Hmm I didnt consider any chem's or food beyond stim paks. But I have yet to see them use one.
I could swear I havent seen their weapons or armour deteriorate. Maybe im wrong? Not saying they've never died. And I always keep them on the ranged flanking strategy.
Fawkes (with my good char) Jerico and clover are the only followers Ive found. I suppose Ill find the rest later though.
Im guessing they have a hidden inventory ... seeing how they whip out weapons that arent in the one I can see. Fawkes has the gatling laser , Jerico the chinese assault rifle , and clover a chinese officer sword ... But I did see her whip out a sawed off shotgun once while she was equiped with the flamer. She even had it holsterd after the battle. I thought maybe she had picked it up on her own cuz their were dead raiders that had one. But it didnt show in her inventory.
The followers all come with their own unique weapon, except maybe Star Paladin Cross, though I can't remember her because she is so annoying I never hire her.... but I digress.
If you don't give them any weapons, they will use their default. Charon's Combat Shotgun, which I've heard is unobtainable, is the probably the best weapon for small guns in the game. Shotgun with zero spread... Because of his awesomeness with this weapon, I usually leave him with that.
Clover has a unique sawed off, but seems better with ranged weapons.
Jericho, is an amazing beast with a Heavy Incinerator. Honestly, it took forever to level, as he kept stealing all my kills. The best I could hope for was a lockpicking or hack challenge, I NEVER, ever needed to get a weapon out.
This is all my own experience of course. Just sharing. And another thing, I give them all melee weapons. But there's a catch:
I used to give them all Shiskebobs. All three: Clover, Charon and Jericho would own enemies with this. I mean OWN.

But all of a sudden, they would all stop using their ranged weapons, and instead of taking shots, they were all running across fields of glory to tackle mutants and whatnot with the Shiskebob only. And all dying as a result. So I try to give them high-end combat knives, trench knives, stabhappy, jack, things like that. They all seem to now take more appropriate action, and whip out a ranged weapon rather than just the melee. I don't give anyone the Ripper, as the noise is amazingly annoying to me.