That comment by Gingy was a tad elitist, no doubt, and not necessarily an accurate one. I was a pretty good NV player before I got DM, and I had no real difficulty beating it- but I found large parts of it to be droll, repetitive, annoying, ugly, and not particularly interesting. Good writing? Sure. Good environment and enemies? Meh. IMO, most of it svcked eggs. DM doesn't sort out the 'good from the bad' players, it just sorts them between the ones who liked what they did with the DLC, and those who didn't.
It was.
Most people who do not appreciate Dead Money are the people who are like, "OMG too hard too annoying"
Just frustrated me when I read "biggest piece of crap ever" because it beats every other Fallout DLC I've played (except Lonesome Road, that's tied with DM for number one in my book) by a mile.