
Converts all female armors added by Armamentarium Complete to fit to The Girl Next Door v2 body. Also adds female versions where none previously existed. Compatible w/TGND 2.1B and Arma Complete 1.35. Includes options for OOO.
======= REQUIREMENTS =======
The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer by Luchaire and Kalia, version 2.1b or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=30914).
Armamentarium Complete v1.35 (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=18417).
(Recommended) TGND2 Vanilla Armor Patch, version 1.0.3 or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41811).
======= INSTALLATION =======
Install *after* Armamentarium, or else the replacer's files will be overwritten.
1. Drop the release archive into your BASH Installers Folder.
2. In Wyre Bash, go to the installers tab. Make sure that the replacer is located *after* the Armamentarium installer.
3. Click on the package name from the list. Under the sub-packages area, make sure "00 Core" is checked.
4. If you want to install the less-skin/more practical versions of the iron greaves and chainmail cuirass, check the relevant box.
5. Pick one of the folders that start with "10". The different options correspond to whether or not you want to use "ArmamentariumLL4OOO.esp".
6. Right click the package name from the main installer list and select install.
7. Run BOSS, or adjust the load order manually. If installed, load after ArmamentariumLL4OOO.
8. (Optional) Rebuild your bashed patch.
I don't use OBMM, so while the mod has OMOD conversion data available, I can't say exactly how it will work. Presumably, install like any other OMOD-ready mod. Install after OOO 1.33 or 1.34, and after TGND.
1. Extract the archive somewhere safe.
2. Drag the contents of "00 Core" into your oblivion/data directory.
3. If desired, drag the contents of the more-practical armors folder into your oblivion/data directory.
4. Pick the appropriate esp from the folders starting with "10". Drop that into your oblivion/data directory.
5. Sort and activate the esps, as in the BAIN directions above.
Converts all female Armamentarium Complete armors/clothing to the TGND body type. The typical TGND treatment includes a slightly larger butt, bit of a tummy, thinner wrists, flatter chest, and smaller feet. Also adds female versions to armors where none existed.
No Artifacts support, yet.
Includes a "more practical" option for the chainmail cuirass and iron greaves that protects more exposed areas.
Finally, Arma is pretty big. I might have missed something. Let me know if I did.
As a graphics conversion, the esp should be safe to merge into your Bashed patch.
Side notes:
All meshes have been optimized with PyFFI-py3k 2.2.0
The esps should be clean
Comments are always welcome
========= CHANGES ==========
Version 1.0.1 - 04/22/2012
As per vanilla armor patch: slimmed and straightened the waist/hips area of the arena outfit. Also deleted some extraneous flesh to make it perform better
As per vanilla armor patch: gave a similar treatment to the leather cuirass as the arena. Also, restored much of it from vanilla as the right hand side was mirrored over the left, removing the end of the belt and the texture map in some regions
Version 1.0.0 - 04/08/2012
initial release
====== REDISTRIBUTION ======
This uses only bits of vanilla meshes and TGND basic body with no original content being repackaged. Consequently, redistribution is possible so long as you credit the original artists.
If you wish to redistribute something that uses a body-part mesh, cite the folks listed under "Body parts" in the credits. Otherwise, to redistribute any armors, cite those listed under "Armors" in the credits. Cite the Arma artists too, as there'd be nothing to redistribute without them.
======= TOOLS USED =========
Blender 2.49b
Nifskope 1.1.0-RC5
PyFFI 2.2.0
TES4Edit 3.0.15
========= CREDITS ==========
------- Arma Armors --------
Trollf & Corepc & Team Arma
--- TGND Body and Meshes ---
All armors are retextures/mesh swaps from Vanilla, so this effort relies heavily on The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer and my own TGND2 Vanilla Armor Patch.
Body parts:
They derive from TGND by Luchaire and Kalia, assisted by Chingari, Sickleyield, Kristoffer, and Alt3rn1ty. Tracing the work way back, it originated with Exnem and Raiar and their Exnem and HGEC bodies.
The arms were inspired by Team Fantasy Figures by AcidRain, Corwyn, Daede, Kalikut, Oubliette, Robert, and SickleYield.
Robert's female feet were adapted by Luchaire. Credits: Robert, Drazius, Baron B, AmberAder, Edhildil, RomanAder, and Coronerra.
