1) Looking in the GECK in the Radio tab for GNR quest, I see that occasionally Three Dog is supposed to do song intros (i.e. "And now, here's [such and such tune] by [so and so]". But, in game I have never heard Three Dog do this. He always just says "And now, some music". My conclusion is that Beth simply decided it was too difficult to debug and just left everything generic. If I am wrong on this, please set me straight.
2) Song entries are arranged in GNR quest from 1 to 20. I assume since the GNRLastSongPlayed variable(s) are all shorts, I can just add to this amount as I like up to the short limit. Right? I have added a tune as #21 and it works so.... I assume I can just do that?
This is for my personal enjoyment but I would love to release modules with different music genres. But I think this would be flagrant violation of copyright, correct? i.e. wrongful distribution of music tracks, even though I re-record them to play nice with FO3 engine.
Thanks for reading and for any help you may have.