I wish I could get a refund....

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:22 pm

That comment by Gingy was a tad elitist, no doubt, and not necessarily an accurate one. I was a pretty good NV player before I got DM, and I had no real difficulty beating it- but I found large parts of it to be droll, repetitive, annoying, ugly, and not particularly interesting. Good writing? Sure. Good environment and enemies? Meh. IMO, most of it svcked eggs. DM doesn't sort out the 'good from the bad' players, it just sorts them between the ones who liked what they did with the DLC, and those who didn't.

It was.

Most people who do not appreciate Dead Money are the people who are like, "OMG too hard too annoying"

Just frustrated me when I read "biggest piece of crap ever" because it beats every other Fallout DLC I've played (except Lonesome Road, that's tied with DM for number one in my book) by a mile.
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Sabrina Steige
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:07 pm

Dead Money is definitely the worst DLC. There are some decent items but nothing to cry home about.
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:27 pm

I thought Dead Money was the best DLC, it had the best writing, the best voice acting and the best atmosphere.
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Katy Hogben
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:37 am

That comment by Gingy was a tad elitist, no doubt, and not necessarily an accurate one. I was a pretty good NV player before I got DM, and I had no real difficulty beating it- but I found large parts of it to be droll, repetitive, annoying, ugly, and not particularly interesting. Good writing? Sure. Good environment and enemies? Meh. IMO, most of it svcked eggs. DM doesn't sort out the 'good from the bad' players, it just sorts them between the ones who liked what they did with the DLC, and those who didn't.
I wouldn't exactly say that it separates the good players from the bad, but it does definitely show who is willing to radically change their play style.
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Russell Davies
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:48 pm

I wouldn't exactly say that it separates the good players from the bad, but it does definitely show who is willing to radically change their play style.

I don't mind radical changes in playstyle, on occasion. Some of the most interesting events in some games I've previously played, were when you are 'captured', or something like that in the middle of your playthrough, and have to start over with almost nothing. One of the downsides of this in DM though, is that if you haven't buffed up EW or melee/unarmed before you start it, you are at a significant disadvantage to those who have. That is kind of crappy and uneven. A new player who's doing DM for the first time, and only has maybe the guns skill built up, isn't going to like DM much.
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Danger Mouse
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:09 am

I pretty much have to restart it. It seems the DLC wasn't made for every game style but instead for people with high sneaking skills and high melee/unarmed skills, and there are too many traps everywhere and the campfire/bench layout somehow made all of my Sierra Madre Chips go away and I already low on stimpaks had nothing to heal with and I had no recent saves and later on had to pretty much delete all of my recent saves to restart the whole DLC and that was probably what pissed me off and made me create this thread out of anger, confusion, and frustration.
Well [censored] happens, sometimes not everything is completely and 100% balanced for each-type of playthrough; what does avoiding traps have to do with a playstyle? I stood on them all the time too so I just learned to watch where I was walking - oh yeah, save more often. Can't imagine playing any good RPG without saving everywhere just in-case.
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Liv Staff
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:34 pm

I'm with the group that absolutely loved the DLC, you get the best EW in the game ala Holorifle, some of the best rewards from beating the game IMO, free .308 .357 stimpacks repair kits, a steady income of free Madre chips even after the DLC is complete. I think it had the best , compelling story out of all four DLC's, sure the mass amounts of traps can be annoying, but they're really not that hard to spot or walk around, 'Light Step' perk literally negates this nuisance. You don't need super high sneak or unarmed/melee to get through the game, my guns/EW character made it through easily with 50 unarmed and the Bear trap fist, sneak is of course completely optional. DM is certainly not for those with a very low patience threshold, and i think it does set apart the true Fallout players from the 'gotta have rewards RIGHT NAO' Call of Duty type players, just my 2 cents.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:47 am

I don't mind radical changes in playstyle, on occasion. Some of the most interesting events in some games I've previously played, were when you are 'captured', or something like that in the middle of your playthrough, and have to start over with almost nothing. One of the downsides of this in DM though, is that if you haven't buffed up EW or melee/unarmed before you start it, you are at a significant disadvantage to those who have. That is kind of crappy and uneven. A new player who's doing DM for the first time, and only has maybe the guns skill built up, isn't going to like DM much.
I wouldn't say that you are at a significant disadvantage if you're a Guns or Explosives user, actually I think an Explosives user with the Mad Bomber perk is one of the best play styles in this DLC. Using your Mfc's to make Mfc Grenades against the Ghost People I've heard is an incredibly good tactic since all you have to do to kill them is cripple a limb which is what Explosives excels at.

I've done DM twice as a Guns-centric character and neither were too difficult. It does take a lot of shots from the Police Pistol to take one of them down though, but the Automatic Rifle is brilliant against them. The spread on it is admittedly terrible, but it can still absolutely tear Ghost people apart since it also has the highest base damage of any automatic Gun.
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Leanne Molloy
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:00 pm

I had no problem being a guns character with no sneak or anything, and only had about 50 points in melee. (needed some melee for the cowboy perk the rest I leveled there.)

The police pistol was good enough for me. I had high charisma so my companion was good enough to take out most of the ghost people. I only struggled killing the enemies before I had any companions and after they all left to get in position for the grand opening. Sometimes I had to use weapons that I wasn't good at like the holorifle or the gas bombs. This was before any of the other DLCs came out so I was at max level for a while and only got 2 extra perks before I finished DM.

