From the sound of that, wouldn't that simply cause the shots to always knockdown when shooting in VATS?
I've actually wanted to do something similar to this, and add extra VATS attack options to melee weapons.
In either case, the important thing to find out is whether or not it's possible to add extra VATS attack options to the game at all.
It is probably easier to add VATS attack directly to a weapon than to create a perk to add them but I never used VATS in game, so I don't really know how the iron 9 works and if the fore option is selectable by the player and I don't actually have a character with the required abilities to try.
However, I was wrong in my first answer. It doesn't work using an ability but with an entry point it works
It always cause a knockdown but only with the weapons in the list.
In the condition for the perk : Getvatsmode==1
Perk entries : entry point - knockdown chance - set value 100
conditions : isinlist formlist knockweapons==1
I created a formlist with the 10 mm pistol and the varmint rifle. Both knocked the test NPC. The 9mm and the hunting rifle didn't.
The percent chances can be adjusted with the set value, to give a "random" percent chance for a knockdown. but I don't know how to make the knockdown effect directly selectable or not by the player in game.
The best I can think now is ranged weapons allow the player to aim at a specific bodypart. Then the perk could cause a knockdown only if the specific part is shot and give a normal shot if aimed elsewhere.