Vanilla meshes:
Primarily from TGND armor replacer, whose existence is due to Luchaire and Kalia but can be traced to EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=24078). Project credits are Axil, Corepcmmp, Grhys, Gudwyn, MadCat221, Morphan, Lol9, Sm0ken1nfin8, Zinni, and xFrancis147.
And finally, Bethesda, for making all this possible.
10) http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=42026
======== TOP MATTER ========
TGND2 Artifacts Replacer v1.0.0
Assembled and tweaked by Manks
========= SUMMARY ==========
Converts all female armors added by Trollf's Artifacts to fit to The Girl Next Door v2 body. Also adds female versions where none previously existed. Compatible w/TGND 2.1B and Artifacts 1.1.
======= REQUIREMENTS =======
The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer by Luchaire and Kalia, version 2.1b or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=30914).
Artifacts 1.1 by Trollf, Corepc, and Team Arma (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=25309).
(Recommended) TGND2 Vanilla Armor Patch, version 1.0.3 or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41811).
======= INSTALLATION =======
Artifacts uses a BSA, so installation order doesn't matter. If you do not use a program to manage your installation, you may have to take care of Archive Invalidation.
1. Drop the release archive into your BASH Installers Folder.
2. In Wyre Bash, go to the installers tab.
3. Click on the package name from the list. Under the sub-packages area, make sure "0 Core" is checked.
4. If you want to install the less-skin/more practical versions of the iron greaves and chainmail cuirass, check the relevant box.
5. Right click the package name from the main installer list and select install.
6. Run BOSS, or adjust the load order manually. Order shouldn't really matter.
7. (Optional) Rebuild your bashed patch.
I don't use OBMM, so while the mod has OMOD conversion data available, I can't say exactly how it will work. Presumably, install like any other OMOD-ready mod. Install after OOO 1.33 or 1.34, and after TGND.
1. Extract the archive somewhere safe.
2. Drag the contents of "0 Core" into your oblivion/data directory.
3. If desired, drag the contents of the more-practical armors folder into your oblivion/data directory.
4. Sort and activate the esps, as in the BAIN directions above.
5. If necessary, handle archive invalidation. Instructions are at: (http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php/Oblivion_Mods_FAQ#Archive_Invalidation).
Converts all female Artifacts armors/clothing to the TGND body type. The typical TGND treatment includes a slightly larger butt, bit of a tummy, thinner wrists, flatter chest, and smaller feet. Also adds female versions to armors where none existed.
Includes a "more practical" option for the chainmail cuirass and iron greaves that protects more exposed areas.
Finally, Artifacts is freakin huge. I might have missed something. Let me know if I did.
As a graphics conversion, the esp should be safe to merge into your Bashed patch.
Side notes:
All meshes have been optimized with PyFFI-py3k 2.2.0
The esps should be clean
Comments are always welcome
========= CHANGES ==========
Version 1.0.0 - 04/15/2012
initial release
====== REDISTRIBUTION ======
If you wish to redistribute something that uses a body-part mesh, cite the folks listed under "Body parts" in the credits. Otherwise, to redistribute any armors, cite those listed under "Armors" in the credits. In all cases, cite the Artifacts artists too.
======= TOOLS USED =========
Blender 2.49b
Nifskope 1.1.0-RC5
PyFFI 2.2.0
TES4Edit 3.0.15
========= CREDITS ==========
----- Artifacts Armors -----
Trollf, Corepc, and Team Arma
Big, big thanks to these folk for releasing this as a modder's resource - such a contribution is huge.
--- TGND Body and Meshes ---
Body parts:
They derive from TGND by Luchaire and Kalia, assisted by Chingari, Sickleyield, Kristoffer, and Alt3rn1ty. Tracing the work way back, it originated with Exnem and Raiar and their Exnem and HGEC bodies.
The arms were inspired by Team Fantasy Figures by AcidRain, Corwyn, Daede, Kalikut, Oubliette, Robert, and SickleYield.
Robert's female feet were adapted by Luchaire. Credits: Robert, Drazius, Baron B, AmberAder, Edhildil, RomanAder, and Coronerra.
