Thank guys. Im pretty sure this is what im looking for.
But I noticed that you've both used scripts. Never tried it before is it hard to do or am I likely to screw up the game / mod. Of coarse then theres the question that after i've writen the script which I presume is done through the pencil tab in the CS is it just accessed through the script lore in the creature details box, or do I have to do something else first.
Jac I have had a realy good look at your mod and think its pretty much the perfect creature companion, but I can't find how to send it home, if im not just an idiot and missing it is it possible to just add Miles_Acraeus script (above) to yours or would this mess up the whole thing. If I can where do I add it. I would love to use these scripts for my Dwarven mountain bear as hes a fairly integral part to my storyline.
I know im a pain in the butt and for that I apologise, but im working on a dwarf stronghold with a quest to;
A) Liberate mines from goblins.

Liberate Enslaved dwarves and re establish them within the stronghold as artisans.
C) Establish all the other slaves you can free in the game with their own little comunity (housing, shops, pub etc)
D) Periodic raids on new stronghold & community by slave traders, pirates and the Drens.
I've done quite a bit of work on it so far and I realy dont wona screw it up. Knowing my luck thats exactly what im heading for.
I ask a lot, I am aware of this but it is better to listen to the wise on matters you just don't understand rather than pretend you are wise to impress others.
P.S. how do I add the subscript to my posts like you both have above.