Most times, good or evil, I will enter the chamber and deal with it. I have a hard time with making someone else deal. I always hesitate, then usually choose myself to enter.
One time I sent in Sarah. Super evil character, I cackled when I sent her in. I felt pretty horrible afterwards when I talked to Elder Lyons. Ugghh. Really horrible.
Last night I sent in Fawkes.
So I tell him to do it, he kinda rolls his shoulders forward, like he's resigned to do it, and I start to feel bad, then he runs super fast into the chamber, and I close the door before I can change my mind.
Then he gets to the control panel. And the music is getting louder and louder, and it's getting mistier and mistier and I'm starting to take 2 RADS per sec thru the glass, and he punches two numbers and then.... stops, reaches up and scratches his head!!!! And he's looking up into space and I want to bang on the glass and scream WTF it's three numbers dude get going!!!
Then he looks down, and then he presses like five numbers... lmao, and then does the super mutant equivalent of holding his chin, and musing into the air as if to say, "What was it again?" And now I'm wishing for a bash button so I can bang on the glass, then he actually kicks the control panel and it starts working. The whole time, I'm rolling with laughter, as I've never seen this before.
TLDR Anybody see cool animations of your followers when you send them into the purifier? When I sent Sarah in, she walked in and hit it. When I sent Fawkes in, see above, hilarity ensued.