Talk about a kick in the head ! ( And where to find Gatling

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:47 am

OWB made me realize just how under powered some my of weapons are.

Even the AM rifle doesn't put them down in one shot. 10 mm SM and That gun are just about useless.

I have never died so much...( Still having fun though ! )

Now I just reloaded an older save and am cleaning out the casinos so I can buy the 12.7 mm and other stuff ( mods for guns etc )

Trying to find a gatling laser...found mods for them but never the gun itself. Checked everywhere...even that store by the casino doesn't have one. Or a guass rifle.
Even waiting 3 days did not produce either.

Does have the Turbo plasma rifle from FO 1 though. Only 27 k...ugh.

I have WW trait so the merc gauss is not an option.

Lvl 20 when I started OWB. Both guns and energy weapons are at 75.

You really need some heavy fire power to keep alive in that place..

I love it !!!

But I do need to up the firepower.
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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:31 am

OWB is full of bullet sponges. Its not that your weapons are under-powered, the enemies have abnormally high amounts of health.

I'd suggest finishing all of the quests for the Brotherhood and get to the point where they make you a member. Torres will give you full access to her inventory at that point. I'm fairly sure that they'll have a Gatling Laser and a Gauss Rifle. If not then you could always go on a killing spree in their bunker.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:42 pm

OWB is full of bullet sponges. Its not that your weapons are under-powered, the enemies have abnormally high amounts of health.

I'd suggest finishing all of the quests for the Brotherhood and get to the point where they make you a member. Torres will give you full access to her inventory at that point. I'm fairly sure that they'll have a Gatling Laser and a Gauss Rifle. If not then you could always go on a killing spree in their bunker.

Health AND DT.
It can be really taxing on your ammo supply really and it is hard to find a gun that has a nice balance of firing quickly and hitting hard.
Personally I go for crits. A gun like Lucky, there's tons of ammo for, and on a crit it can hit as hard as a Brush gun, if you have the right perks. Other option is a gun like the Brush Gun and going for sneak attack criticals. My opinion, anyways.
Then of course you could try to use armor piercing rounds from 5mm or so, but something tells me you'd quickly run out of ammo...Oh wait right, I know from experience. :P Forgot I had an assault carbine with me, and yeah, it ran low fairly quick.
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Jhenna lee Lizama
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:17 am

The BoS safe house has a gatling laser and I think a Gauss rifle too.
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Hannah Whitlock
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:12 am

I'm not big on Energy weapons, but I found that a fully modded Tri-Beam Laser rifle with overcharged ammo does a really decent job in OWB. Oh and hand loaded ammo is a must for any regular guns in OWB I'd say! :)
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:37 pm

Only shop with energy weapons is the Van Graffs. Or the BoS if you do enough quests for them. I think if they are all killed the Gun Runners Vend-O-tron (vendortron) will sell their stock.

OWB is an ammo dump. I'd wish somebody would have told me that going in. I know the catellite says that you can keep your gear and that you are gonna NEED it. But I just assumed it was talking about armor and weapons. Not really warning me that my brush gun will need to have 200,000 rounds in order to kill all the robo scorps.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:24 am

OWB is full of bullet sponges. Its not that your weapons are under-powered, the enemies have abnormally high amounts of health.

I'd suggest finishing all of the quests for the Brotherhood and get to the point where they make you a member. Torres will give you full access to her inventory at that point. I'm fairly sure that they'll have a Gatling Laser and a Gauss Rifle. If not then you could always go on a killing spree in their bunker.

Thanks..totally spaced the Brotherhood arms dealer lady.

I have the stuff to finish the quest...The Euclid Finder, Pulse pistol and the Vault 22 agriculture stuff. I know I only need to turn one of them in...but I'm pretty OSD when it comes to the options in the quest.

Glad I picked Scrounger and the more bottle cap finding perk ( name escapes me ATM ) Because it sure is expensive to fight in OWB.

This is one area the Ma Duece ( 50 caliber HMG ) or the Gatling Gauss ( From Fallout Tactics ) would have sure have come in handy.

The Ma Duece with depleted uranium rounds would have been sweet !

What I did find is that the Proton Axe takes robots down really I'm upping my melee before returning to OWB.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 9:20 am

but I'm pretty OSD.
Obsessive Sompulsive Disorder?
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:49 pm

OWB made me realize just how under powered some my of weapons are.

