This post illustrates some of the feelings Skyrim has brought to me.
It's obviously nothing authentic, or even relevant to all of you at all, but I just thought I'd write a short telling of an Elf and a Human who has been through quite a lot in this gave, as many of you and your followers have as well.
Fell free to read, reply or post your own story.
(I'm not English, so cope with the spelling

Tales of the Past – Aéndriel
Aéndriel looked deep into Onmund’s eyes as he withdrew his elven arrows from the carcass of a previous live bear.
“You sure aren’t holding back on your arms today, Aéndriel. Are you having some heavy thoughts?” Onmund questioned.
The Wood Elf avoided the words of his human companion. ‘You should have stayed at that frozen college of yours, mortal’, Aéndriel thought to him self.
“We have got to move on… the clouds are turning,” he then replied reluctantly.
Osmund stood back for a while, surprised and yet somehow confused as he watched his elven friend march on rapidly.
They had been through a lot together, good times and bad times. They had fought a civil war between angry men of Skyrim, slaughtered at least eleven dragons, some fierce and some too animal. Aéndriel had saved his human life on several occasions – one time deep in the darkness of the ruins of Labyrinthian. The two of them had entered the gates of the dungeon without having a clue of the dangers waiting for them… lurking silently. Once they were in too far, they had decided to keep on going at any cost, Osmund remembered Aéndriel had said. ‘We’ll need to visit the finest inn of Whiterun when we’ve dealt with this godforsaken blackness’, Osmund thought to him self with a smile on his face. Such memories…
“Have you got rocks in your boots, Osmund?” Aéndriel shouted back at the day dreaming human.
“Arr, damn elf,” Osmund replied as he finally decided to tag a long.
“Where are we heading anyway?” the human continued.
Aéndriel turned up his pace, he obviously wanted to avoid any further conversation. His stamina was like the finest of the finest. Only a few had managed to keep up with him through out his bewildered life. In a cold-hearted world like this, Skyrim, you have got to think for your self, take care of your self and learn how to always conquer any obstacles on your way, Aéndriel had tought Osmund.
The minutes turned into hours and the hours into days. The fellowship had crossed rivers, strived through steep passages and climbed relentless mountains.
“So, Aéndriel,” Osmund initiated. “I’ve started to worry quite a bit. We havn’t spoken that much during this journey, I’ve just followed as the trustworthy and loyal companion that I am… I only ask of this, old mate.. And now, you’ve got to answer. Where are we heading?”
Aéndriel, who had just set up camp, turned around slowly, but determined. His eyes faced his friend’s, and nothing seemed told, spoken or warm. The elf felt a jab to his chest, feelings and emotions of remorse and despair ran though his elven body.
“Osmund, my friend. Please forgive me… My mind has been deceived. I’ve accepted a quest far beyond my reason... My heart has been twisted by a dark power. By Boelthians.... calling,” Aéndriel stuttered panicly.
“Turn your back to me, Osmund. Leave, flee… Forget all about me, or you’ll regret ever crossing this elf… Save yourself"
Osmund understood the message. He knew his friend.
“Aéndriel… I don’t judge. I’m disappointed, but yet relieved. I know you, and I knew something wrong had entered your mind. How weak you must feel… I can’t do anything but thanking you. Thank you for saving my life once more. Thank you for this journey. Thank you, friend.
Osmund stepped back slowly as his eyes was filled with tears of confusion, then turned around and never looked back.