the thing is when i change what cell it is then i click ok then i open my mages guild teleporter again then its abbandoned mine again it wont change and once I get both doors down to where i want them they dont have that linking thing
You have to click "View Linked Door" - this will open the new cell in the render window and place a teleport marker at the door you want, which you can then adjust as needed. Once you've got that done, repeat the process with the second door.
I've got a related question: If you have a door that's already linked to another door, can you move the first to another place in the same cell without causing issues? I've already tried it and it works, but someone told me that the door's coordinates are what matter. I tried moving the door without moving the marker; I can teleport to the new location, but when I come back through the door to the first cell, I end up at the door's original location, which is floating in the void. I just wanted to check with some folks who know more about this than I do.