First, Does anyone know if the "Bartender, Idle markers and, animations actually work? I use them but, my new NPC's are never doing what they should be, they just stand there. I've tried a clean save so, it's not an issue of the cell being loaded before I test.
Secondly, While looking at Gomorah to see how the dancers and, gamblers worked I noticed the navemesh had pink lines around some of the edges. (Similar to when you connect two worldspace cells navemesh's but, not green, They are pinkish.) I assume it indicates a connected navemesh but, "Finalize cell navemesh" does not produce this result in an interior cell.
What is the purpose? What does it Do? and, How do I get the navemesh to properly finalize. I would like my "Table dancers" to climb off of the table "Flirt" and then, climb back up for another dance.
That is if my assumption of the Pink lines indicating a connected navemesh is correct.
Lastly, When setting up NPC patrols, what is the relevant time, when setting "Idle Time" on the X-marker heading or Idle marker. (For example: setting "Idle time" to (30) is that "30 sec." real time or "30 sec." game time? (Which wouldn't be more than a split sec.) I just don't want my NPC's patrols running from one "Idle marker" to the next and I'am, trying to figure out the timing.
Thanks for any help,