Well, I usually get idolized status with NCR and vilified with the Legion. I was actually accepted by the Legion for a while there and I even gained some karma, when I taught a slave woman how to make better healing powder in the Fort. So, the Legion Assassins left me alone for quite some time. I even gained Ceasar's favor and was able to pick up stuff twice, before I turned the tables...
First of all, they treat women like dirt and the guy at the arena told me to "know your place, woman", because I said I wanted to fight in the arena PSH, I say.
So, I was like, I show you where my place is. I went and talked to the NCR guy near Camp Searchlight and told him I'll take out Cottonwood... and I sure did. Of course my status went to HATED LOL I'm ok with that. BUT a WOMAN took out a whole Legion post dressed as NCR no less hahahahaha well now, let them chew on that bit...