As for how I'm playing the game: I'm already very familiar with the game, as I've been playing it since it was released, and I'm playing the vanilla game, mostly unmodded. I'm also completely ignoring the main plot, until I'm ready to end the LP, and I'm looking to do more or less everything else the game has to offer. I will be visiting every town, completing as many quests as I can get my hands on, and exploring as many dungeons as my feet can carry me to.
My character is very much a jack of all trades. He uses Marksman, long blade, and most types of magic, and considering the length of this LP (expecting at least a few hundred parts) I will probably end up moving on to other types of weapons/magic later on, once I've maxed out my major/minor skills, and start training the others. So, I really will be showing everything... or at least very near everything.
If that sounds interesting to you, here's the first part of the LP: (And the full playlist:
I'd love to get some more hardcoe Morrowind fans watching.