It's fine to say that you don't like the dlc because of the setting or gameplay. But you get an increased level cap, some new items and crafting recipes as well as new perks.
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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:34 am

It sounds like you are just trying to barrel into the DLC guns blazing, which is pretty much the opposite of what you need to do.

Dead Money is a very survival oriented DLC (in fact it's sort of a mimic of the survival horror genre). you just need to slow down and plan out what you are gonna do. Dont linger though or you'll take too much damage from the gas. There are quite a few designated safe zones so you can get your bearings and figure out what you need to do.
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aisha jamil
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:16 am

Most people who do not appreciate Dead Money are the people who are like, "OMG too hard too annoying"

Just frustrated me when I read "biggest piece of crap ever" because it beats every other Fallout DLC I've played (except Lonesome Road, that's tied with DM for number one in my book) by a mile.
Not just because it was too hard. Lonesome Road was hard. It's more that the difficulty is not fun. No need to be condescending just because other people have different tastes in play style.

DM did require me to adjust my play style somewhat, but luckily since my default play style is 'sneaky mid-range sniper' it wasn't so bad. It's going to be much more frustrating for a Leeroy Jenkins type, I'm assuming.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:55 pm

IMO, it's easiest with an energy weapons character, but a side of melee doesn't hurt. Guns are pretty much the least of the weapons, in DM. The .38 is ok, but the automatic rifle is pretty much restricted to being a close-in weapon, making the Holorifle the king of the DLC.

Awww, my Van Graff thug specialises in Energy Weapons, Unarmed and Science....he's perfect for Dead Money! But I can't do it a third time, even if the Holorifle and gold bars would go a long way.... :confused:

But I see why the OP disliked Dead Money, it was just expressed in a negative way. I love the story and background, its an amazing piece of work. Its just the the repetitive nature of the quests, and the very small margin for error means a lot of trial and error, at least initially. It can be quite frustrating first time around.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 2:16 am

It can be quite frustrating first time around.

It was. Since i felt Fallout 3 was too easy, I started New Vegas on very hard/hardcoe for my first playthrough. I was really close to set it back to hard, while playing Dead Money. The biggest problem was the shortage of ammo. Because I always tend to roleplay a little, I didn't put a single point in energy weapons, melee, unarmed, explosives or sneak. My character was a gunslinger, that's it. Ghost people are terrible bullet sponges, so after some time I figured out it was the best to let the companion do the most of the work and cripple/kill the enemy with the last shot. If they were unconscious, I crippled them on the ground.

Long story short, it is possible with every character, as long as you have at least one combat skill, you just need to adept.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:37 am

Just to chime in, I don't see why people say it's hard with a Guns character. My character survived largely on the Police Pistol, and it was easy for me.
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Christie Mitchell
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:17 am

i like dead money even though its a pain in the butt to run through when all i want is the auto rifle. the gold makes it worth it and the story is very interesting. but my first time through i did get frustrated because of the speakers. btw y doesnt an auto rifle come with GRA if it did i might not play DM.
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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:51 pm

I'm with the group that absolutely loved the DLC, you get the best EW in the game ala Holorifle, some of the best rewards from beating the game IMO, free .308 .357 stimpacks repair kits, a steady income of free Madre chips even after the DLC is complete. I think it had the best , compelling story out of all four DLC's, sure the mass amounts of traps can be annoying, but they're really not that hard to spot or walk around, 'Light Step' perk literally negates this nuisance. You don't need super high sneak or unarmed/melee to get through the game, my guns/EW character made it through easily with 50 unarmed and the Bear trap fist, sneak is of course completely optional. DM is certainly not for those with a very low patience threshold, and i think it does set apart the true Fallout players from the 'gotta have rewards RIGHT NAO' Call of Duty type players, just my 2 cents.
well said
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Alada Vaginah
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:11 am

So you don't like it because it doesn't suit your gamestyle and because it's challenging? Then I say two things to you; Learn to adapt, your in a post-nuclear wasteland and lower the difficulty...
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Melly Angelic
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 10:03 am

IMO the reward at the end of Dead Money is probably the best out of any other DLCs, especially if you can get everything out at the end. And the dispensers are crazy useful afterwards.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 6:15 am

I've completed Dead Money a number of times and i never use melee weapons. Guns and EW characters are well catered for, i think you'd only be at a disadventage with a pure Explosives build.
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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 7:48 am

Just to chime in, I don't see why people say it's hard with a Guns character. My character survived largely on the Police Pistol, and it was easy for me.

I agree, and when you add in the Automatic rifle to handle larger groups of enemies, well, the DLC is very doable with a Guns character. As much so as an EW character imo, especially when you consider that the Holorifle is virtually worthless until you can afford weapon repair kits and an ample amount of MF cells.
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Alyesha Neufeld
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:32 am

I've completed Dead Money a number of times and i never use melee weapons. Guns and EW characters are well catered for, i think you'd only be at a disadventage with a pure Explosives build.
Not necessarily since Explosives are the best combat skill for crippling limbs. The only problem would be to be sparing in the amount of Explosives you find, the Mad Bomber perk makes this a non-issue though.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:08 pm

Can every body just [censored] CHILL!! Calm the [censored] down all of you!! OP- don't complain if you can't say why..
Other posters- just lay off the poor [censored]! No need to gang up
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stephanie eastwood
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 8:28 am

This thread certainly could have gone better, but right now I feel it's better left closed.
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Peter P Canning
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