My most memorable characters...
Gentleman Jim Stacey - I adored this guy!
Caius Cosades- A bit weird, shirtless and with a skooma pipe nekst to his bed..
Divayth Fyr - Awsome guy, awsome armor, awsome tower and the keeper of my Savior's Hide armor..
Sotha Sil - Clock work guy with lots of fun toys
Almexia - What she did to Sotha Sil, Psyco woman.
Mistress Therana - It's quite cool just how crazy a person can get..
Barenziah - The old lady let me use her as bait
Umbra - Awsome Guy
Wolf - The truth about this guy suprised me the first time I played it.. Really cool..
( Name edited, CC to other CC, so many NPC so bad memory