Trying to play fallout 3 GOTY and I have a weird issue. Everytime I go into a room, within seconds it will freeze with the 'program has stopped responding' message. If i stay in the wastelands or any of the open plan areas of a DLC, or if its part of a main mission then i can play for hours without issue. Then as soon as I go into rooms, houses, motels any interior / internal location, seconds later it freezes (it changes, it can be 2 seconds, could be 60 seconds but it will freeze)?
I have tired the multi core fix but makes no difference what so ever.
Im using windows 7 64-bit
intel i7 2700K
8gb RAM
Geforce GTX580 in SLI
Any ideas on this?
no biggie tbh, I've ordered and waiting for New Vegas Ultimate edition so would of been nice to just try and get through this before i start that