Vanilla meshes:
Primarily from TGND armor replacer, whose existence is due to Luchaire and Kalia but can be traced to EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=24078). Project credits are Axil, Corepcmmp, Grhys, Gudwyn, MadCat221, Morphan, Lol9, Sm0ken1nfin8, Zinni, and xFrancis147.
And finally, Bethesda, for making all this possible.
TGND2 Artifacts Replacer v1.0.0
Assembled and tweaked by Manks
========= SUMMARY ==========
Converts all female armors added by Trollf's Artifacts to fit to The Girl Next Door v2 body. Also adds female versions where none previously existed. Compatible w/TGND 2.1B and Artifacts 1.1.
======= REQUIREMENTS =======
The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer by Luchaire and Kalia, version 2.1b or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=30914).
Artifacts 1.1 by Trollf, Corepc, and Team Arma (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=25309).
(Recommended) TGND2 Vanilla Armor Patch, version 1.0.3 or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41811).
======= INSTALLATION =======
Artifacts uses a BSA, so installation order doesn't matter. If you do not use a program to manage your installation, you may have to take care of Archive Invalidation.
1. Drop the release archive into your BASH Installers Folder.
2. In Wyre Bash, go to the installers tab.
3. Click on the package name from the list. Under the sub-packages area, make sure "0 Core" is checked.
4. If you want to install the less-skin/more practical versions of the iron greaves and chainmail cuirass, check the relevant box.
5. Right click the package name from the main installer list and select install.
6. Run BOSS, or adjust the load order manually. Order shouldn't really matter.
7. (Optional) Rebuild your bashed patch.
I don't use OBMM, so while the mod has OMOD conversion data available, I can't say exactly how it will work. Presumably, install like any other OMOD-ready mod. Install after OOO 1.33 or 1.34, and after TGND.
1. Extract the archive somewhere safe.
2. Drag the contents of "0 Core" into your oblivion/data directory.
3. If desired, drag the contents of the more-practical armors folder into your oblivion/data directory.
4. Sort and activate the esps, as in the BAIN directions above.
5. If necessary, handle archive invalidation. Instructions are at: (http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php/Oblivion_Mods_FAQ#Archive_Invalidation).
Converts all female Artifacts armors/clothing to the TGND body type. The typical TGND treatment includes a slightly larger butt, bit of a tummy, thinner wrists, flatter chest, and smaller feet. Also adds female versions to armors where none existed.
Includes a "more practical" option for the chainmail cuirass and iron greaves that protects more exposed areas.
Finally, Artifacts is freakin huge. I might have missed something. Let me know if I did.
As a graphics conversion, the esp should be safe to merge into your Bashed patch.
Side notes:
All meshes have been optimized with PyFFI-py3k 2.2.0
The esps should be clean
Comments are always welcome
========= CHANGES ==========
Version 1.0.0 - 04/15/2012
initial release
====== REDISTRIBUTION ======
If you wish to redistribute something that uses a body-part mesh, cite the folks listed under "Body parts" in the credits. Otherwise, to redistribute any armors, cite those listed under "Armors" in the credits. In all cases, cite the Artifacts artists too.
======= TOOLS USED =========
Blender 2.49b
Nifskope 1.1.0-RC5
PyFFI 2.2.0
TES4Edit 3.0.15
========= CREDITS ==========
----- Artifacts Armors -----
Trollf, Corepc, and Team Arma
Big, big thanks to these folk for releasing this as a modder's resource - such a contribution is huge.
--- TGND Body and Meshes ---
Body parts:
They derive from TGND by Luchaire and Kalia, assisted by Chingari, Sickleyield, Kristoffer, and Alt3rn1ty. Tracing the work way back, it originated with Exnem and Raiar and their Exnem and HGEC bodies.
The arms were inspired by Team Fantasy Figures by AcidRain, Corwyn, Daede, Kalikut, Oubliette, Robert, and SickleYield.
Robert's female feet were adapted by Luchaire. Credits: Robert, Drazius, Baron B, AmberAder, Edhildil, RomanAder, and Coronerra.
Vanilla meshes:
Primarily from TGND armor replacer, whose existence is due to Luchaire and Kalia but can be traced to EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=24078). Project credits are Axil, Corepcmmp, Grhys, Gudwyn, MadCat221, Morphan, Lol9, Sm0ken1nfin8, Zinni, and xFrancis147.