Even the AM rifle doesn't put them down in one shot. 10 mm SM and That gun are just about useless.

I have never died so much...( Still having fun though ! )

Now I just reloaded an older save and am cleaning out the casinos so I can buy the 12.7 mm and other stuff ( mods for guns etc )

Trying to find a gatling laser...found mods for them but never the gun itself. Checked everywhere...even that store by the casino doesn't have one. Or a guass rifle.
Even waiting 3 days did not produce either.

Does have the Turbo plasma rifle from FO 1 though. Only 27 k...ugh.

I have WW trait so the merc gauss is not an option.

Lvl 20 when I started OWB. Both guns and energy weapons are at 75.

You really need some heavy fire power to keep alive in that place..

I love it !!!

But I do need to up the firepower.
I felt the same thing, hell i was going in there with weapons worth 30k caps, and enough ammo to take down half the NCR in the Mojave, but apperiently that wasnt enough FOR DR MOBIOUS DEADLY ROBO SCORPIONS, TECHNOLOGICAL WONDERS AND... HE`S BIGGER, MORE ATOMIC VERSIONS OF THESE THINGS
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:18 am

I felt the same thing, hell i was going in there with weapons worth 30k caps, and enough ammo to take down half the NCR in the Mojave, but apperiently that wasnt enough FOR DR MOBIOUS DEADLY ROBO SCORPIONS, TECHNOLOGICAL WONDERS AND... HE`S BIGGER, MORE ATOMIC VERSIONS OF THESE THINGS
First time I played OWB I gave up. Didn't find spending dozen reloads on robo scorps. But it was worth it when I finally got to talk to the toaster.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:14 am

I managed OWB with Lucky and a fully modded Cowboy Repeater, 100 Guns skill, Cowboy/Black Widow/Cherchez La Femme/Hunter/Rapid Reload/Lv. 3 Toughness/Commando/Gunslinger/Life Giver perks, and the Four Eyes and Trigger Discipline traits. Burned through a LOT of .357 ammo, and mainly just ran away from the roboscorps.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 10:07 am

If you go into the stealth testing facility and your lockpick is high enough you can find an inversal proton axe which has higher damage than your regular proton axe and works great on robo-opponents
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 10:05 am

I'm playing through OWB again and this time I brought the Gobi Campaign Sniper Rifle along, yes with handloaded ammo. It does a really good job LOL

Oh, also, some of the harness guys drop Gatling Laser Guns and other heavy duty weapons. :)
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Luis Longoria
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:02 pm

I'm playing through OWB again and this time I brought the Gobi Campaign Sniper Rifle along, yes with handloaded ammo. It does a really good job LOL

Oh, also, some of the harness guys drop Gatling Laser Guns and other heavy duty weapons. :smile:
Never came up on a Gatling laser. Only RCWs and Flamers. Gotta find one on my EW gal.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:38 pm

Never came up on a Gatling laser. Only RCWs and Flamers. Gotta find one on my EW gal.

The enemies in OWB are leveled, so you won't see them drop really good weapons unless you're at Level 40+.

I'm just about finished with OWB after a marathon weekend session. I went in at Level 27, and the Lobotomites were carrying mostly caravan shotguns and 10mm Pistols, while the trauma harnesses had mostly laser and plasma pistols and rifles, with some carrying flamers and the odd Laser RCW. After I crossed Level 30, the Lobotomites started showing up with hunting shotguns, hunting rifles and 10mm SMGs, while I started seeing some of the harnesses with mutltiplas rifles and Gauss rifles.
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P PoLlo
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:05 pm

The enemies in OWB are leveled, so you won't see them drop really good weapons unless you're at Level 40+.

I'm just about finished with OWB after a marathon weekend session. I went in at Level 27, and the Lobotomites were carrying mostly caravan shotguns and 10mm Pistols, while the trauma harnesses had mostly laser and plasma pistols and rifles, with some carrying flamers and the odd Laser RCW. After I crossed Level 30, the Lobotomites started showing up with hunting shotguns, hunting rifles and 10mm SMGs, while I started seeing some of the harnesses with mutltiplas rifles and Gauss rifles.
on my gun character i didn't see them drop and I was level 42 when I started it. Maybe it was because I didn't meet many of them skull guys. The lobotomites had brush guns so that was cool on my part.
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