There are VERY few gliches that occur using the newest xbox360 kinnect with a 250gb hard drive, but 1 very major glich I can't seem to grasp and understand why.. If it is a glitch at all.
On the far West side of the map, I cannot get through any terrain to explore past an NCR camp with a gate on the west side.. and It is as far west I can go; and when I look on my map, there is still MILES of unexplored NewVegas. On the far East - same thing only at the Hoover Dam. As well as randomly in the middle of the map, a radio antena on a hill above a New California Republic camp is inaccessable. I do not know if this is because of my lack of doing the main quest... which is very unlike bethesda on Fallout.. or actually a glich in the game... But it's making me a little upset that some parts of the map are unaccesable.
All around though, excellent game. As far as a random rad scorpion flying through the ground or minor freezing when I try to use V.A.T.S. on the Legion when they send a squad who wants revenge for me assasinating Cesear, I have no problems.
And to those who continuously bash and flame Bethesda... You might what to be careful about what you are saying. It might be YOUR system that is crashing, not the game or the updates. YOUR system might not be up to date, if you know what I mean. Bethesda has made a vast many of amazing RPGs that are still unbelieveable. They have too much of a reputation to hold than to let a game be 'forgotten, lack a care for the 20% of gamers'. Check your system before you make rash remarks. I've been reading to find an answer to my problem but all I find is "bethesda svcks" comments... VERY HELPFUL THX.VRY.MCH.