And finally, Bethesda, for making all this possible.
11) http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=42065
======== TOP MATTER ========
TGND2 Better Cities Replacer v1.0.0
Assembled and tweaked by Manks
========= SUMMARY ==========
Converts all female clothes added by Bananasplit's Better Cities to fit to The Girl Next Door v2 body. Also adds female versions where none previously existed. Compatible w/TGND 2.1B and Better Cities 5.1.8.
======= REQUIREMENTS =======
The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer by Luchaire and Kalia, version 2.1b or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=30914).
Bananasplit's Better Cities version 5.1.8 or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=16513). Should be compatible with a few versions previous, but I haven't checked.
TGND2 Vanilla Armor Patch, version 1.0.4 or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41811).
======= INSTALLATION =======
Better Cities uses a BSA, so installation order doesn't matter. If you do not use a program to manage your installation, you may have to take care of Archive Invalidation.
1. Drop the release archive into your BASH Installers Folder.
2. In Wyre Bash, go to the installers tab.
3. Right click the package name from the main installer list and select install.
4. Run BOSS, or adjust the load order manually. Order shouldn't really matter.
5. (Optional) Rebuild your bashed patch.
I don't use OBMM, so while the mod has OMOD conversion data available, I can't say exactly how it will work. Presumably, install like any other OMOD-ready mod. Install after OOO 1.33 or 1.34, and after TGND.
1. Drag and drop the contents of the distribution archive into your oblivion/data directory.
2. Sort and activate the esp, as in the BAIN directions above.
3. If necessary, handle archive invalidation. Instructions are at: (http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php/Oblivion_Mods_FAQ#Archive_Invalidation).
Either post to the comments at the TES Nexus file page, or visit the posting on the Bethesda Forums: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1364452-relz-manks-tgnd2-patches-and-armour-replacers-for-mods/
Converts all female Better Cities clothing to the TGND body type. The typical TGND treatment includes a slightly larger butt, bit of a tummy, thinner wrists, flatter chest, and smaller feet. Also adds female versions to outfits where none existed.
I didn't convert the mannequins, as that seemed like a lot of work for something you can't even wear. Not even sure where to find them in-game.
As a graphics conversion, the esp should be safe to merge into your Bashed patch.
As of release the mod should be clean, but it contains a mesh path fix for an apparent oversight in BC. I suspect future versions of BC will not need this, at which point the change will be an "Identical to Master" record. Cleaning that will be fine.
Side notes:
All meshes have been optimized with PyFFI-py3k 2.2.0
Comments are always welcome
========= CHANGES ==========
Version 1.0.0 - 04/22/2012
initial release
====== REDISTRIBUTION ======
If you wish to redistribute something that uses a body-part mesh, cite the folks listed under "Body parts" in the credits. Otherwise, to redistribute any armors, cite those listed under "Armors" in the credits. In all cases, cite the Better Cities artists too.
======= TOOLS USED =========
Blender 2.49b
Nifskope 1.1.0-RC5
PyFFI 2.2.0
TES4Edit 3.0.15
========= CREDITS ==========
------ Better Cities -------
Pregnant dress - Russader
I believe that the remainder of the files included here are vanilla retextures by Nernie.
--- TGND Body and Meshes ---
Body parts:
They derive from TGND by Luchaire and Kalia, assisted by Chingari, Sickleyield, Kristoffer, and Alt3rn1ty. Tracing the work way back, it originated with Exnem and Raiar and their Exnem and HGEC bodies.
The arms were inspired by Team Fantasy Figures by AcidRain, Corwyn, Daede, Kalikut, Oubliette, Robert, and SickleYield.
Robert's female feet were adapted by Luchaire. Credits: Robert, Drazius, Baron B, AmberAder, Edhildil, RomanAder, and Coronerra.
Vanilla meshes:
Primarily from TGND armor replacer, whose existence is due to Luchaire and Kalia but can be traced to EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=24078). Project credits are Axil, Corepcmmp, Grhys, Gudwyn, MadCat221, Morphan, Lol9, Sm0ken1nfin8, Zinni, and xFrancis147.
And finally, Bethesda, for making all this possible.
