» Fri May 04, 2012 12:21 am
Urgoc, Whin-Skur, Last Week.
The orc had prepared his cattle, the men, as well as both supplies for trade or for themselves. The trip would be long, harsh and uncertain.
Better to be ready for any danger that'd lurk in the corners of Skyrim then come upon a situation which cannot be resolved with their tools.
Urgoc learned this from his father, Makor Gro-Bar, now in the arms of Malacath after the bitterment of greed produced by the orc's sister.
Skarc looked up to his master and clickered an inaudible tune to which Urgoc felt to understand or at least know the creature's gestures.
"Pap Kor is gone, Skarc. We have to look out for ourselves now, my old friend." Skarc responding with only a twisting concern.
"Well at least I'll get to see something other than snow, snow and more snow! hah." To which the creature grunted in protest.
"Oh I didn't mean you, blood brother!" He grappled the large beast and wrestled him into an arm lock, before chuckling in cheer.
A woman in black furs watched from a distance, an orc by the looks. Her arms was crossed, for in dismay she had not won the council's argument.
"At least you are happy about all of this" the woman called. It was Mazoga Gra-Yarzol, Urgoc's eldest sister. Now forge chieftan of Whin-Skur.
She had not won the agreement of an opposing deal to Mauhulakh deportation of her younger sister, Orbul. And now her brother was going too.
"Do not come back to me as a head in a sack, Urgoc. Father had garnered enough skulls of his kin from the younger southern upstarts."
Orsinium brewed treachery in the south. Warlords there would always change their short sighted minds in trades. Betrayal was strong in the lowlanders.
Urgoc looked over to his sister from a shoulder. He was sitting in the snow, stroking the knots out of his young pet's pelt or lower fur.
"The eastmarch lowlanders will not touch my ears, I assure you. Hell, If I have to, I'll take that cursed chieftan's head clean off."
The two orcs both laughed at the thought of Mauhulakh's face still drooping when it was placed on a pike. An eternally depressed one, he was.
Mazoga patted her brother on the shoulder, "Aha! I shall miss you little brother. Come back to us as soon as you can or not at all."
This was a typical family saying, not supposing to sound as harsh as it does. Yet the point came across still- failure was not an option, not now. Not after this.
Goodbyes were made and a typical blood letting ritual was performed between Urgoc, as well as Mazoga. To signify unity, a bond greater than death.
The prisoner was enchained, put upon the cart. She was filth, not fit to ride with the grunts or the escorts. So they put her with the river people's traded meat.
Urgoc had positioned himself at the head of the third cart. Inside was the greatest prize- twenty one ruffback hatchlings, ready to be reared into advlthood.
With a lash of whip they were off. A last sigh and wave was presented to Urgoc's age old home. Nearly they were out of sight, into the high blizzards of the Jeralls.
The journey became unknown at first, but soon they'd be in strange smelling wood touched lands, fields; hills, towns or even mountains. The orc found it all so odd.
Urgoc, Near Valton Road, Early Morning.
A deep fog was in the air of the morning. Rain had befallen the road the night before, luckily they had brought carriage covers with them.
Urgoc awoke to a soft bumping and tickling from bristles or lone strands of hair. Skarc was in a playful mood, obviously- from this tell tale sign.
"Ungh.. Skarc! I've only got four hours sleep because of that pig nosed Olpac refused to do his night duty. Leave me for a few hours."
The hairy companion naturally refused this plea and tryed to scramble himself upon the orc's head in desperation, which finally woke him up.
"Bah, fine then. Next time you get tired from chasing a fat skeever down a slope, I'll bother your little cat nap by jumping on you."
By now the supplies and ruffback carts were next to each. Side by side. Urgoc could view his sister, Orbul, in the opposite cart's depths.
She spoke in response to her being sighted. In but a harsh tone- "What do you want? brother pygmy? jealous of me are you?"
The orc was amused with such a pathetic comment. A mountain bristleback could speak a more sharp insult than this revolting witch here.
"Jealous of what? meat left out to rot? a robe with rat piss on it? you have nothing to be proud of, woman. May Malacath eat you."
She grunted in response, a short amount of laughter being released. A shudder was made, howls came and went, men were screaming.
Urgoc jumped up from his seat and looked to the carts in front. He saw what looked to be the debris of a cart in front, with beasts swarming it.
"Wolves!" Around twenty six of them could be sighted from this position. They had already made a mess of the remaining grunts who survived the crash.
Some made their forward, to the cart which was rearing the most in front. Others had came in the direction of the orc and the supplies carriage.
In quick decision, Urgoc gestured to the supplies driver to make way to the west. They would have to move around and throw the wolves off.
With haste they came down the rocking road, hoping to shake off their pursuers. But these wolves were numerous, fast and extremely coordinated.
A guard jumped off Urgoc's cart in hope his sacrifice would distract the beasts long enough for the others to escape. An honourable deed, if any.
Three however still gave chase to the bumping carts. Rabid in determination or in hunger. They're movements were tracked by the drivers.
If any tryed to leap, the cart could be wheeled left or right to shake them off. Although it wasn't a technique that was needed here, not in a moment.
For the cart in front had half toppled over a bridge leading into what looked like a small village, Khagra the driver, only hanging on by the edge.
In response to this, Urgoc hesitantly leaped off his own slow cart and onto the adjacent bridge in what could described as a bad landing for a dwarf.
By now the end half of the cart had fallen into the stream below, while the upper half tumbled onto the bridge side. Khagra was now lingering on the bridge's edge.
The small orc quickly huffled over to the other man and loaned him his arms in getting up onto the bridge. Weapons were quickly drawn,
the wolves had closed in on them. They couldn't flee into the town without being caught by the loins, so they stood and fought the sickening beasts.
Khagra unsheathed his sword, while the dwarf withdrew his flail from his back. A battle was ready to be performed, an act just needed to happen.
With that thought a wolf pounced onto the weak Khagra. Biting and clawing at his ribs while he struggled to put his dagger into the beast.
Urgoc had a similar problem. He managed to swing the blades of the flail into one wolf's face but the other dived for his gut in viciousness.
A quick response barely went to hold the wolf's mouth in killing the small man, he was literally in a battle of strength that he knew he wouldn't win.
Meanwhile Khagra had overpowered the dark wolf troubling him, by slotting his knife into the wolf's brain through his mouth at an opportune moment.
The dwarf did not have any such luck however. He had been overpowered and was attempting to grapple the wolf from beneath it's form.
In rescue of his master or friend, Skarc thrusted himself into a standing form in front of the creature and proceeded to pincer out it's eyes with
his digit feet. The canine bursted into screaching after this moment, as poison seeped into it's veins before giving it a terribly long, painful death.
In a berserking rage, Urgoc got up and dragged the remaining injured wolf to the side of the bridge. He bit an ear off the beast then went to throw it
over the ledge. Only hearing the splash of water as the orc slumped to the ground. His wounds had conquered him by now and he fell upon the cold
stone floor. He saw Khagra in a similar state to himself, Skarc curling up against his arm and what could be seen as a wreckage with a lone intact cart.