» Thu May 03, 2012 10:51 pm
More advances in cryogenics technology. One simple design of mine could be the manipulation of frozen bodies (usually not dead).
Through the use of a cybernetic suit, a localised backpack router which relays information to a home port computer and a parasitical
intelligence device that is implanted on the lower skull- that feeds off memories in the cerebrum and acts as an external controller.
Such technology could create nice, new creature designs. You could have Cryo Husks: completely robotic in form with no human
tissue left inside the suit, pretty useless now. Cryobers: half cybernetic; half human, brain dead zombies of ill intent to others.
Cryo Gence: humans that have awoken in their new shells, sometimes to help it's jailors or sometimes to work against them. Cyro Sight:
the very robotic parasites that are looking to find the human designated shape, then ambush them, only 'preparing' them for stasis afterwards.
This could make for a very nice matrix-esque cyberpunk zombie swarm invasion in the Fallout universe. Hehe.
Other than cryogenics, I'd say steam weapons would be nice. Not in the mind of steampunk but rather a weapon that puffs out
a load of gas which literally melts your enemy's face off given enough time and accuracy. That would be good against centaurs, I imagine.