======== TOP MATTER ========
TGND2 Better Cities Replacer v1.0.0
Assembled and tweaked by Manks
========= SUMMARY ==========
Converts all female clothes added by Bananasplit's Better Cities to fit to The Girl Next Door v2 body. Also adds female versions where none previously existed. Compatible w/TGND 2.1B and Better Cities 5.1.8.
======= REQUIREMENTS =======
The Girl Next Door Female Body and Clothing Replacer by Luchaire and Kalia, version 2.1b or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=30914).
Bananasplit's Better Cities version 5.1.8 or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=16513). Should be compatible with a few versions previous, but I haven't checked.
TGND2 Vanilla Armor Patch, version 1.0.4 or greater (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41811).
======= INSTALLATION =======
Better Cities uses a BSA, so installation order doesn't matter. If you do not use a program to manage your installation, you may have to take care of Archive Invalidation.
1. Drop the release archive into your BASH Installers Folder.
2. In Wyre Bash, go to the installers tab.
3. Right click the package name from the main installer list and select install.
4. Run BOSS, or adjust the load order manually. Order shouldn't really matter.
5. (Optional) Rebuild your bashed patch.
I don't use OBMM, so while the mod has OMOD conversion data available, I can't say exactly how it will work. Presumably, install like any other OMOD-ready mod. Install after OOO 1.33 or 1.34, and after TGND.
1. Drag and drop the contents of the distribution archive into your oblivion/data directory.
2. Sort and activate the esp, as in the BAIN directions above.
3. If necessary, handle archive invalidation. Instructions are at: (http://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php/Oblivion_Mods_FAQ#Archive_Invalidation).
Either post to the comments at the TES Nexus file page, or visit the posting on the Bethesda Forums: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1364452-relz-manks-tgnd2-patches-and-armour-replacers-for-mods/
Converts all female Better Cities clothing to the TGND body type. The typical TGND treatment includes a slightly larger butt, bit of a tummy, thinner wrists, flatter chest, and smaller feet. Also adds female versions to outfits where none existed.
I didn't convert the mannequins, as that seemed like a lot of work for something you can't even wear. Not even sure where to find them in-game.
As a graphics conversion, the esp should be safe to merge into your Bashed patch.
As of release the mod should be clean, but it contains a mesh path fix for an apparent oversight in BC. I suspect future versions of BC will not need this, at which point the change will be an "Identical to Master" record. Cleaning that will be fine.
Side notes:
All meshes have been optimized with PyFFI-py3k 2.2.0
Comments are always welcome
========= CHANGES ==========
Version 1.0.0 - 04/22/2012
initial release
====== REDISTRIBUTION ======
If you wish to redistribute something that uses a body-part mesh, cite the folks listed under "Body parts" in the credits. Otherwise, to redistribute any armors, cite those listed under "Armors" in the credits. In all cases, cite the Better Cities artists too.
======= TOOLS USED =========
Blender 2.49b
Nifskope 1.1.0-RC5
PyFFI 2.2.0
TES4Edit 3.0.15
========= CREDITS ==========
------ Better Cities -------
Pregnant dress - Russader
I believe that the remainder of the files included here are vanilla retextures by Nernie.
--- TGND Body and Meshes ---
Body parts:
They derive from TGND by Luchaire and Kalia, assisted by Chingari, Sickleyield, Kristoffer, and Alt3rn1ty. Tracing the work way back, it originated with Exnem and Raiar and their Exnem and HGEC bodies.
The arms were inspired by Team Fantasy Figures by AcidRain, Corwyn, Daede, Kalikut, Oubliette, Robert, and SickleYield.
Robert's female feet were adapted by Luchaire. Credits: Robert, Drazius, Baron B, AmberAder, Edhildil, RomanAder, and Coronerra.
Vanilla meshes:
Primarily from TGND armor replacer, whose existence is due to Luchaire and Kalia but can be traced to EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=24078). Project credits are Axil, Corepcmmp, Grhys, Gudwyn, MadCat221, Morphan, Lol9, Sm0ken1nfin8, Zinni, and xFrancis147.
And finally, Bethesda, for making all this possible.
If you want further eye candy may I reccomend http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41867 which is fully compatible with TGND2.
Hope you enjoy these replacers as much as I do, and once again thankyou to Manks for making these and allowing me to post about them here.